I'm sure you have found your way here like many others looking for answers about tithing, generosity, prosperity gospel, or stewardship. This site is probably one of many you have visited regarding these topics. In the beginning, I wanted answers about tithing and found it hard to find it all in one place.
I practiced tithing throughout the first part of my life until a friend challenged me to prove tithing was required. After years of study and battles with my conscience, I finally gave in to the Word of God. This website was launched as a way for me to catalog my thoughts and my learnings along the way.
If you have come here to find an opportunity to excuse yourself from giving or to build up anger toward others, I am afraid you have come to the wrong place. Even though tithing is not required, the scriptures in the bible provide clear direction on giving cheerfully, sacrificially, and freely.
We hope our tithing resources help inform and encourage Christian believers about following biblical giving that is not bound by tithing but is sacrificial and cheerful. Our desire is to break all from the bondage of legalism and encourage everyone to embrace sacrificial giving led by the Spirit of God.
On this site, you will find many resources that will help answer questions about tithing and also prepare you for teaching others as well. Those, who question the purpose of tithing and Spirit-led giving, can find topics through the search box at the top. We hope that you will find fellowship and encouragement on this site to follow Christian, stewardship principles that God has implemented and teach others to follow that path.