What is your definition of a principle? Is it the fact that the word “tithe” is repeated so much in the bible? Is it the fact that Abraham tithed before Moses came along? Is it the fact that God gives this way? A tithe is a standard, not a principle.
Taking my wife out once a week is a standard, not a principle. Reading my bible and praying for 30 minutes every day is a standard, not a principle. Donating 1 hour of time a week to my church is a standard, not a principle. Giving God 10% of my increase is a standard, not a principle.
Loving my wife, communicating with God, serving, and giving are all principles. These are all minimum requirements and principles that you find in scripture. All these minimum requirements are orchestrated for us by the Holy Spirit. I don’t have the bible to tell me what romantic things I should do this weekend for my wife. Sure, I am at liberty to follow Esther and Boaz. I don’t have the bible to show me how much I need to pray and read today, but sure, I could follow David’s example. I don’t have the scripture to tell me how often and where I serve, but sure, I could follow Timothy’s example. I don’t have the bible to tell me how much I should give this week, but sure, I could follow Abraham’s example.
The truth is, Church leaders are not afraid to let the Holy Spirit orchestrate people’s lives when it comes to serving, praying, reading, and loving; but when it comes to giving, our leaders’ faith in the Holy Spirit fades. We can trust him to move mountains, or to heal, or to turn a drug-addicted murderous pedophile into a servant of God, but to trust him to orchestrate people to give. That’s where we draw the line.
If I want control over my kids, I’ll just set boundaries for them. The Church’s control is no different. We do not trust the Holy Spirit to orchestrate others’ giving. So tithing is a great control mechanism to predict and balance our budgets. The Churches that actually practice financial faith only through Spirit-led giving, are few and far between. A church budget that enforces tithing hardly exercises the faith of a church budget that allows people to freely give where God leads.
Our church leaders enforce the OT tithe and bring financial security to their pockets and the church budgets. In turn, the congregation are the only ones practicing trust in God’s provision for them. Yes, In the OT, the Levities received the tithes also, but exercised faith because they had no part in a land inheritance. The Israelite nation exercised their faith in giving, and trusted God to bring the rains to grow their crops and feed their animals.
Spirit-led giving and receiving is a way that we can trust God to provide for us when we give, and a way for us to trust God to provide for us when we receive. A tithe minimum no longer predicts what will pour in. We just have to trust the Holy Spirit to prompt others to give to our needs.
What we need to apply today is the principle of faith. Faith starts with our Church leaders, and our church budgets enforcing and accepting Spirit-led giving.
Russell Earl Kelly says
Even if it were a principle it would only apply to farmers and herdsmen living inside of Israel. Nobody dare challenge the fact that tithes could not be accepted from lands outside of Isrel or from Gentiles. And tithes coujld not be used for missions. What kind of standard is that?
freewillgiver says
Exellent I will show this to some friends!
Sister in Christ says
I have just read two of your blogs and I have found them both to be very insightful. As a recent college graduate with a new job, I have long struggled with the concept of tithing in the modern church. First, because it seems a very legalistic way to give to a God that asks usk to give cheerfully. Also, because as a Spirit filled Christian, I have been disapointed with the fiscal integrity of many Charismatic churches and ministries. I think that your approach is Biblical and balanced. Thanks for your insight.
Brendon Jenks says
Good clarification about the difference between a principle and standard. I’d like to add that American households (Christian and non) don’t give 10%/year. It’s more like 2-3%. Interestingly, those households with higher incomes will generally give less than this. The OT standard of a tithe should be looked at as a goal. But that’s NOT the limit either. Our church operates on a very large annual budget. We receive pledges at the end of the year from parishioners. Our budget (or spending plan) is based on these pledges. This is a reflection of fiscal responsibility and being good stewards. It’s also an act of faith as individuals and a church body that God will provide the resources and ability to meet the goal. It’s also non-enforcable. Life happens and being good stewards means accounting for this too. We plan for a small % of the pledges to NOT be met every year. If you haven’t incorporated this standard into your life yet—start by giving a proportionate amount of you income every year. You’ll never regret it.
Brenda says
I agree on the 10% but is it every pay period or annually(first fruits). Is it every time you receive money. Everything I’m ready is talking about the % but nothing on when/how often!
Martha Townsend says
I am a born again Christian, member of a Baptist Church for many years and definitely believe in tithing of my income to the local church. Anything over and above tithing is a gift and can be donated to church or organization. I myself give my gifts to Christian organizations. I tithe to my local church the first of every month when I receive my monthly income and I give of my net income.