Here’s a tally of the most popular posts of 2011
The Annual $34 Billion Church Scandal
Found this astounding but horrific article on a blog called “Christian Headlines Blog” that opens up the research on how religious organizations provide a safe haven for 34 billion in fraud and theft ANNUALLY! Here’s a few excerpts. It will blow your mind!!
Tithing is for Sissies
Before you tithers get your panties in a wad and go all hormonal on me, get some tissues out to wipe your tears away. Here’s a few reasons that should convince you pansies to trade in your skirts and begin giving sacrificially through freewill, Spirit led giving.
A Look at the Prosperity Gospel in the Pentecostal Church
Data, collected by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life shows that the Pentecostal Church is one of the least financially blessed groups of religious believers worldwide.
Church Gives Automated Call to Remind You to Tithe
As i was going through my routine of reading blogs on tithing, i came across the New BBC Open Forum. Here the writer shares a story of receiving an automated phone call to remind him to tithe this upcoming sunday.
Tithing Debate on Revelation TV
For those who did not get to see the tithing debate with Russ Kelly in action on Revelation TV, here are the videos.
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