As we continue our ‘Tithing on Trial’ series, we will evaluate the most common tithing arguments used to defend its practice. So let’s evaluate another argument used to promote tithing.
Malachi 3:6 States That God Never Changes, so we must continue to obey tithing.
Malachi 3:6-8 “For I am the Lord, I do not change; . . . Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings.”
Anyone who says that tithing never changed because God never changes couldn’t explain these next NINETEEN ways that tithing had been changed. These 19 changes are not only examples of how things have changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament, but many of these examples show how tithing was altered and even exempted at times within the Old Testament alone.
Change #1
From This: Abraham tithed on all the spoils of war (Hebrews 7:4).
→ To This: Later Israel could only tithe from their crops or animals (Leviticus 27).
Change #2
From This: Abraham tithed items made outside the land of Israel
→ To This: Israel could only tithe from items grown from within the land of Israel. (Deuteronomy 12:5)
Change #3
From This: Abraham gave 1/10 of the spoils of war.
→ To This: Israel was commanded to give 1/500 of their spoils of war. (Numbers 31:9, 27-29)
Change #4
From This: FIRST, Abraham gave the tithe out of obligation (Genesis 14:20)
→ To This: AND then Jacob offers it voluntarily (Genesis 28:22)
→ → Then To This: AND then the nation of Israel is required to give it out of obligation (Leviticus 27)
→ → → And Finally To This: Now, we are under grace so we are told that it’s now voluntarily obligated? Huh?! (Galatians 4)
Change #5
From This: Israel’s tithe only went towards taking care of the poor, Levites, and national feasts (Nehemiah 10:38, Deuteronomy 14:22).
→ To This: Today, we’ve been told that the tithe can be used for anything including building funds.
Change #6
From This: Non-farmers and non-herdsmen (ie: Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, and Carpenters) were not allowed to tithe their income. (Leviticus 27)
→ To This: Today, we’ve been told that every occupation is required to tithe their income.
Change #7
From This: It was directly commanded by God to not include the best nor the first in the tithe. (Leviticus 27:32)
→ To This: Today, we are told to include the best and first fruits of our tithe, disregarding not only the Old Testament command in Leviticus 27:32 but also the New Testament command in 2 Timothy 2:6.
Change #8
From This: The poor didn’t give tithes in the bible, they received them. (Nehemiah 10:38)
→ To This: Today, not only do the poor probably see very little of the tithe, if any, but they are told they are required to tithe.
Change #9
From This: Most of the tithe was stored in storehouses to be distributed and consumed mostly outside the temple. (Nehemiah 10:37-38)
→ To This: Today, there is no storage house for the tithe, and mostly consumed within the Church instead of distributed.
Change #10
From This: Only 1% was stored in the Temple Storehouse, the other 9% were stored in Levitical cities
→ To This: Today, we are told to bring the whole 10% to the Church building. (Deuteronomy 14:28)
Change #11
From This: Some of the agricultural tithes were only given 5.5 out of every 7 years – The 7th year was sabbatical, so there was no gleaning or planting. The first half of the next year was planting. (Leviticus 25)
→ To This: Today, we changed it to give tithe year after year without a single sabbatical or rest.
Change #12
From This: Abraham & Israel gave a tithe while under the Old Covenant
→ To This: We are told it is still required under a completely new covenant.
Change #13
From This: Many types of offerings in the Old Testament were also required
→ To This: We’ve been told these offerings are freewill now.
Change #14
From This: We are no longer under the curse (Galatians 3:13)
→ To This: But are reminded that we are still under the curse of the tithe (Malachi 3:9)
Change #15
From This: The tithe was given to the Levites because they couldn’t have an inheritance of land (Numbers 18:24)
→ To This: No one is stopping ministers from owning land today.
Change #16
From This: Jesus’ own ministry was supported without tithes and also sent the disciples out without tithes. (Luke 8:1-3, Matthew 10:8-10)
→ To This: Ministries today do not follow Jesus’ example.
Change #17
From This: The tabernacle was built and maintained through only freewill offerings (Exodus 35).
→ To This: Today, we support the church through tithing while other “outside” ministries receive freewill offerings.
Change #18
From This: From 1 A.D. through 566 A.D. the Church did not recognize tithing.
→ To This: In A.D. 567 The Church ordered the payment of tithes.
Change #19
From This: God did not accept money for tithing (Leviticus 27).
→ To This: The church accepts checks, cash, credit card, and even Bitcoin.
Now that the evidence has been given in this court of law, it is your turn to decide