Below is a list of all 36 bible verses about tithes from both the Old and New Testament scriptures. There are many bible verses that refer to other forms of giving such as offerings, Spirit-led giving, or firstfruits; but I have only chosen bible verses that explicitly fit the definition of the tithe. I have combined the bible verses into 17 passages where it makes sense as a whole and included a general paraphrase to offer a quick synopsis of the verse(s).
You can view the Greek and Hebrew words that we to translate the word “tithe” on The Hebrew word in the Bible most commonly used is Ma`aser. The Bible also uses `asar and `asiyriy when looking through a concordance. All these Hebrew words mean the same – to take a tenth. The Greek word used in the bible is Apodekatoo.
What are the Old Testament Bible verses about tithes?
- Genesis 14:20 – Melchizedek comes out to meet Abraham, as Abraham gives him a tithe of the spoils of his victory.
- Genesis 28:20-22 – After the vision of God’s renewed covenant, Jacob initiates a vow with God by offering a tithe of what he receives from the promised land.
- Leviticus 27:30-32 – The specifications of tithing are introduced into the law of Moses.
- Numbers 18:20-32 – The tithe is dedicated to the Levites for the work in the tabernacle.
- Deuteronomy 12:5-11 – God gives instructions for what to do with the tithe once Israel crosses the Jordan.
- Deuteronomy 14:22-29 – God gives instructions on how to disperse and exchange the tithe.
- Deuteronomy 26:12-15 – God gives instructions on how Israel should sanctify the tithe before they can ask for a blessing.
- 2 Chronicles 31:5-12 – The children of Israel do what’s right under the reign of Hezekiah, and bring the tithes to the designated places.
- Nehemiah 10:37-38 – Israel obeys God and brings the tithes to the storehouse.
- Nehemiah 12:44 – Officers were appointed to watch over the tithes in the storehouse.
- Nehemiah 13:5-12 – Nehemiah cleanses the storehouse and kicks Tobiah out of the room that was designated to store the tithe. He then restores order.
- Amos 4:4 – God commands Israel to bring back the tithe and reiterates the curse that is upon them if they don’t.
- Malachi 3:8-10 – God reprimands Israel for not delivering the tithe, and reiterates the blessings and curses that would be in result of whatever decision they chose.
What are the New Testament Bible verses about tithes?
- Matthew 23:23 – Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for not obeying the weightier matters of the law along with tithing.
- Luke 11:42 – A parallel bible verse of Matthew 23:23 as Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for not obeying the weightier matters of the law along with tithing.
- Luke 18:12 – A Pharisee brags about his obedience to the law and tithing.
- Hebrews 7:5-9 – Abraham’s tithe is used to illustrate a change concerning the priesthood.
Jay says
Why are so many people hung up on tithes?? It is neither gonna keep you out of heaven or let you in… a cheerful giver as the word commands! Yes tithing was under the law of Moses and so is it that if a woman has a baby out of wedlock you put her in the street and stone her….why keep the tithing law and not do that? Scripture says if your guilty of part of the law your guilty of the whole law…you can’t do part of the principle without doing the whole principle. It’s amazing to me the wayward teaching that has gone forth these days…
Siji Olawumi says
A very popular & respected pastor in Nigeria says that whoever does not pay tithe will go to hell since they are robbers- he quotes Mal 3:8-9.
Ed Stewart says
people make the Bible say what they want, not what it says. Malachi v.1 to Israel, not the church. Malachi is a book of rebuke to the priests who were misusing God’s tithe, v6-8 Chap. 2:1 “O priests”, If you will not hear… God’s rebuke v2-17, Chap.3:1-3 prophecy of God’s messenger, and how Israel’s offering will be accepted again, v.7 rebuke and return message to the priests who were robbing God, not the people, read the text, it’s clear.
Stone says
We tithe for the Levites (Pastors) amongst us. Where are the festival and poor tithes.?
Why not follow the seven year circle of tithing?
The law must be obeyed totally not in parts!
Why dont we stone people for adultery, fornication, blasphemy and others sins today?
Stone says
They are only concern with pastor salary, allowances and pension and gratuity. These are good. But they only apply to thise who work on rheir own will, 1Cor 9.
No one teaches tithing the biblical way, why?
Debra Rowland says
Hi Jay, the word also says in 2 Corinthian 9:6-8, But I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully, will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. While, I agree with you that we ought not to get hung up on money, there are promises given by God in His Word, and this is one of them. Please receive this in love which is how it is sent.
John says
“But I say” is Paul qualifying this as his personal statement. Just like his infamous statement regarding divorce. I’m not sure it’s completely accurate to say this is a promise given by God.
Jay says
I am in total agreement with cheerfully giving…. That never states how much but it makes it plain that no matter what you give whether it be….time, money, the word of God …that you do it “cheerfully” (happily) that’s all that meant.
Arusaye says
You have just quoted the right thing, but what the scripture you just quoted is talking about is a cheerful giver not a “cheerful tither or cheerful tithe giver”
Secondly the verse talks about “not grudgingly or of necessity” which means that a giver does not give because he feels it is necessary to give, today in our Christian setting we have made it necessary to tithe and necessary to give.
It’s clear from this scripture that if you give grudgingly you won’t reap the promises of God, if you give out of necessity that it it’s not from your heart to give but you want to give because you feel it’s necessary and that you will receive 10 folds it’s a lie,
So the Bible or this scripture went on to say “so let each one give as he purposes in his heart”
It clear that you much not be persuaded to give, it must come from your heart,
Thirdly tithe is found in the law, how many churches have been able to keep all 600plus laws in the Bible? None why is the particular law of tithing so important that the other 600plus?
Giving is not a law, it is a way of life that is why scriptures did not record any thing like the law of giving
Corinthians is a letter to the corith written by Paul, what Paul is sharing here is knowledge of who a giver is and what he does and how he does it, and what the benefit of doing it is (the promises of God)
Now we must seek understanding to the knowledge and wisdom to do them.
april says
this could mean how much work you put into something. hence you reap what you sow. there is not one place in thd binke thay specifucally states we have to give money to the church.
das says
Hey Jay, Consider that Abraham paid his tithe to Melchizedek BEFORE the law of Moses. Moses ‘codified’ tithing into the law but it was a spiritual principal long before the LAW was introduced. Secondly, Jesus endorsed tithing (Matt 23:23)…the originator of GRACE…said to tithe. I think it’s time that Christians realize that if we are true servants of the LORD we don’t have the option(s) to interpret holy scripture to fit our (selfish???) agenda/’theologies’. The WORD stands on it’s own, we don’t add or subtract anything from it without the displeasure of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. We need to get back to FEAR of the LORD and what that means to how we live a loving life before HIM. Soli Deo Gloria!
Jay says
Gal. 3:13
Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Stay cursed if y’all want…giving tithing didn’t work for me scripture says cursed you are if you hang on to that law (Principle). God doesn’t require our money as a prerequisite to being blessed..I’m an example, be obedient to the word of God….Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…
Nobody wants to talk about being blessed that way….I’be been blessed and refuse to follow that principle of tithing to curse myself! That’s scripture we can’t add to or take away from that….it is what it is and says what it says…
I’m a Dr for 30+ yrs….put 3 daughters through college….2 homes paid off….4 cars….and that would be a lot of people’s testimony IF they were good Steward over their finances. The Church is modeled after the home so if your bills ain’t paid…(scripture says, owe no man) PAY YOUR BILLS!!
As for Christians that’s the problem with the church….we have more Christian’s than Disciples. Christ did not tell them to go out and make Christians he said make disciples and disciples are the ones who are knowledgeable of the word of God and have a heart and desire to follow the word of God.
Jay says
By the way…Abraham was not commanded by God to tithe….he gave a 10th of what was given to him…(cheerfully) because he felt move to. So let’s not make this a biblical commandment by God.
greg says
Abraham did that only once. never again does the bible mention that he did it again. and also consider what he gave to Melchizedek wasn’t his.
Jay says
Amen bruh…. Truth is hard for some when they have been told and trained to do it wrong!
Don says
I would just like to say that I pay out much more money then I take in, and my livelihood is taken care of. Praise the Lord. Because I tithe and give offerings, He opens the windows of Heaven and rains down more blessings than I need. You can’t out give God.
Clarita De Guzman says
I agree wt you Don, since i became a christian , i started giving tithes becoz i was challenged when God said test me in this and oh ive proven that God doesnt lie. Im now 70 yrs old and our children and their children also are giving their tithes becoz we love God
Jennifer says
Yes, and it says to tithe food, not money. Give as much offering as you like, which can be money, but tithing is food.
Debra Rowland says
Jennifer, you must know that the tithe is now used to run the needs of the church. I don’t think the church can pay the electricity or the oil bill with food. I know enjoy walking into an air conditioned church in the summer and a heated church when it’s cold. There are also missions and other places that churches donate money to. Since I can’t go into all the world and preach the gospel, it is nice to know that my money can be used to send someone in my place. No condemnation here, but there is a law of reciprocity here. I have seen it over and over in my life. What would happen if we could just say, I don’t wanna pay my taxes to the gov’t? Just a thought
Jennifer says
The law about the tithe cannot be changed to suit our times, but we can and should certainly give offerings to cover all those things you mentioned. And offerings can be money, food, clothes, labor, time, etc, and can even be more than 10%. I’m not against giving to help the ministry and the people. I’m only speaking against using the concept of the ‘tithe’ in ways it was not commanded.
Jay says
First of all The church in the Bible has never talked about a building. What religion has done has put believers in debt trying to pay a building that holds no sanctifyied validity. The church was always the people according to the Bible People should stop lying to the people and stop telling them that God is getting what they’re giving when it is going to the pastor, musician, the lights, the gas the cable, car note and etc. God already owns everything we have so therefore he has no need of anything except our hearts. God is not please by our religious foolishness.
Stone says
what we do as tithing today is out of it. The law DOES NOT prescribed tithing salary or money or wages.
The levites are NOT prevented from working to earn wages.
The only title that can be converted to cash is festival tithes.
As it stands today, we CAN NEVER title the biblical way. We are not classified into tribes. Jesus made it clear in Mat 23 that, we are all brothers, No father, teacher or master to each other as a church. So no one takes the glory.
Even Jesus CANNOT collect tithe or be made a priest or levite on Earth. Why would someone else?
Thats why for us as Christians, God loves a cheerful giver.
Jay says
Let every man be persuaded in his own mind….Abraham was not commanded to tithe and what he did give a tithe of is what he got from his brother. Like I said, Tithing was commanded of the Nation of ISREAL… you keep doin what you think is right and I’ll do the same. Answer this though;
1) who according to scripture did the tithe go to?
2) what specifically were they bringing??
3) For what purpose did the Nation of ISREAL Tithe?
4) what was the storehouse.
2 Timothy 2:15
Jennifer says
<> You are using that line from a verse out of context. Although I think you are right in the rest of what you said.
Curtis Benson says
Hey, Abraham gave the 90 percent away, and kept nothing (it was a pagan tribute, not a tithe) Jesus was still under the law, and the new contract with God came into being AFTER Jesus died. So pay attention to what is really said in the word, and not what others say, study it yourself.
Jay says
What did he pay and how many times was it paid?? ?. It wasn’t money and he gave it once as recorded in the Bible because of his gratefulness not because he was commanded. Let’s tell the whilole truth.
Jay says
Biblically, who was it stated to to tithe?? Let’s not go by what we believe to be a principle….the promise is to those who were commanded to do it. It was stated to the Nation of ISREAL ONLY! If it works for you…keep it goin. I choose to be obedient to the word of God and be blessed, that’s how we’re blessed not by what he didn’t tell US to do. Trust me I stopped what you call tithing over 40 years ago and I promise you I have been blessed spiritually and financially to the point where God has made me a lender and not a borrower. Owner of multiple houses, put 3 kids through college, been an Ophthalmologist for over 40 yrs, family well and healthy, never had a light cut off…..married 30 yrs (happily) and that may be many peoples testimony when they start living according to the scripture all by itself and not what benefits us.
Adeyinka says
Good afternoon from here please I want to ask I paid my tithing but nothing changed from my work am doing please what can I do please?
Bro wisdom ozge says
Give to the need whether in the form of orphans, widows or poor without expectations?
Jennifer says
The tithing system is not valid presently. And it was food, not money, but is not in force, as there were 3 tithes, and they went to the priesthood, which we do not have set up presently, and they divided it as ordered by God. It’s best to give directly to widows and needy people, food or money, as offerings, not tithes, to help people. Not to get a return, but just to bless those who need help. Offerings can be food, money, clothing, time, labor, etc. Trust God for your finances and job, and don’t work on the 7th day Sabbath, and He may bless you more than you thought He would. But if you work on the Sabbath, you are cut off from His people, so don’t expect much from Him, except encouragement to rest on the Sabbath as He commands His people to do.
Jay says
Bible says cursed are those who hang onto the law in Galatians. Nobody wants to talk about that….the sure way to be blessed is to seek ye first the kingdom of God AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these other things will be added unto you! Bless you my brother
Kathy Y Singleton says
Malachi 3:10
King James Version
10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
For me and my household. We tried him and learned we can’t afford not to tithe!
Stone says
Dont stop it. But pls do it cheerfully. Domt expect that when economy is down, your money will be different.
What you are doing is appreciation and God love it.
Dont call it tithe!
NO one can fully obey the law of tithing today.
Curtis Benson says
I cannot tithe at all, and God gave me a home, without needing to pay rent for two years, what a blessing. Mal.3:10 is a curse, and Jesus payed that with HIS BLOOD, stay out of the old testament until you know the new one. Tithes is always been food Mat23:23, ooooooo read it.
Jennifer says
That is not how the tithing system works. It is food not money and goes to the Levitical priesthood, which does not exist presently. I would encourage you to give offerings, not so called tithe, to those in need, directly, and you will still be blessed by God. The pastors and ministers do not qualify to receive the ‘tithe’ (which is food and is to be used as commanded by God). If a church has a food pantry, donating food would be a good idea. A clothing ministry – donate clothes. Needs work done – donate your time and labor. You can give more than 10% for offerings if you choose. It’s just not a tithe. The tithing system is very complicated and what you are doing is not how it was intended. But yeah, the church needs to pay for the electricity and stuff like that if you want a comfortable place to worship, so offerings are needed
Jay says
Yes you can afford it…. What was the tithe? Rice, bread, wheat, grain, sacrificial animals. Who did he command to tithe? The Nation of ISREAL.
Why were they commanded to tithe? As an atonement for their sins because they were a sinful nation…
What was the storehouse?? A barn (never what we call a church). Nowhere in scripture will you find the word church being a building….it refers to the body of believers, not a building. The Bible says (NOT ME) God does not reside in any building made by hand or by man….?????. So we have made these buildings idols!! How you pay 100k to a building that gets paid off (that your name ain’t even on) but you still living a house that you owe 200k on??. That’s not being blessed that’s being Pimped. Sorry….not sorry. Do ya research my sister.
Shawna says
Abraham also gave only of his spoils of war, not his income. It was also a one time event. This passage can not be used to support tithing.
Clinton says
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!
Matthew 23:23?-?24 NKJV
Jesus literally commended the tithe. How can anyone deny the very thing He gave Himself for financial support, ministry costs money. Some justify not giving because we live in the grace age and aren’t under the law. All emphasis and work done until His glorious return is to be done by the Church that He gave Himself for, and often times that tends to cost money. You can find NT imperatives to give Matt., 1 Cor., 2 Cor., Gal. come to mind immediately. Is it law? No. Is it needed and necessary? Yes. The terminology has changed, but the need has not. I pray we are found to be good stewards of His rich grace that abounds toward us.
Curtis Benson says
Do you not know that these spices give flavor to food.
Tithe is NOT=Gold,Silver,Dollars
Who Taught You To Read.
I will not support any ministry with MONEY that disobeys God.
Jennifer says
The tithe is food, not money. Offerings can be money. Support the ministry with offerings and don’t think it’s a tithe. And being under grace does not mean we are not still supposed to obey God’s laws. We are forgiven for disobeying them, with grace, but we are not released from obeying them. We are to go and sin no more, and sin is defined as transgression of the law, of which Yahushuwah (Jesus) said not one jot or tittle will be done away with until heaven and earth pass away. Look out your window. You’ll see that heaven and earth has not passed away yet.
Jeffrey Morales says
Thieving gives a great blessings. So does visiting hospitals to pray for sick people or visiting jails to preach the good word to inmates. Everything in the law is good and you’ll be blessed greatly for it. But none of it is necessary for salvation. You have to repent to your Lord Jesus Christ and ask for forgiveness for your sins.
Jennifer says
You said ‘thieving’ gives great blessing. LOL. I’m sure it’s a typo, but funny. Tithe is food and not money. Offerings can be money, food, time, labor, clothing, visitations, etc. The tithing system is complicated and not doable presently.
Stone says
Dont stop it. But pls do it cheerfully. Domt expect that when economy is down, your money will be different.
What you are doing is appreciation and God love it.
Dont call it tithe!
NO one can fully obey the law of tithing today.
Debra Rowland says
Jennifer, you must know that the tithe is now used to run the needs of the church. I don’t think the church can pay the electricity or the oil bill with food. I know enjoy walking into an air conditioned church in the summer and a heated church when it’s cold. There are also missions and other places that churches donate money to. Since I can’t go into all the world and preach the gospel, it is nice to know that my money can be used to send someone in my place. No condemnation here, but there is a law of reciprocity here. I have seen it over and over in my life. What would happen if we could just say, I don’t wanna pay my taxes to the gov’t? Just a thought
james D buckley says
Jesus never mention anything about tithes after the cross. Tithes were mention in the old testament which was before Jesus went to the cross. Preacher and other people always talks about Malachi but does not understand all this was before Jesus died and rose. The new testament begin when Jesus rose from the grave anything before is Mosiac law.
Sekaleka PETER says
The law of Tithing is so important to us as believers however, how we can do it best is where God blesses us with a standard income. When ever our incomes are not stable, then it always require a financial support by God to do what is expected of us.