The Barna Group just released some new statistics on tithing and donations for 2007. – here. Interestingly enough George Barna takes a stand against tithing as a legitimate practice in the New Testament Church. This is all kind of exciting to me, because I’m in the middle of reading the book, “Pagan Christianity” by Frank Viola and George Barna. I am about two-thirds of the way through and I can’t seem to put the book down. I will write a post about that when i’m finished it, but I just mentioned it because I had just finished up the chapter on “tithing”. Ironic. . . i guess.
I just want to highlight some things that were said:
“Whether they believe in the principle of tithing or not, few Americans give away that much money.”
I would like to point out that greed is not biased to non-tithers. I’ve heard many times that Tithing is an antidote for greed. The reason why tithing does not overcome greed is that tithing is not the master of greed. A pure heart, that is undefiled and led by the Spirit of God is the master of greed. Tithing has no power over sin, but the Spirit does. This is confirmed because although Israel had tithing completely spelled out for them, they still had to overcome their greedy hearts. Also regardless of whether our giving is plainly spelled out for us through tithing or is an unpredictable factor through spirit-led giving, we still have to listen and obey. In other words, just because how much we should give is written in black and white compared to Spirit-led giving, which is not; we still have to put down our selfishness and obey one or the other.
“Strangely, tithing is a Jewish practice, not a Christian principle espoused in the New Testament. The idea of a tithe – which literally means one-tenth or the tenth part – originated as the tax that Israelites paid from the produce of the land to support the priestly tribe (the Levites), to fund Jewish religious festivals, and to help the poor. The ministry of Jesus Christ, however, brought an end to adherence to many of the ceremonial codes that were fundamental to the Jewish faith. Tithing was such a casualty. Since the first-century, Christians have believed in generous giving, but have not been under any obligation to contribute a specific percentage of their income.”
Many people are blinded to the point where they view tithing as a “principle” not a “practice”. George Barna said it right, “tithing is a Jewish practice, not a Christian principle”. There are 2 practices that come to mind when thinking about the Church. One, Baptism, and Two, the Lord’s Supper. Tithing is not one of them, nor is it a principle. I’ve said this so many times- tithing is a standard, not a principle. In the old testament, we see Abraham as the first person recorded to tithe. But we are not commanded to follow Abraham’s actions, we are commanded to follow his faith.
Barna also mentions the 3 functions of the tithe. Support the Levites, fund Jewish religious festivals, and to help the poor. At this point I see the Church doing a good job of fulfilling one out of three of those tasks. That’s if you want to equate support of the levites with support of those who are ministering. If we were busy trying to build God’s kingdom instead of our own kingdom, I think we would be doing a much better job with fulfilling the other functions of the tithe (not that I want the tithe and all its purposes incorporated into the Church). Just hypothetically speaking.
During the first five years of the decade, an average of 84 cents out of every dollar donated by born again adults went to churches. In the past three years, though, the proportion has declined to just 76 cents out of every donated dollar.
I find this statistic very, very interesting indeed. This is saying that for the first five years since 2000 that of all the donations given, 84% of them were given to Church organizations, but since the past three years, only 76% of the total donations had been given to Church organizations. So people have been giving 8% less to their churches and giving it to some other organization. I don’t know, to me, that is a big jump. Think about it this way, imagine if 8 out of 100 people stopped giving the money to their church and instead gave it to the Red Cross. Hmmm, very interesting. Maybe a little wake up call for our greedy Church budgets. You can read more about my thoughts on the house church movement and its effect on Church budgets
“If this transition in the perceptions and giving behavior of born again adults continues to accelerate, the service functions of conventional churches will be redefined within the next eight to ten years, and conventional churches will have to adopt new ways of assisting people in need.”
That was a part of Barna’s interpretation of what the statistics are telling him. And I agree.
What are your thoughts on the new tithing statistics and trends? Do you think Barna is on target with his analysis? Do you think this blog is on target?
charles m crabtree says
THE tithe is going back to the old testament and teaching
some of the mosiac laws, not all but only that which fits mans greed. The below scripture in the new covenant teaches the old covenant is history. Please read this.
Heb.8 KJV
[6] But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.
[7] For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.
[8] For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
[9] Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
[10] For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
[11] And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
[12] For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
[13] In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
Pat Eunis says
George Barna is right on target with his assessment.
I have been doing research on my own to determine what is true and what is not true about the “Tithe” in the N.T. Church. I do not take this lightly.
For years, my husband and I have cheerfully given “tithes” and “offerings” because this is what we were taught.
Now, we have learned that the scriptures do not address a specific percent of our income to be used as a “tithe”.
Jesus taught the disciples that we are to cheerfully give offerings and alms to the church, so that the gospel message can be sent out to everyone and the poor is taken care of. To me, this means that we are to support the local ministry where we are being ministered to. There are salaries to be paid, building maintenance to be done, utilities to be paid, etc.
We are not under the Law, but under Grace.
I am currently reading a book from 1979, written by J. Vernon McGee. He writes about Malachi. I would advise anyone who has questions about the O.T. tithe read this book. Dr. McGee has done extensive research on this Minor Prophet. We have taken this topic very seriously and have decided for ourselves that we will use only the words “offerings” and “alms” when we give to our local church.
When it comes to a determination about how much to give, each person needs to be led by the Holy Spirit. The really important thing about this is to be consistant.
For instance, we are on social security. At the beginning of the month, we determine how much we can give, and we divide that amount into 4 Sundays; so that we can give something each Sunday. We determined that we, personally, need to be givers in our local church. We also give or “tithe” of our time in our local church. That is the most important thing when we are being servants of God.
I believe that most people use the word “tithe” interchangeably with “offerings”.
Please, let’s get off of the legalistic merry-go-round when it comes to using these words.
The most important thing is that we, as Christians, are doing what Jesus said for us to do. Go forth, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him, crucified. We need to be doing this and making disciples of those who come to Salvation.
Z Anderson says
The account of the widow who gave all, two mites, reminds of that our Lord honors generous giving. She gave not 10 but 100%. Wow!
Sam says
You amaze still don’t get it??? She was a WIDOW..that’s who should have been getting some of the Tithe that others gave to the Priests? however she actually gave as well? she’s not required to and as a matter of fact I think that the 2 Mites as you call them where from what she may have been given by the priests but she still gave them guys are crazy, Pastors should go out and get a job period and stop being lazy.
Jared Brian says
Z Anderson,
Thanks for your comment. I see what you’re saying, but when you talk about how much the widow gave, you are still focusing on the amount as the important formula. As we can read in Luke, there was a steward who actually gave 100% of it back as well, but was not considered a good steward. Whether 1% or 100%, the amount is not the sacrifice that God desires.
brady says
When Jesus looked at the law he didn’t tend to eliminate old rules, but escalate them. Before it was “do not murder” now it is “do not hate.” Before it was “do not commit adultery,” but now we are not even to look lustfully at a woman.
Matthew 23:23
23“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
They were already tithing (as has been pointed out, in the old testament this was literally 10%). Jesus says they should be! and more. Give your wealth, but be sure you’re taking care of those in need too.
Isabelo S. Alcordo says
Protestants in the Philippines, regardless of denomination – church or cult – are being pushed to tithe by their pastors. Catholics do not tithe. Tithe is a legal term and is integral or inseparable part of the OT Law. Jesus said “The truth shall set you free.” Free from what? Free from the OT Law, of course! If we are free from the OT LAW, we are free from tithing – but NOT free from giving to the poor and for the suport of pastors and their families, according to the dictates of our hearts as Christians, and to support congregation-approved church out-reach activities and projects. But Protestant pastors do not teach their congregations this TRUTH. If your heart says 10% (of your committed income base), so be it. BUT THIS IS NOT TITHE THAT JUSTIFIES PASTORS TO CITE MALACHI! Another TRUTH is that the CURSE and TITHING cannot be separated. The term should never be used in Christian churches. Protestant pastors in the Philippines know this. Hence, their favorite set of verses with tithing sermons is Malachi 3:8-12. Is this not outright deception? Again, another TRUTH is that OT tithing was land tax to the LORD payable to the priesthood, hence only produce and products of the land were taxed. Malachi rightly declared that the Israelites that received land from God in Canaan are “ROBBING GOD” if and when they failed or refused to pay the TITHES!
Dr. Isabelo S. Alcordo, Ph.D. (Sci.)
Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines
Deacon & Usher says
Usher: You go George!
Sam says
First of all I would like to respond to Z Anderson | 15/04/08 when the The account of the widow who gave all, two mites, well you know that passages means alot more than her giving 100%.In fact remember she was a widow?remember in the Old Testament widows are supposed to be supported by Gods people rather than them giving?what an example!so in fact she was not obligated to give anything at all but yet they took from her??I am very passionate about this “Tithing”, it is mentioned in the NEW Testament however not taught? I mean all these clever people who make assumptions on Tithing actually being a requirement as a Christian to follow and also add that it’s the only way to be blessed are nothing but notions of the flesh and merely Worldly in their approach.We have already being blessed according to his Riches in Glory through Christ Jesus as we are told in the New Testament. Now I am all for giving however this 10% giving is nothing but nonesence and only for the Gullible, Are we not to give 100% of ourselves to God as we no longer live but he in us, are we not servants of God and suppose to Die Daily to ourselves instead of playing this bless me bless you game and loosing focus on what our calling is rather than being led by the Flesh and paying 10% in order for God to bless us back when in fact he already has, please forgive me but I am in fact saddened by how easly led people are.Church is for equipping people (Christians)to go back out to share the good news and yes also fellowship and most importantly Worshipping the LORD, it’s not meant for a social event where people turn up to meet for a chat, pay their 10% tithes and think that they are doing the right thing!Greed is the number 1 let down of today and it has also crept into the Church with all the nonesence of if you give God will bless, well first of all Christ tells us in the Gospels that when you do something good and in private without blowing your trumpet your father in heaven will see this and reward you, too many people I know that practice tithing in fact look down on people who don’t and this irks me.Why would God want to give us riches here on Earth when first of all it won’t last, and in fact all that is in this life will fade away??? but yet people believe God wants us to be Rich in this life and that’s why we should tithe and so on and so forth.Please excuse my punctuation and spelling, God Bless you all in Christ.
Jimi is for the poor... says
I do not believe the Scriptures support a New Testament tithe. However, I love the specifics of what to do with the tithe in Deuteronomy 14. Enjoy it and help the Levites who have no inheritance! Then every 3rd year give it all to the Levites, the widows, and the poor. If the church practiced this, we would eliminate world poverty!
Deacon & Usher says
Usher: Deak, do we eliminate world poverty or buy Kenny C. a 20 million dollar jet?
Deacon: I think we should buy Kenny his jet – after all, he’s annointed ;)
Sam says
Bahahahahahaha well said, yeah buy him a Porcelain Toilet seat to sit his backside onto it like one of the TV Evangelists did and mind you it only cost him $6500.00 US Dollars (peoples Tithes) Don’t worry about the hungry or Poor God will look after them.
quit blasting me says
To all those who are looking for a reason to not tithe:
Well here’s the deal…you go to McDonalds and you pay for your meal. You go to a football game and you have to buy a ticket. You go to the mall and you dont leave there with your selections without paying. Its only when it comes to church that you expect it to be free. WHO DO YOU THINK SHOULD PAY THE MORTGAGE ON THE CHURCH, THE ELECTRIC BILL, THE HEAT, AND THE SALARY OF THE PEOPLE WHO SERVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY? Whether you call it a tithe or not isn’t really the point is it? The point is you looking for a reason to not give. Sad commentary that many of you have no problem getting immersed in debt but then wonder why on earth we still have poverty all around the world. If you actually were giving to the poor and volunteering then you could make the argument that you dont need to give at church, too. But you aren’t, are you?
Sam says
Mate we don’t look at reasons to not tithe but the truth!This will set you free and not bind you up.So how do you feel now that you came out with these clever assumptions, When i go to Church I do not need to give nothing but myself , if you want to be a pastor then go out and get a job also to support your family and pay the bills.No you just sit around trying to listen to your own fleshy thoughts about people turning up on Sunday with the Bill Money, you must be joking right? The Bible is in Black and White and no where i am told to pay for the organisations bills and wages.If I was offer to train / coach youth or adults in a sport as a volunteer do i then expect pay? no I don’t (Registration Fees are fair) pay bills and I work to get paid, Tell me what do you do more for God than any of us to deserve what you saying? how would you know what and how much others are doing for Gods church? Assumptions huh? Anyhow you should be doing your job and relying on God to support your needs not others, that’s your calling and like all these TV Avangelists who are being EXPOSED you too will be also EXPOSED, so be careful with the words you use and also stop the thing about Poverty blah blah blah, if you are so concerned than what are you doing about it? Who are you to Judge Gods Servants, when you are merely just a man and have no right, Go and get a job if you want your Social club to grow and God will cause his Church to grow without you and your monetary issues, May God open you eyes and remember “Love” in Christ our Lord and Savior…
Deacon & Usher says
Usher: Hey Deak, when you go to McDonald’s, do you pay?
Deacon: Nope, I eat out of the dumpster
Usher: Kind of equivalent to the quality of stuff we get from the modern church ‘eh – just good enough to throw in the dumpster?
Deacon: I don’t see much from the modern church worth giving to. Very little ever goes into furthering the kingdom. It pays for a fat man’s salary who gets his credibility from an academic institution and orates to fat lazy christians in padded pews. So where’s the value in that?
Sam says
Sam: Hey Deak enjoy your meal, and what’s for desert?
Deacon & Usher says
Deacon: Lots of coffee cake from the women’s “aglow” meeting where they crochet doilies and drink coffee – ha!
Sam says
Haha ok enjoy it and may God blees you!
Rev. Bill Koons says
It is amazing at some of the name calling that is mentioned over tithing, not exactly New Testament language. Jesus and the Disciples preached from the scripture known as the “Torah.”
Furthermore our missions funded by tithing is helping people around the world. Most if not all denominations would increase their missions proportionately if people would get back to Biblical tithing. It has been my experience that most people who do not tithe (10%) do very little to further the Kingdom of God.
freewillgiver says
Bill Koon
Do you believe that all belevers are priest? If all Christians are priest then who has the athority to require a tithe to be paid from another priest? Martin Luther used a similar argument against the Catholic Church and their money tithes.
Christian leaders who sacrifice the most are the best Christian leaders. Christian leaders who expect the most payment from other Christians are the worst Christian leaders.
Jon the Baptist the greatest preacher of the old tesement collected no tithes. He suffered. Missionarys are the Christians who gennerally suffer the most and in U.S. evangellical churches and they usually do not colect money tithes but they ask for offerings. This is how Christian money should be raised.
Christian Schools are usually run on offerings and most Christan charities are run on offerings. Christian Money tithing is less voluntary it is usually practiced as some form of give or you are in sin idea.
Jesus collected a money tithe in the New testement from no one. Paul and Peter collected no money tithes from what is written in the N.T. They did give to the poor. Martin luther the great protestant reformer collected no tithes and said that tithing belongs only to the Old testement. so why should any pastors today collect tithes?
The telivagelist on T.V. come to mind. These guys on T.V. talk the most about other Christians responcibilities to give to the telivangelist ministries.
It has been my experience that those who demand money tithes the most and require money tithes the most are the highest paid and worst preachers.
All Christians are priest so all Christians must be the best ministers they can be and give only to the best ministries where the Spirit of Jesus leads them. Christian leaders should be first to sacrifice and last to expect payment.
Christ in US
Alpha says
Bill Koon = Confusion, Bill do you actually stand by what you say about Tithing? If you do then you are in error, you need to go back to elementary teachings of the Bible.The bible is according to the Inspired word of The Lord and not Bill Koon, now start telling the truth Bill and stop relying on money to do all the saving, that was in your own life that you would have done those type of things and expected to buy out the whole world…You need to remember that Father Abraham paid Tithe but never ever received it??? Maybe you have woken 1 day and thought that you were a levitical Priest? Come on stop the assumptions and go back Bill, Why do you people always think that your more clever than others?As far as I am concerned this is a trap and a temptation for Greedy people or should I refer to them as Wolfs to come into the Church and confuse giving of not just offerings but also volunteering to assist or offer your time to help..Instead all you hear from these types is give 10% and all will be well, if that was the case then it won’t work Bill cause it didn’t in the old Testament where God called the receivers Thieves? Then People like you who still practice this Law use these situations with the help of your father to convince gullible people to practice Tithing.. By the way Bill are you a Seventh Day Adventists or what denomination are you?? May God Bless us and Correct us so that we can go forward and not backward or sideways, in Christ Jesus.
Down Town says
Wow! Keep er up boys. Satin is loving this. Why God works through men and angles I will never know. All I know is that it is about an 12 inch connection between a man’s wallet and his heart. If man stops giving to a bad church nothing is lost. If a good church is cut off of funding by the saints, it also dies. This is not question of how much, it seems more to be a question of if you should give. The big deal seems to be if there is any accountability in giving. Of course there should be no accountability because we are free! I love this feedom talk! If you succeed in getting people stop giving, evangelism stops. I am not smart enough to know how God works. All I know is God works through men and Angels. God smiles on those who surrender to Him. Have fun with your own thought boys.