Here is a list of renowned Christians against tithing including pastors, evangelists, theologians, and authors. This is not an endorsement of their other theology or doctrine. Many names were already stated on Russell Earl Kelly and David Croteau’s, Slave of the World website so I have included their additions below. However, I found some names that were not listed. The pastors in the list are added due to a certain level of notoriety.
There is a direct quote with links to the sources for further affirmation of their non-tithing beliefs. You can also find non-tithing churches and Christian organizations here. If you find records in error, please contact me.
Renowned Theologians, Evangelists, Pastors, & Christian Authors
Arnold Fruchtenbaum Ph.D.
Founder and director of Ariel Ministries, an organization which prioritizes evangelization of Jews. Associate director of The Christian Jew Foundation – the largest Hebrew-Christian broadcasting ministry in the world. Founding director of Ariel Ministries. Author.
There is no need to feel guilty if somebody tries to get on your case for not tithing specifically to the church. The verses they use are verses that deal with the Mosaic Law. The storehouse was in the Temple Compound where the food was stored and not the church treasury.
B. B. Warfield (1851 – 1921)
Professor of theology at Princeton Seminary, Considered to be the last of the great Princeton theologians
“Dr Witherow most admirably says in words which it would do us good to ponder: ‘When told by sceptics that we are bound by the Bible to pay tithes, to execute the idolater and blasphemer, to put the Sabbath-breaker and witch to death, our answer is that the apostolic decree sets entirely free from these and all other peculiarities of the old Jewish economy. They are not names among the exceptions, and therefore are of no biding force upon the Gentile believers (p.193)’”
“The Presbyterian Review, Volume 10” p.332; 1888
Bob Utley Ph. D.
Retired professor of Biblical Hermeneutics. Founder of Bible Lessons International. Commentary author.
“I do not believe the NT teaches tithing because this entire setting is against “nit-picking” Jewish legalism and self-righteousness (i.e., Matt. 23:13-36). I believe the NT guidelines for regular giving (if there are any) are found in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9″
Bruce Metzger (1914 – 2007)
Biblical scholar and textual critic, Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary and Bible editor, Served on the board of the American Bible Society, Scholar of Greek, New Testament, and New Testament textual criticism, Considered one of the most influential New Testament scholars of the 20th century
“The New Testament nowhere explicitly requires tithing to maintain a ministry or a place of assembly.”
“Oxford Guide to Ideas and Issues of the Bible” p.493
C. S. Lewis (1898 – 1963)
Author, Professor at Cambridge & Oxford, known for authoring “The Screwtape Letters”, & “Mere Christianity”
“I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”
“The Joyful Christian” p.144; 1961
C. I. Scofield (1843 – 1921)
Theologian, Author of the best-selling annotated Bible
“In contrast with the law, which imposed giving as a divine requirement, Christian giving is voluntary, and a test of sincerity and love.”
“Scofield Reference Bible” 2 Corinthians 8 and 9
Charles Buck (1771–1815)
An English Independent minister and theological writer, known for his Theological Dictionary.
In the Christian Church The Levitical law having been entirely superseded by the introduction of the Christian dispensation in which nothing is ordained respecting tithes the divine right by which they were raised necessarily ceased Nothing whatever is said in reference to them in the New Testament though the principle is there distinctly recognized and enforced that the ministers of the Gospel should be liberally maintained by those among whom they labour Nor do we find any mention made of them in the earliest and purest ajies of the Church It was not till the fourth and fifth centuries after Christianity had been desecrated by its being forced into a state alliance that we find the tithe system introduced and carried into effect The tithes however
Charles C. Ryrie (1925 – 2016)
Author, Theologian, Served as professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, President and professor at Cairn University
“Not even the most ardent tither would say that the Sabbath should be observed today because it was observed before the law (Exodus 16:23-36), yet this is the very reasoning used in promoting tithing today. The New Testament teaches us about a new day of worship, and it also gives us new directions for giving. To tithe today following the examples of those who did it before the law would mean that only 10 percent of one’s income would go to the Lord and only on certain occasions; to tithe on the basis of the teaching of the law would mean that 22 percent would be given to the Lord as payment of what was owed Him; but to give on the basis of the principles of the new Testament might mean any percent, and given in recognition that 100 percent belongs to Him. The Lord’s work will never lack support if we preach and practice New Testament principles of giving.”
Balancing The Christian Life p. 92
Charles Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)
Preached to around 10,000,000 people, Remains one of the most influential preachers to this day – considered by some as the best. (note: Charles Spurgeon at earlier times had made contradictory statements from the one below, so he is listed below with others who are inconclusive or contradictory.)
“But you are not under a system similar to that by which the Jews were obliged to pay tithes to the priests. If there were any such rule laid down in the Gospel, it would destroy the beauty of spontaneous giving and take away all the bloom from the fruit of your liberality! There is no law to tell me what I should give my father on his birthday. There is no rule laid down in any law book to decide what present a husband should give to his wife, nor what token of affection we should bestow upon others whom we love. No, the gift must be a free one, or it has lost all its sweetness.”
“Christ’s Poverty, Our Riches” (Sermon 2716) April 18, 1880
Charles Ward “Chuck” Smith (1927 – 2013)
An American pastor who founded the Calvary Chapel movement. Smith’s influence now extends to “more than 1,000 churches nationwide and hundreds more overseas”, some of which are among the largest churches in the United States. He has been called “one of the most influential figures in modern American Christianity.”
“Now, I do not, and you know that I don’t, preach tithing as a requirement or as a law. “
C2000 Series on Malachi 1-4
Creflo Dollar
Founder of the ministry World Changers Church International that has had around 30,000 members.
“The new testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside gifts”
“He is not requiring new testament believers to operate in the old testament system of tithing”
“We are to give as we are able and sometimes that means giving more than 10%. sometimes that means giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ. So, every Christian should pray and seek god’s wisdom in the matters of participating in how much you should give.”
The Great Misunderstanding Service – June 26, 2022
David Croteau
Author, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Liberty University
“Tithing proponents typically fail to recognize that tithing is an integral part of the Old Testament sacrificial system that has been once and for all fulfilled in Christ. Hebrews, Rom 10:4, and Matthew 5: 17-20 all point to this reality. This may be the best reason why tithing is not commanded in the new covenant era: it was fulfilled in Christ.”
“A Biblical and Theological Analysis of Tithing” 2005
David Pawson (1930 – 2020)
Prominent Bible teacher in the U.K. Millions of copies of his teachings has been distributed in more than 120 countries. He is widely considered to be one of the world’s finest biblical expositors. An author of more than 80 books.
“I cannot ever tell Christians to tithe because it’s an old covenant law and it belongs to the law of Moses. It’s never mentioned in the New Testament when speaking to Gentile believers. Jews did it, but no Gentile believer was ever told to tithe. We are told to give.”
Erasmus (1466 – 1536)
Teacher, Early Christian Theologian, & Influential Writer
“And yet, disgusting as it is to see Christian princes in this field more inhuman than ny pagan tyrants ever were, yet this is a little less outrageous than the fact that among our priests also, in whose eyes all money ought to be quite worthless and whose duty it is freely to share the endowments they have so freely received, everything has its price, nothing is free. Think of the sotrms they raise over those famous tithes of theirs, how hatefully the oppress wretched common people! You cannot be baptized, which means that you cannot become a Christian unless you pay cash; such are the splendid auspices under which you enter the portals of the Church.”
“The Adages of Erasmus” p.122, 1946; Translation by William Barker
F.F. Bruce (1910 – 1990)
Biblical scholar, Author of “New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?”
“Each Christian must come to a conscientious decision on this subject before God, and not be content to submit to the dogmatic statements of others; and it will be surprising if grace does not impel him to give a larger proportion than ever the law demanded.”
Answers to Questions p 243 1972
Francis Chan
Pastor, Founder and Chancellor of Eternity Bible College, Author of the best-selling book: Crazy Love
“I don’t believe you are required to give a certain amount of your income. From my study of scripture, as i look through this, when i look at the New Testament; i don’t believe that we’re required to give this ten percent.”
“How To Respond When Bad Things Happen” 1/17/2010
Francis Turretin (1623 – 1687)
Author & Theologian
“From the salaries of the sacred ministers under the Old Testament (Num. 18:8-12), to whom were given ordinarily sacrifices, tithes, firstfruits, and other similar things, besides certain cities and suburban fields (Num. 35:1-8). Now although in the New Testament, we are not bound by those laws as to the special material from which and the manner in which the pay was given, still they remain as to kind and analogy, as is evident from the passage already quoted (1 Cor. 9:13).
From the example of Christ and the apostles, who did not refuse to receive from believers what was necessary for their support. Christ received from women of their substance (ta hyparchonta, Lk. 8:3), as also Paul from the Philippians (Phil. 4:10).”
“The Salares of Ministers, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, vol. 3”
Frank Stagg (1911-2001)
Ph.D., A Southern Baptist theologian, seminary professor, author, and pastor over a 50-year ministry career. He taught New Testament interpretation and Greek at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary from 1945 until 1964 and at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky from 1964 until 1978. His publications, recognitions, and honors earned him distinction as one of the eminent theologians of the past century. Other eminent theologians have honored him as a “Teaching Prophet.”
“It is clear that Jesus approved tithing as a part of the Temple system; just as in principle and practice he supported the general practices of the Temple and the synagogues. But the there is no indication that he imposed any part of the Temple cultus on his followers. Tithes were chiefly produce, formerly eaten in the sanctuary by the one tithing and later eaten by the priests. Tithing as set forth in the OT could be carried out only in a religious system built around a system of animal sacrifice.”
Frank Viola
“Tithing does appear in the Bible. So, yes, tithing is biblical. But it is not Christian. The tithe belongs to ancient Israel. It was essentially their income tax. Never do you find first-century Christians tithing in the New Testament.”
“Pagan Christianity” 2002
Franz Pieper (1852 – 1931)
a Confessional Lutheran theologian
Professor of theology at Concordia Seminary in 1878, and in 1887 he became president of the same institution.
Served on the Board of Colored Missions for the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America. He then served as president of the German Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States.
In the Old Testament the tithe was commanded by God ; it had to be given. In the New Testament, however, the amount of the gifts is a matter of freedom. The reason why the amount of their gifts is left to the New Testament Christians, and the legalistic ordinance of the tithe has been abolished, is given Gal. 4
G. Campbell Morgan (1863 – 1945)
a British evangelist, preacher and a leading Bible scholar. He was the pastor of Westminster Chapel in London from 1904 to 1919, and from 1933 to 1943. The Fundamentals is widely considered to be the foundation of the modern Fundamentalist movement.
I hear a great deal about the tithing of incomes. I have no sympathy with the movement at all. A tenth in the case of one man is meanness, and in the case of another main is dishonesty. I know men today who are Christian men in city churches an village chapels, who have no business to give a tenth of their income to the work of God. They cannot afford it. I know other men who are giving one-tenth, and the nine-tenths they keep is doing harm to their souls.
George Barna
Author, Founder of The Barna Group, a market research firm specializing in studying the religious beliefs and behavior, Author
“Tithing does appear in the Bible. So, yes, tithing is biblical. But it is not Christian. The tithe belongs to ancient Israel. It was essentially their income tax. Never do you find first-century Christians tithing in the New Testament.”
“Pagan Christianity” 2002
George Fox (1624 – 1691)
English Dissenter, founder of the Religious Society of Friends (The Quakers)
“It were better for you to plead for Christ, who has ended the tithing priesthood with the tithes, and has sent forth his ministers to give freely, as they have received freely.”
“The Life of George Fox” p.120; 1853
Irenaeus (130 – 202)
One of the first great Christian theologians, Writings were formative in the early development of Christian theology
“and instead of the law enjoining the giving of tithes, [He told us] to share Matthew 19:21 all our possessions with the poor”
“Against Heresies” (Book IV, Chapter 13)
J. Vernon McGee, Th.D., LL.D (1904 – 1988)
Bible teacher, Theologian, Worldwide Radio Broadcaster for Thru the Bible Radio Network program
“Today we are living in an age of grace. Under the Mosaic Law, men were required to give one-tenth to God. (Actually, I think that if the Mosaic Law is examined correctly, they not only gave one-tenth but they gave three-tenths.) Today we’re to give on an altogether different standard or basis. That is, we’re not under Law; we’re not under compulsion relative to this matter at all.”
“Q&A with McGee”
James Montgomery Boice (1938 – 2000)
He is heard on The Bible Study Hour radio broadcast and was a well-known author and speaker in evangelical and Reformed circles. He also served as Chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy for over ten years and was a founding member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.
Sometimes in question and answer periods I am asked whether Christians today are obliged to tithe. I suspect the questioner wants to know how little he must give to Christian causes and how much he can keep for himself. I reply with what I believe to be a proper statement of the case, namely, that the tithe was an Old Testament regulation designed for the support of a particular class of people. It was not carried over into the New Testament. Nowhere in the New Testament are believers instructed to give a specific tenth or any other proportion of their income to Christian projects.
John Bunyan (1628 – 1688)
Preacher, Author of “Pilgrim’s Progress”
“his paying of tithes was ceremonial, such as came in and went out with the typical priesthood.”
“The Works of John Bunyan” p.224, 1861
John Cotton (1585 – 1652)
“after much deliberation and serious advice, the lord directed the teacher, Mr Cotton to make it clear by the scripture that the ministers’ maintenance, as well as all other charges of the church should be defrayed out of a stock or a treasury which was to be raised out of the weekly contribution”
John Gill (1697 – 1771)
John Gill was the first major writing Baptist theologian
Hebrews 7:4 which is no proof of any obligation on men to pay tithes now to any order of men; for this was a voluntary act, and not what any law obliged to; it was done but once, and not constantly, or every year; it was out of the spoils of the enemy, and not out of his own substance, or of the increase of the earth; nor was it for the maintenance of Melchizedek, as a priest,
John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
John Huss (1369 – 1415)
Master at Charles University in Prague. After John Wycliffe, Considered the first Church reformer, Key predecessor to the Protestant movement of the sixteenth century
“they came to the town hall to present their petitions for their tithes. ” Ah!” said the lords,” you [Huss] said before that tithes were not purely alms; but you assert now that they are, and so condemn yourselves.” Huss noticed this absurd course of the clergy. “I wonder,” says he, with stinging sarcasm, . . .They condemned the article that tithes were alms; now they beg that their salaries,which are alms, may not be taken away.” p.275
“With Wickliffe, he had accounted tithes mere alms, or voluntary grants” p.274
John MacArthur
Serves as the president of The Master’s Seminary, Acknowledged as one of the most influential preachers of his time, Authored or edited more than 150 books
“You know what’s wrong with the 10%? Number one, it isn’t biblical and it’s giving for the wrong reason. It’s giving to fulfill an obligation rather than a response to a loving, willing heart, right?
Second thing that’s wrong with it is, it hinders what you could do by making you think you’re done. Giving is never to be by coercion. It is never to be by fundraising. It is never to be by compulsion. It is any gimmick is offensive to God.”
“God’s Plan for Giving, Part 1” February 09, 1975
John Milton (1608 – 1674)
Influential writer, Best known for ‘Paradise Lost’
“And yet the Jews, ever since their temple was destroyed, though they have rabbies and teachers of their law, yet pay no tithes, as having no Levites to whom, no temple where, to pay them, no altar whereon to hallow them: which argues that the Jews themselves never thought tithes moral, but ceremonial only. That Christians therefore should take them up, whicn Jews have laid them down, must needs be fore absurd and preposterous.”
“The Prose Works of John Milton” by Rufus Griswold, 1845, p.149
John Nelson Darby (1800 – 1882)
Founder of Exclusive Bretheren, Considered to be the father of modern Dispensationalism, Produced a translation of the Bible
“They proposed the subtleties of casuists and neglected the essential things of the law of God. Exact as to the minutiae of the tithes demanded by the law of Moses, they neglected justice, mercy, and faith, all that which was really important in the eyes of God. They washed the outside, and within they were full of rapine and unrighteousness.”
“Notes on the Gospel of Matthew”
John Owen (1616 – 1683)
English Nonconformist church leader, theologian, and academic administrator at the University of Oxford
“it is no safe plea for many to insist on, that tithes are due and divine, as they speak, that is, by a binding law of God now under the gospel. . . .according to the duties required of all the ministers thereof in the gospel, to sing unto themselves that tithes are due to them, by the appointment and law of God, is a fond imagination, a dream that will fill them with perplexity when they awake”
“Owen’s Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebews” p.430; 1840
John Piper
Bestselling & award winning Christian author
“In the new covenant. in the new relationship to God through the Messiah, who has fulfilled the law for us; we are not under the law. It is not the primary way by which we relate to God or by which we discern and find strength to do what is pleasing to God. And in its place has come what Paul twice calls the law of Christ. ‘Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ’ Galatians 6:2”
“Is Tithing Commanded for Christians” 9/27/2013
John Robinson (1576 – 1625)
Was the pastor of the “Pilgrim Fathers” before they left on the Mayflower. He became one of the early leaders of the English Separatists and is regarded (along with Robert Browne) as one of the founders of the Congregational Church.
and the old testament by the new in respect of ordinances whereof this was one If it be said that tithes were in use and given by Abraham to Melchizedec priest of the most high God Gen xiv 18 20 before the law or old testament was given by Moses I do answer that so was circumcision ministered and sacrifices offered before Moses which notwithstanding were parts of the old testament and assumed by Moses into the body of it and so are abolished by the new.
John Smyth (1570 – 1612)
Formed one of the earliest Baptist churches, Defender of the principle of religious liberty.
“Wee hold that the tithes are either Jewish or popish”
“Mr. Bern. pag. 156. of the Sep. Schisme avoucheth that to deny tithes, & a set mayntenance to Ministers is contrary to the Lords wisdom, who vnder the law appointeth tithes a set maintenance & ther is nothing against it in the gospel: I answer with the Apostle, the old testament and the ordinances thereof are abolished”
“The Works of John Smyth” 1915 by W.T. Whitley
John Wesley (1703 – 1791)
Theologian, Credited with the foundation Methodism. His work and writings also played a leading role in the development of the Holiness movement and Pentecostalism
“give all you can, or, in other words, give all you have to God. Do not stint yourself, like a Jew rather than a Christian, to this or that proportion. “Render unto God,” not a tenth, not a third, not half, but all that is God’s, be it more or less”
“The Use of Money”
John Wycliffe (1330 – 1384)
Theologian, Reformer, Teacher at Oxford in England, Translated the bible from Vulgate into vernacular English (The Wycliffe Bible)
“why curates are so severe in exacting tithes, since Christ and his apostles took no tithes, as men do now ; neither paid them, nor even spoke of them, either in the Gospel or the Epistles, which are the perfect law of freedom and grace. But Christ lived on the alms of holy women, as the Gospel telleth ; and the apostles lived sometimes by the labor of their hands, and sometimes took a poor livelihood and clothing, given of free will and devotion by the people, without asking or constraining.” ” Paul proved that priests, preaching truly the gospel, should live by the gospel, and said naught of tithes. Certainly tithes were due to priests in the Old Law — but it is not so now, in the law of grace.”
“Tracts and Treatises of John de Wycliffe” 1845 Translation by Robert Vaughan
Justin Martyr (100 – 165)
Early Christian apologist, Received sainthood by the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, and the Eastern Orthodox Church
“and there is a distribution to each, and a participation of that over which thanks have been given, and to those who are absent a portion is sent by the deacons. And they who are well to do, and willing, give what each thinks fit;”
“A Manual of Christian Evidence” p.443; 1868
Les Feldick
– Les Feldick, Founder of “Through the Bible”
“Many people are hung up on the legal system of tithing. I’ve got nothing against giving. But you are not under the tithe.”
Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871 – 1952)
Theologian, Founded Dallas Theological Seminary, Influential proponent of Christian Dispensationalism
“In matters pertaining to the giving of money, the grace principle involves the believer’s recognition of God’s sovereign authority over all that the Christian is and has, and is in contrast to the Old Testament legal system of tithing which system was in force as a part of the law until the law was done away (Joh_1:16-17; Rom_6:14; Rom_7:1-6; 2Co_3:1-18; Eph_2:15; Col_2:14; Gal_3:19-25; Gal_5:18). Though certain principles of the law were carried forward and restated under grace, tithing, like sabbath observance, is never imposed on the believer in this dispensation. Since the Lord’s day superseded the legal sabbath and is adapted to the principles of grace as the sabbath could not be, so tithing has been superseded by a new system of giving which is adapted to the teachings of grace as tithing could not be.”
“Major Bible Themes” p.253; 1926
Mark Driscoll
Founder of Mars Hill Church with 14,000 members. Author of multiple popular Christian books. Noted by Forbes as one of the most prominent pastors. Also named by Preaching magazine as one of the 25 most influential pastors in the past 25 years.
“in so far as percentages and stuff, the bible doesn’t clearly say”…
…”I’m not gonna tell you what percentage, but I believe the Holy Spirit will if you get time with him and ask him and pray to him and I’m sure that he would be very happy to help you figure out the number that God has for you.”
Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)
Professor of theology, Seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation, Known for “Ninety-Five Theses”, Translated the Bible from Latin into a native language
“But the other commandments of Moses, which are not [implanted in all men] by nature, the Gentiles do not hold. Nor do these pertain to the Gentiles, such as the tithe”
“How Christians Should Regard Moses ” p.139; August 27, 1525
Matthew Henry (1662 – 1714)
Welsh minister known for his work done in his commentary on the whole bible
“The tenth is a very fit proportion to be devoted to God and employed for him, though, as circumstances vary, it may be more or less, as God prospers us”
“Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible” Genesis
Origen (184 – 253)
Scholar and early Christian theologian, Author
“How then is our righteousness abounding more than that of the Scribes and Pharisees, if they dare not taste the fruits of their land before they offer first-fruits to the priests, and tithes are separated for the Levites; whilst I, doing none of these things, so misuse the fruits of the earth that the priest knows nothing of them, the Levite is ignorant of them, the divine altar does not perceive them”
“A Dictionary of Christian Antiquities” p.118, 1880
See also (pages 52-54)
Origen describes what would be the fulfillment of first fruits and tithing as the harvesting of souls.
Ray Stedman (1917 – 1992)
Pastor and author well known for best selling books – Adventuring Through the Bible & Authentic Christianity
Never once in the epistles do you ever read of Christians being asked to tithe. A lot of Christians today are taught to tithe, but I am always sorry to hear that, because that is not New Testament teaching. The tithe was a tax levied upon people for the purpose of supporting a priesthood, a separate body of people who did religious things.
Guidelines on Giving – January 20, 1980
Richard C. H. Lenski (1864 – 1936)
Lutheran scholar, and author, who published a series of Lutheran New Testament commentaries. Lutheran scholar, and author, who published a series of Lutheran New Testament commentaries. His 12-volume series of commentaries on the New Testament contains a literal translation of the Greek texts and commentary.
Although all of the apostles were originally Jews, reared in tithing, with not one word did any one of them even intimate that in the new covenant the Christians might find tithing a helpful method of making their contributions to the work of the church.
Roger Williams (1603 – 1683)
a Puritan, an English Reformed theologian and later a Reformed Baptist, who was an early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state.
A member of the first Baptist church in America
Arguably the first abolitionist in North America, having organized the first attempt to prohibit slavery in any of the British American colonies.
Secondly, as to the Labourer worthy of his Reward, I answer, we find no other patterne in the Testament of Christ Jesus, but that both the Converting (or Apostolicall Ministry) and the Feed (or Pastorall Ministry) did freely serve or minister, and yet were freely supported by the Saints and Churches, and that not in stinted Wages, Tithes, Stipends, Sallaries, &c. but with larger or lesser supplies, as the Hand of the Lord was more or lesse extended in his weekly blessings on them.
Russell Earl Kelly, Ph.D
Theologian & Author
“This book fully supports such giving as a freewill offering and a faith response from the heart motivated by love and the Holy Spirit. However, the author is equally convinced that preaching a mandatory ten per cent (so-called tithe) of gross income, regardless of circumstances, is unscriptural and causes more harm than good to the body of Christ.”
“Should the Church Teach Tithing” 2000
Spiros Zodhiates (1922 – 2009)
A Greek-American Bible scholar and author that is known for work in developing Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel International, a Christian missions and relief agency with operations in over 40 countries, and for publishing The Hebrew-Greek KeyWord Study Bible.
“Above all, giving should be a matter between the Holy Spirit and the believer, not a regulation. The “tithe” may be an adequate guide for determining how much some people could give (indeed, for many in a prosperous society, it is probably an inadequate level), but the amount of giving must be a personal decision. The Apostle Paul wrote that God examines the motives for the giving, not the amount (2 Corinthians 9:7).”
Tertullian (160 – 220)
First Christian author to produce an extensive corpus of Latin Christian literature, Called “the father of Latin Christianity” and “the founder of Western theology
“every one puts a little to the public stock, commonly once a month, or when he pleases, and only upon condition that he is both willing and able; for there is no compulsion upon any. All here is a free-will offering”
“The Apology”, Chapter XXXIX
Thomas R. Schreiner
Thomas R. Schreiner is an American New Testament scholar. He is the James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Even though tithing isn’t required today, it does not follow that believers should hoard their possessions.”
W.E. Vine (1873 to 1949)
English Biblical scholar, theologian, and author of “Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words”
“Love and devotion to God! That imparts the real value to giving. And this perhaps serves to explain why no command as to the amount is laid down for believers. To obey a command stating the amount or proportion would be easy, but what exercise of heart would there be? Where would the motive lie? Loyalty would be superseded by mechanical religion. Love would be replaced by formalism. Both individuals and local churches would lose their sense of the high motive which should inspire in the offering a loving response to the love of the great Giver Himself.”
“The Church and the Churches” chapter 17, 1994
Walter Elwell, Ph.D.
Theologian, Author, Professor of Bible and Theology at Wheaton College
“Nowhere does the New Testament require Christians to tithe in the sense of giving 10 percent, but it does reiterate many things associated with tithing: those who minister are entitled to receive support ( 1 Cor 9:14 ); the poor and needy should be cared for ( 1 Cor 16:1 ; Gal 2:10 ); those who give can trust God, as the source of all that is given ( 2 Cor 9:10 ), to supply their needs ( 2 Cor 9:8 ; Php 4:19 ); and giving should be done joyously ( 2 Cor 9:7 ). The New Testament directs that taxes be paid to the state ( Rom 13:6-7 ), which replaced Israel’s theocracy. Paul’s vocabulary and teaching suggest that giving is voluntary and that there is no set percentage. Following the example of Christ, who gave even his life ( 2 Cor 8:9 ), we should cheerfully give as much as we have decided ( 2 Cor 9:7 ) based on how much the Lord has prospered us”
“Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology” 1996
Walter C. Kaiser Jr
An American Evangelical Old Testament scholar, writer, public speaker, and educator. Kaiser was the Colman M. Mockler distinguished Professor of Old Testament and former President of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts
“The Scriptures themselves offer us a way of sorting out which commands have continuing relevance for our lives and which ones have been rendered obsolete by God’s having declared their usefulness to have ended. Even though the law is one, we are taught in the Bible to distinguish at least three different aspects in that one law. Jesus authorized such a stance when he used the concept in Matthew 23:23 that some things in the law were “weightier” than others. It is this ranking and prioritizing within the law that establishes the moral aspect of the law as higher than its civil and ceremonial aspects. In this verse justice, mercy, and faithfulness are heavier and weightier than the rules for tithing spices, evidently because the former reflects the nature and character of God.”
“An Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics: The Search for Meaning” 1994
William MacDonald (1917 – 2007)
President of Emmaus Bible College, Plymouth Brethren theologia, Author of over 84 published books
“The NT teaches believers to give systematically, liberally, cheerfully, and as the Lord has prospered them, that is, proportionately. But no mention is made of tithing.”
“The Believer’s Bible Commentary” p.1176; 1995
These others directly below have been stated elsewhere, but I’ve found either “inconclusive” or “contradictory” evidence:
- Merrill Unger (inconclusive)
- Chuck Swindoll (contradictory)
- J. Dwight Pentecost (inconclusive)
- Everett F. Harrison, Geoffrey W. Bromiley, and Carl F. Henry. Co-editors of “Wycliffe Bible Dictionary of Theology”. (inconclusive)
- Charles H. Spurgeon (contradictory)
- Alfred Edersheim (inconclusive)
- Craig Blomberg, Robert L Hubbard, & William W. Klein “Introduction to Biblical Interpretation” co-authored. (inconclusive)
- Gordon Fee (inconclusive)
- Philip Schaff (inconclusive)
- Philip Melanchthon (inconclusive)
- Otto Brumfels (inconclusive)
- Thomas Aquinas (contradictory)
- Adam Clarke (inconclusive)
- John Newton Brown (inconclusive)
- Clement of Rome (inconclusive)
- Cyprian (inconclusive)
- Robert Baker (inconclusive)
- Theodore Epp (inconclusive)
If you can provide direct evidence including the source and quote from those above, please contact me so I can update these records.
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