I am astounded at the number of visitors that come to this website. Each month it keeps growing and growing. we have had an increase of 74% more traffic in 2009 over 2008. I will tell you that it is hard focusing on one topic and still keep the blog creative and interesting. So this past year, in 2009, I have tried to include more of a stewardship tone rather than the monotony of tithing on every post. I think the variations help some of us to get informed about all the news about stewardship and finances within the Church. I must be honest, sometimes I have to force myself to read the recent news and blogs that discuss tithing. And then sometimes find a way to get fired up and energetic enough to write about it because it can be monotonous. Although, many times, it’s easy for me to do all of this. The hard part is finding the time.
This past year was the busiest for me. My wife and i have our firstborn. She is now 14 months old, and is adorable. On top of that, I picked up a part-time job working 3-4 days a week from 4 AM – 10 AM!!! Blah! Yep – daycare $$, diapers $$, clothes $$, doctors $$ . . . sigh. I own a web design business that’s been growing, and this year was busy regardless of the economy(praise God)!
Enough about myself, and more about what the goals for this website are this coming year.
Redesign of website
I own a web design business, and I must admit that my home page is horrendous. I am ashamed. The blog doesn’t look as bad, but it needs an overhaul as well. I am going to make it easier to navigate, find resources, and browse information on the website. I have been taking notes and brainstorming this for a long, long time.
Downloadable PDF book
I have a 150-page book about tithing that I’ve been editing (well trying to) for the past year. I will first try to submit it to publishers and see if they’re interested. Not counting on that, but might as well try, right? Ultimately, I will create a free downloadable version on my website. This e-book will be an invaluable asset to those who wish to study what the scripture says about tithing and biblical giving. Most of the book will break down tithing, but the other significant portion will discuss what true, new covenant giving should be like. Some of the misconceptions about anti-tithers is that we just want to stop people from giving, so this book will go on the offense and quench these unfounded accusations against us.
Blog improvements
Once the redesign is done, the comment section will have the capability to reply to individual comments and be threaded in that order. It will be easily visible to see who has replied to whom in each comment without reading down a long page of responses. Overall, I am satisfied with the performance of the blog. I didn’t think there would be much discussion because a blog about tithing and stewardship seems like one of those things that wouldn’t get much attention.
One thing i would like to advertise is the opportunity for anyone to be an author and post your own blog articles. Sermons, rants, debates, topical discussions, book reviews, cartoons, videos, and questions are all welcome on the subject of tithing or stewardship. For those of you who wish to post your synopsis on an issue, but don’t feel like creating a website for it, well, here’s your chance. Create your very own blog post. Even if you have your own website, you can write a new article for this blog, and post links back to your own website to help promote it. Go to our contact page here and submit your request. We are looking for unique and creative content that you have ownership rights to.
Russell Earl Kelly says
Pray and be open to a publisher who will place my book into bookstores. I wil even buy bck unsold books with a signed agrement.
Jerry says
Hello Mr. Kelly, great blog, I just discovered your blog couple of week ago and this is my third visit so far. Good luck with the tithing book, it is needed out there to inform and educate the men and women of God on the truth behind tithing vs. giving. If you are still open to submitting posts, I just posted a brief commentary on tithing and would like to submit a link to my blog or you can re-post on yours. Here is the link info:
Blessings to you.