As we continue our ‘Tithing on Trial’ series, we will evaluate the most common tithing arguments used to defend its practice. So let’s evaluate another argument used to promote tithing.
Argument: Israel Gave their Tithes to the Storehouse, So We Should Give our Tithes to the Church.
Malachi 3:10 – “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.”
There are good principles we can draw from Malachi 3, but using the storehouse as an argument to bring tithing to Church is not accurate. Yes. We should supply ministers and the Church body with food and provisions for their needs, but the principle in Malachi 3:10 is about supplying for the needs of others; it is not about giving 10% to a Church. Here are 3 areas to review on why the Church is not a storehouse for tithing.
Only 1% Made it to the Temple Storehouse
The temple storehouse only received 1% of Israel’s increase, the other 9% was stored in Levitical cities – not at a place of worship.
Nehemiah 10:37-38 to bring the firstfruits of our dough, our offerings, the fruit from all kinds of trees, the new wine and oil, to the priests, to the storerooms of the house of our God; and to bring the tithes of our land to the Levites, for the Levites should receive the tithes in all our farming communities. And the priest, the descendant of Aaron, shall be with the Levites when the Levites receive tithes; and the Levites shall bring up a tenth of the tithes to the house of our God, to the rooms of the storehouse.
The Israelites were responsible for giving their tithe to the Levites and in turn, the Levites were then responsible for giving a tenth of the tenth towards the temple storehouse. 1% of Israel’s increase was used for the support of those ministering and serving in the House of God. I’m sure the percentages today do not come anywhere close tho this figure. The latest giving statistics state that 85% of the offerings received by Churches are used for internal operations. The Priests only absorbed 10% of what was given to the Levites (or 1% of Israel’s increase)
The irony of all this is that the decree in Malachi 3:10 was not addressing the whole Israelite nation. It was only addressing the Levitical tribe since they were the only ones responsible for the 1% that was supposed to bring food to God’s StoreHouse. As a word of wisdom to leaders in our Churches who may be reading this – In Malachi 3, it was those who received the tithe that was neglecting their duties to give. Considering 85% is spent on internal operations, I don’t think we’re any better off than those in Malachi were . . . what a scary thought!
If you wish to read more about the Levitical cities, they are first outlined in Numbers 35:2-3, while other references can be found throughout scripture in regards to the storage of tithes and offerings within these cities as well.
Did Your Church Build a Storehouse?
A storehouse actually STORES something. Duh! Right! If you had a storehouse for your farm, that means you are safekeeping your grain to be used later for feed or for seed. The Church building, is not used as storage to preserve or distribute anything. Quite simple to understand, don’t you think?
Most people don’t pick up on the fact that Malachi 3:10 mentions two different places. First, God mentions a “storehouse”; then, God mentions a separate place and calls it “my house”. The two are exclusive of one another. God’s house is NOT the storehouse, and the storehouse is NOT God’s house. Did you think the grain was sitting in the Holy of Holies? Maybe they stored some of their corn in the ark of the covenant? There was no Shekinah Glory sitting above the grain house. God’s house was not a place to bring your goods or possessions. Neither was it a place to make transactions.
Matthew 21:12-13 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “ ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”
God kicked ALL the money changers out. There were no exceptions for those who were honest and those who were dishonest. Jesus statement was that in the presence of God, there was to be prayer, not business.
I know that I stated the temple is not the Church building today, so it’s not like these restrictions in the Temple are applicable to worship buildings today, but this means if these restrictions aren’t applicable, then it also means that the Church building is not a resemblance of the Storehouse or the Temple.
The storehouse was was not considered a holy place or part of the worship process. The only reason why a storehouse was needed was because there was food to store. If you are unaware of the temple tax; it was a monetary offering required for everyone to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the House of God. The temple tax was never kept in a storehouse. So, God doesn’t need a storehouse in order for us to have a reason to give to support His work.
One last note. If you observe the New Testament, there is no reference to a Church storeroom to bring your tithes or offerings. Nor was the word ‘storehouse’ mentioned whatsoever.
Our Storehouse is Not in This World
Let’s set aside the technicalities and semantics and focus on the spiritual application of a storehouse. Some of you believe that the Storehouse in the Old Testament, through spiritual meaning, is comparative to a church today. I get why this thought occurs to most people. But let me show you two significant differences between a church and the Temple and a storehouse.
1. A Building was Where God Dwelt – Isaiah 66:1-2, 1 Chronicles 17:6, 1 Kings 8:27
Our Soul Is Where He Dwells Now – Acts 7:48, John 1:14, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
In the Old Testament, the temple was known as the House of God, but in the New Testament, we know that God does not dwell in houses made with hands. We are the temple of God.
2. A Storehouse Stores Corruptible Things – Luke 12:16-21, Matthew 6:19
Heaven Stores Incorruptible – Matthew 6:20, Matthew 19:21, 1 Peter 1:3-4
The earthly Storehouse symbolizes the purpose of an eternal storehouse, it does not symbolize a worship building or any other form of infrastructure you may have for the local Church. The storehouse symbolism is perfectly described in Matthew 6:19-20 where Jesus commands us not to store up treasure on earth, but to store treasure in heaven.
It’s a disservice to consider your worship building God’s Storehouse. I know there are many great programs and actions that come through some local churches and their facilities, but certainly, God did not want us to focus on earthly legacies. He wanted us to focus on eternal legacies. If anything, Malachi 3:10 should be a reminder to lay up treasures in heaven, not to bring a check to the next service.
Here is a review of the key points from the article.
- Only 1% of Israel’s tithing increase was used to support the service in God’s house while 9% was NOT used within God’s House
- The Temple was not a building to store money or goods, and was not used for any financial transactions. A Storehouse was Not needed unless there was something to store.
- God no longer resides in a building and our storehouse is found in heaven, not on earth.
If a Church wants to consider itself a storehouse for tithing, then by all means make sure they follow the guidelines in the Old Testament. Otherwise, let’s not call the Church building a storehouse. In the mean time, let’s encourage one another to give as God leads us. May it be sacrificially, liberally and cheerfully.
You Be the Judge
Now that the evidence has been given in this court of law, it is your turn to decide
Jason Silver says
A little thought on the principle of tithing. Whuch I fully believe is giving 1/10th of the first of your income to God via your home church “storehouse”. It’s the household of faith, where we serve one another, fellowship, and receive ministry in the Word.
But concerning the tithe, let’s not forget “the Rule of First Mention”. The first tithe (1/10th) ever given was by Abraham, it had nothing to do with the Law, but out of his heart to love and honor God, Abraham tithed. It was later inducted into the Law as a practice to remind the Israelite’s of Abraham’s act of love, faith, and thanksgiving towards God. The writer of Hebrews says that we are connected to the promise and blessing’s of Abraham through Christ.
We need to stop treating tithing like it was a curse under the Law. It was never a curse, but a representation and reminder of the blessing of being in covenant with God.
The true issue behind those who vehemently argue against the tithe, is a trust and obedience issue. Plain and simple.
Many use “Well God loves a cheerful giver.” as an excuse to give less than 10%. Yes God does love a cheerful giver, but can we not give our tithe with a “cheerful heart”? The only one who chooses to give “begrudgingly” is us.
My wife and I have been giving the tithe (and offerings) cheerfully and faithfully in whatever local church we were attending for 17 years of our marriage, and individually before we were married. We have zero regrets because we gave and still give it cheerfully.?
Anti-tithing proponents love to relegate things they don’t agree with to falling under the Law, yet Paul the Apostle used the Law frequently to prove a practice in the New Testament.
1 Corinthians 9:7-14
“Who serves as a soldier at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat its grapes? Who tends a flock and does not drink the milk? 8 Do I say this merely on human authority? Doesn’t the Law say the same thing? 9 For it is written IN THE LAW of Moses: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.” Is it about oxen that God is concerned? 10 Surely he says this for us, doesn’t he? Yes, this was written for us, because whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest. 11 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? 12 If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more?
But we did not use this right. On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.
13 Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar? 14 In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel SHOULD receive their living from the gospel.”
Now Paul CHOSE to not use this right, but he STRONGLY defended the right using THE LAW as proof nonetheless.
Kristin M Dunn says
Even the devil knows the word of God.
You speak mistruth. Did Jesus complain when he carried his cross yet never sinned but only loved others. He shared the everlasting promise to all who had faith and believed in his Father in heaven. He gave thanks first to his Father and he prayed incessantly to Him. He over turned the tables exchanging money.
Your defense is that Paul said he deserves material things for how hard he worked? Does Paul forget he came naked and naked he returns to earth?
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so they’ll be food in my house said Jesus. That means you go and pet someone in the back or you give someone a smile or you pay for their meal or you buy someone a car or maybe you go and care for someone when they’re sick or maybe even when you’re out and about you just do some simple act of kindness because God loves all of his children and we are all one and as he says before you bring your offerings to the altar go make right with your brother first!!!
God is Love. Love conquers all.
DAH says
ok I’ve brought tithe faithfull 10% and 5% in offerings, I recently had a serious surgery not once was I visited at the hospital or home just sent a text all the while my wife still sent tithing and offering. What would you do? Also I did go up for prayer hoping for a miracle or a healing instead of surgery I dont blame anyone but am left bewidered. the attendace is anywhere from 200 to 350 people but feel like if you’re going to preach Malachi then don’t stand on the abrahamic 10% to melchisedec Faith or stand on both of them but if you’re going to preach tithing and use Malachi then there ought to be a storehouse and the money should be distributed remember Abraham had man manservants all types of things they went to battle and he gave a tenth of the spoils to melchisedec.
So let’s not leave that out it was a tenth of what they raided from other people, so what are you going to stand on? Do I need to go raiding the enemy as Abraham did in Genesis chapter 14 taking their belongings and bring it to the church or should there be a storehouse for me to bring a tenth to because either way your argument is lacking.
Abraham actually kept nothing for himself only got his brother back his belongings women children Etc and whatever the men eight and used he said these things ain’t going to make me Rich the king of Sodom wasn’t going to take credit God had already blessed Abram and Abram was not going to give the credit to anybody else but God so what do you think?
MLucas says
It’s funny, I came on this site to get a better understanding of what a storehouse was but seeing the response to word of truth that was shared, I feel compelled to share from another perspective….Tithing is not about patting someone on the back or buying someone a meal. When Jesus said “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so they’ll be food in my house” he was not just referring to natural food but spiritual. Without the natural means (money) to take care of the house of God, the doors would close, and the spiritual food (Word of God) would not be able to be shared with the people.
Tithing is about giving back to God what is already His in the first place. In Malachi when God says “will a man rob God” he was not only referring to money but of our time, talents, creativity, and anything else we have to offer. He requires a 1oth as a means to see our willingness to obey, and in turn He will “rebuke the devour,” which again does not only mean only our money, but our family, our health, our children/grandchildren, etc. The devour comes when we decide that we will either A) not give God a tenth of all our increase (disobedience) or B) do it with a grudging heart (greedy spirit). Tithes and offering are two different things. Offering allows God an opportunity to give his people increase.
The argument that the devil knows the word is true but the word of God also says “My people parish because of a lack of knowledge.” He says for us to “study the Word to show ourselves approved” and in “all that we get to get understanding.” What happens is that we do not want to give of our finances so we believe it to be a “mistruth.” The devil is a lie and he will blind our eyes to the truth if we let him but when we resist the devil he has to flee. But that is why God says “try me now in this” in Malachi.
I tried Him and seen Him move on my behalf. As a baby in Christ in 2008, I went from only having $241 a month to survive on with 3 kids (2 smalls ones) in the house (and I paid my tithes faithfully), to a job I was not qualified for in 2011 and making more than I ever thought I would be able to today without a degree.
May the eyes of your understanding be enlightened to the revelatory word of God.
God Bless.
Cliff Houser says
Thithing was for the levites .
The Levites were given no inheritance. The offering where an ordinance as where the burnt offering for sin . The Livites took care of the Ark of the Covenant, the Tempel and altar and burnt offerings. The Levites got the 10% for they were the Preist and had no inheritance and the rest, 90% was for God and to do with as God commanded .
Man could not find salvation in the law because they could not keep the law.
Jesus gave his life for our sins and to defeat death which is the Devil . God does not want our burnt offering, God wants our love. That’s why God himself walked in the flesh . I’m the beginning was the Word , and the Word was God . The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by God ; and without God was not anything made that was made.
In God God was life ; and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the dark comprehended it not.
And the Word was made flesh , and dwelt among us .
Give freely the word , be chairitble, joyful . A pasture or teacher is due is pay but a pasture , preacher or what ever he calls himself is in it for fame and fortune is not called of God .
Kb says
God didnt bless you because you paid tithing faithfully, he blessed you because of your faith. People pay tithes and nothing never happens, that’s because their lack of faith. Once you understand that faith moves mountains you will then understand that it wasn’t your money that moved God.
Mary Schrader says
`Kristin M Dunn is absolutely right!! Bringing our tithes into the Storehouse is helping our Fellow Man through the Love of giving to those in need. That scripture plainly tells us the storehouse is heaven, and when we depart this beautiful earth that God has put us on to do his work, we will be rewarded by God by dwelling with him in Heaven.
Kohl Crittenden says
Prayers goes up and blessing comes down . If you got the 10% give it without wonders just go for it . The unthinkable don’t worry about your finances god will pay the way as he said in his book that he created for the universe as he looking upon now . The devil thinks that he will have the last fight at the end but god has the final say. I’m a witness since Day 1 if he did it before then he can most certainly do it again. We all might slip up and question after or before the fact but god knows every trials and tribulations in everyone life as I type this message. Not today satan! Everything that the devil and his demons trolls stoled god’s given back to me . Ha ha Ha – *Gods Child * P.s. I hope to receive my mansion upstairs dear lord with my granny 3,7 . *Prayers Hand*
DAH says
ok I’ve brought tithe faithfull 10% and 5% in offerings, I recently had a serious surgery not once was I visited at the hospital or home just sent a text all the while my wife still sent tithing and offering. What would you do? Also I did go up for prayer hoping for a miracle or a healing instead of surgery I dont blame anyone but am left bewidered. the attendace is anywhere from 200 to 350 people but feel like if you’re going to preach Malachi then don’t stand on the abrahamic 10% to melchisedec Faith or stand on both of them but if you’re going to preach tithing and use Malachi then there ought to be a storehouse and the money should be distributed remember Abraham had man manservants all types of things they went to battle and he gave a tenth of the spoils to melchisedec.
So let’s not leave that out it was a tenth of what they raided from other people, so what are you going to stand on? Do I need to go raiding the enemy as Abraham did in Genesis chapter 14 taking their belongings and bring it to the church or should there be a storehouse for me to bring a tenth to because either way your argument is lacking.
Abraham actually kept nothing for himself only got his brother back his belongings women children Etc and whatever the men eight and used he said these things ain’t going to make me Rich the king of Sodom wasn’t going to take credit God had already blessed Abraham and Abraham was not going to give the credit to anybody else but God so what do you think?
Sue says
My understanding of ‘the tithe’ that Abram gave was from the spoils of war/plunder. so it never really was his in the first place. the fact that he honoured God with a 10% gift from this plunder doesn’t mean he did this regularly as a part of his every day work
Lungie says
Jesus said to Peter on this rock I will build my church and another says my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, another says look for a place that will carry my name and thou shall assemble in that place at certain times, the place is a tebarnacle, now tell me, which of these is the storehouse? The tithe is the first fruit of our harvest but already when we receive our salaries, tax and other deductions have already been paid. Are we really giving priority to God or government? The Bible talks about the workers sharing the tithe and the priest being given the tithe of the tithe. Are our ushers in today’s church being paid or all is going to church? God is looking for distributors not people who will store wealth and buy expensive cars, mansions when others lack. God is love and His first characteristic is givin, for He gave His only begotten Son… Is your tabernacle giving to the poor? Is it looking after widows and orphans? Not judging but God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge. God gave us the spirit of truth and sound mind not confusion. I read more than 10 verses that talk about God delighting only in thanksgiving and praise. To be honest, to me tithe is a seed, I cannot eat the seed but sow and in every fruit is a seed. But do you sow one crop in the same land or you sow your seed all around and do crop rotation. Members give tithe and also partner with ministries, which is which? Members are made to believe they are preventing pests and all that, in other words tithe is insurance. Knowing my Father, no value of money can ever buy him or His love. He says freely I have given, you see there is no charge there. What about Jacob, He anointed a rock as his place of tithe? Again there is instruction to keep tithe and in the 3rd month of Abib, you distribute or if the place you chose to give your tithe to is far, you choose a place and go and spend all of it there. Why then are we not mentioning this? And it also says if anyone comes seeking help, you take from tithe and help.
Odekunle says
But when food is more than enough in the house is it still right to keep collecting despite the fact that you have more than you need?
Philly says
The whole chapter of Hebrews 7 was about tithing and Paul made it clear that, ” Because there was a change in the priesthood, there was a change in the law (tithing law).
Please prayfully go into the new testament deeply Jason, and ask God to help u get the right understanding about tithing. If your heart is right, u will change your mind.
It is very, very wrong to give so much money to a pastor to support his lifestyle when there are so many underprivileged people in need of financial help. What a terrible example we set to our communities when we don’t help those that are struggling and our pastors are travelling around the world on member’s tithes and living in nice homes.
Laura says
I make food and feed the homeless plus major house hold goods and clothing big blankets to ppl sleeping in 30 below temp at least twice a year. This is where l give. I am on a disability mention but father God sehow allows me to give a lot to the needy
mel says
You are reaching Jason
I doubt God had any “law of first mention” in mind when he inspired his authors to write scripture. You can’t interpret anything on the basis of this law of first mention.
Fact of the matter is, tithing is not a requirement for the church. All of the other stuff you said sounds nice, but lets just stick to the facts. Tithing is law. Thats it!
William Cook says
There is no such thing in scriptures as the principle of tithing. It is a scam and a lie to convince People to tithe 10% of their monetary income to a church/padtor which God never commanded.
Preach says
You sir are wrong. Take the whole Bible instead of a Bible full of holes. Quote some Galatians while you are butchering up God’s word. The New Testament Church was established after the death of Jesus and the rules we abide by come from ACTS forward. Please read Hebrews 9-10. Also The New Testament Church was bound by giving cheerfully and from the heart. If one reads Act 2 forward they would recognized the NT Church gave more than an obligated 10th.
Zyla says
The full tithe of Mal 3:10 does not refer to money. “ You have robbed me… Link in context with Matthew 21:12-14. My house is not a house of robbers but a house of prayer. A tithe of prayer per day would be 224 minutes by the levite priests. The Levite priests were addressed in the Book of Malachi. See chapter 2: broken the covenent of Levi. Shalom Zyla in South Africa
Marcel van der Hoff says
There are many principles on giving in the Bible, like if you saw bountifully you will reap bountifully, a.s.o. There is a great joy in giving. But I think it has not only to do with money, but also giving your time to for example the poor, the needy a.s.o. God promises you will not have any need yourself ! Paying every month (not biblical) you tithes to a church can be as a yoke and will cause you headache every time to be sure you give enough tithes ! The whole tithingproblem is solved by giving more than tithes if you are able, but do it with a joyful heart ! God loves the joyful giver !
So we as New Covenantbelievers should do what we can without taking any uncomfortable yokes upon us, His yoke is easy and His burden light ! (do not forget to put the jews,Israel first !)
James Earl Jones says
The Abraham tithe was of the spoils NOT his income or even of his land. The tithe became law to the Levicitical priests (Priests under the order of Aaron) as God said they would have no portion. Once the Levicitical priests ceased to exist when Jesus the High Priest under the order of Melchizedek, this tithe was done away with. The “church tithe” so many pastors don’t understand and misuse to gain money was a Jewish Pharisee temple tax. They charged 2 shekels to enter the synagogue. It was NOT a tithe. Lastly the tithe was never money. It was only ever referred to as the fruit of the LAND.
Todd Minichiello says
Think there is multiple parts to tithing need to look at not just financially. How do you spend time, money, mental time, physical energy, towards God or on world? Also how much you investing in God in self? in prayer, Word, fasting, worship and most importantly serving God in community in people (Matthew 25) being salt in world and hallowing investing His kingdom here on earth with time as well as money. Last part referring to more business as missions. That that is one return on investment (ROI) that will keep on giving. That is truly I believe storing up treasures in heaven and a real reflection of where your heart is.
In regards to investing into your church think it all goes into where are they stewarding the funds, how are they investing it. Same scripture applies to churchs “for where treasure is that is where heart (church) is also” churchs should and need to have outreach and evangelism team, discipleship training (not talking small groups) but Fellowship is very important. Partnerships with agency’s that are already serving. Look and see where church is spending money and it will show you it’s heart. Discern and invest wisely. But always into God! No doubt. But how do is not so black and white.
Art says
Everything ends up with our attitude of giving. May you use the tithe as your measurement of giving or not – the way I see it always goes back to love. Brown said “you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving”. John in his epistles points out that obedience is a clear sign of love for God. I use the tithe as a starter in my giving and gradually increases it simply because I love God. May the church use it for the ministry or may they not be a good steward, i will still reap the blessing promised because I obey.
Jonas Bohlin says
The tithe is the minimum that we are to give. We are instructed to tithe in the New Testament, but you are right, under grace it becomes an issue of the heart, but it does not disappear. I respect the fact that you love God and serve Him, but I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
Matthew 5:17-19 (NASB)
17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.
18 “For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
19 “Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Josh says
I love your reference to Mathew and what Jesus said about the Law. Now, let me ask you a question. Did he fulfill the law? Did he do what he said he came to do or did he leave it undone. Did he accomplish all? If he didn’t, then his work is not complete and Jesus did not do what he said he came to do. However, we know Jesus fulfilled the law and completed the work as he said, it is finished. This, the law was never abolished, it was fulfilled and nailed to the cross.
Fidel Forleans says
Wow! Thanx Josh. So the the law’s fullfillment is done in one person; YESHUA. This is unacceptable to the law keepers; to them the law remains unfullfilled as a sapegoat.If their arguement is true I am wondering, what YESHUA meant when HE uttered “It is finished” while hanging on the cross.
Luis says
God Bless., As a new testament believer In Christ Jesus our Lord i think it’s simple,. whether you want to put yourself under a 10% tithe for whatever reason “God knows your heart” and that should be cross referenced through scripture also (greed,sordid gain) our interest should not be on money, Jesus taught alot against that., or even if you don’t want to give it. we are under Grace not Law,. so that basically means it is to be done as God Leads You,. the sons of God are lead by the Spirit. we are to abide in Christ, and also we are complete in Christ. so i see it like circumcision it neither ads or takes away, but actually could be a little leaven (misleading and hypocriticle) i think it is a means for the apostate church today to fleece the flock and the people don’t mind because they’re taught they will get more and since they love this world and the things of it, it’s good for there way of philosophy anyways., or that they are CURSED if they don’t give,. yikes,. that’s pretty ugly to be telling Gods Christian Children that they are cursed unless they give you there money,.. wow! the word of God says that we should not give by Compulsion (persuasion, manipulation)So for me it’s simple ALL My Faith is in the Finished work of Jesus Christ and I live by Faith in Him, He Leads me and i am comfortable with that,. if anyone tries to put a curse on me or tell me that i am cursed because i don’t do what they say or what they “think” the bible says,. I simply point to Christ,. You whoever you are will have to give account to God one day for condemning and cursing Gods people, whoever you are…
Luis says
By the way,. Beloved brothers and sisters :) hehe. God knows those who are His anyways,. I do give but not to these people who are building these great big million dollar buildings and spending our money on lustful worldy living,. I give as God leads to people in need,. I would really like to see those churches and church people go out into the highways and byways the needy and make it a heart issue to minister to the lost and there needs,. true religion is this: to care for the orphan and the widow,. the needy,. Quit being greedy Church, go buy a lotto ticket if you want to get rich(1 Timothy 6:8-10)God does not provide your Greeds… and Pastors put that faith you claim to have “On God” quit taking the peoples money….
Ann says
It’s not people’s money. God expect us to give. What the leaders do with it,it’s up to them. Giving is a Biblical principle. What ever we have belongs to GOD.
billy says
very true its a principle not based on personal opinion
Josh says
Quite simply. Tithing was an ordinance of the law from Numbers chapter 18. This is what the Levites broke and why God was rebuking them in Malachi 3. However, Jesus then fulfilled the law and all of the ordinances (tithing included) were nailed to the cross. Colossians 3. God Bless you all.
Fidel Forleans says
Wow! Thanx Josh. So the the law’s fullfillment is done in one person; YESHUA. This is unacceptable to the law keepers; to them the law remains unfullfilled as a sapegoat.If their arguement is true I am wondering, what YESHUA meant when HE uttered “It is finished” while hanging on the cross.
Sharon Chang says
If there is a storehouse of any kind in today’s society whether its monetary, food supply, clothing, shelter of some kind, there must be a provision to liberally help the poor and needy. And it must be done without placing them in long lines to further humiliate them.
God is Love! No love, no God!
David says
I don’t mean to argue but storehouse in Malachi 3:10 refers to our local church where God planted us. Food means that the ministers (pastors, full-time church staff etc.) are provided for by God. Why did only 1% only make it as tithes? Because the Levites received God’s provision by the tithes of the other Israelites. And since the Levites know God’s Word, then they must also bring their tithes as submission to God’s authority.
Bringing tithes symbolizes our submission to God’s authority over our lives. It started since the creation (Genesis 1-3). Adam and Eve rebelled against God by eating the fruit from the tree God told them not to eat from.
The verse “Store your treasures up in heaven…” is a completely different subject. Remember the verse, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This meant that we shouldn’t set our hearts on earthly materials but on heaven alone.
Jared Brian says
Let me illustrate what you did here . . . .
“Bringing tithes symbolizes our submission to God’s authority over our lives….. (Insert any random, irrelevant story from the bible where people disobeyed God)”
And the accusation is that the verse about storing up treasures in heaven is irrelevant to an Old Testament storehouse?
Your response was a valiant effort that fell short, but the good thing is, you get to another chance to make up for it.
mel says
James says
There seems to be a disconnect here from some simple common sense, or maybe I missed something in the argument. Our first fruits today are very different from back then. If you take that literally we don’t have homegrown food or livestock that we would carry to a storehouse for those in service to use for sacrifice, themselves etc… We, for the most part, receive a wage and then pay our 10% from that. That storehouse then is comparable to a bank (or temporarily a safe) that the church would use to store those goods and use for ministry. I would have a hard time believing that God would place men in ministry and then not expect that our “first fruits” not help take care of them. Seems irresponsible to me, but then again I’m just a pew warmer. I think the greater response to that verse in Malachi is, that you cannot out give God and He is saying to challenge Him in faith and see.
mel says
No, we don’t give 10% of our paychecks as tithe. And no the storehouse is not analogous to a bank. The fact is, that tithing is not for today..its that simple.
keith says
Mel, How would teachers and pastors get by? who pays for the gathering place of worship and learning? How do they support missionaries? I believe in tithing because by His word I have found its is already His, and when we give we are doubly blessed in our finances. When we give its not ours to decide how it is spent. He expects us to support the ministry of His gospel.
Jason M says
I believe whole heartedly in this article. For years of biblical research and being a believer in Christ most of my life, I agree. The church is not the storehouse. Tithing in today’s terms is not a biblical command. To comment on what happens to the preachers and pastors. They can get a job helping people like in a nursing home or hospital. The people who work on Sunday, by the way, the first day of the week are more spiritual than someone in a church telling lies that people are commanded by God to give their money to supply his house payment and salary. People will disagree with me, but I know the truth and am set free! As far as meeting place. We as true believers are the church and can meet and help others on the street, help others in our real jobs, and can meet for prayer in the places that we payed for. Jesus told us that the kingdom of God dwells within the believers of Him. That’s where the true church is, inside of us.
One more thing to add to the article, “you give more to get more” prosperity preaching is the opposite of what Jesus preached. Jesus said blessed be the poor.
Lovelee says
It amazes me how such a humbling article can stir up a diversity of cultural and religious beliefs. We all are entitled to believe what we want. But, the Word of God clarifies what “we” were conditioned to believe. We were conditioned to believe to give your 10th to the church.. and do you know what your church does with the hard earn money you worked for to offer it up to God? Let’s say the statistics are true, and only 1% of your tithe goes to the storehouse, then this may be the reason why the church is so limited in helping those in need. So, I feel free. I rather seek God’s command, and give to others who are in serious need, than to give to a church, who will turn their back on you because you don’t tithe, or refuse to help you with an energy bill to keep the family warm in winter, simply because they don’t have it. Then, what is the purpose? If we are the temple of God and He dwells in us, why are so many of “us” walking around in guilt because we don’t tithe to church? We can all have our difference of opinion; but, when the time comes to truly prove in your heart that you are storing up treasures in heaven, what will you do? Will you turn your back on someone begging for food, because you have to tithe to the church? Will you not help a friend who lost a job? Will you put grocery bags together and pass them to families? Are you willing to help a family who was homeless? I just believe all the pompous nonsense needs to stop and “we” all learn and be more like Jesus.
MEL says
Its hard to believe that even with a well written article like this that explains the scripture correctly in light of proper context that some of you are STILL here PUSHING THE tithing is for today narrative..THIS IS ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE
No the storehouse is not the modern day church building
No Tithing is not a “principle” that should be followed by the church
No there is no law of first mention that validates modern day tithing…
You are making scripture say what it was never mean;t to say to begin with…this should be common sense. Stop reading your pre-held beliefs into it.
William Cook says
No where in the NT is the Church commanded to tithe. Tithe teachers who use the Gen 14:20 Abramic tithe, Gen 28: 22 Jacob vow tithe, Mal 3:10 tithe or the Mat 23:23 Jesus taught tithing is deception at it’s best. People who pay 10% of their monetary income to a church/pastor need to study OT agriclture/fruit/herds as commanded by God versus NT free-will giving cimmanded by God.Church members have been lied to for decades now because pastors themselves don’t and have not studied God’s Word regarding this subject. The use of OT scriptures out of context to justify NT tithing for believers is a lie. God never commanded monetary tithes for His Church. 2 Cor 9:7 is God’s system to support local churches. As the law if tithing was one of 613 laws given by God through Moses to the Israelites only (never for gentiles) those laws were abolished when nailed to the Cross. The tithe law ended at the Cross with all the other 612 laws. Heb 7:5; Gen 7:12; Gen 7:18; Eph 2:15; Col 2:14; Gal 4:5; Gal 3:10. Church leaders decided that they wou ignore God’s Word regarding His Holy Tithe and enforce a monetary tithe upon God’s people. Monetary tithescwere never commanded by God….never. It is man fabricated and foreign to the scriptures. People must wake up to the lies propagated from pulpits regarding tithes and study the Word for themselves. Apostle Paul said to be like the noble bereand and study the Word. Here is more proof scriptures of the 613 laws being abolished. Mat 26:26-28; Heb 9:16-17; Heb 8:13; Col 2:13-17; Gal 5:18; Heb 8: 6-7,18; Gal 3:19; Gal 3:23-25; Gal 3:10-14. Church leaders will most times agree that the law has been abolished but very conveniently just hold onto the One law that they have changed into a money cow…..the tithe, but ignore the other 612. Yet Gal 3:10 makes them guilty if all the laws.
Faye Williams says
I have been a believer of tithing for more than 30 years. I must admit off and on during those times I questioned Malachi 3:10 because I was still struggling financially, still borrowing, and I questioned seeing my parents die, struggling through life as tithe payers.
Today, I have been searching scripture and seeking God as to why I have not experienced “open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it”.
Of all the years I have been cheerfully giving my tithes to “the church” I would think by now I should have soooo much that I am seeking to Bless others because of my over flowing Blessings.
For these reasons, I agree that many if us have been mistaught the understanding of Malachi 3:10.
Don’t get me wrong, I get a promotion here or there, I have experienced physical healings, debts paid off, and the list goes on but I believe these things happened because of my Faith not because of my tithing.
D says
Yeah I’ve been saying this the whole time what adient believes that Storehouse means the church they say and I’m sitting there I’m saying what church which one aren’t we all the body of Christ we are all the church as one individual parts you know I’m saying symbolically and what’s going on right now people are getting their churches shut down you will know them by their fruits I watched Christian channels TBN Hillsong I am done with Hillsong I don’t always agree with every preacher or everything on their butt why don’t you guys check out see what Hillsong saying right now see what they’re doing and go see what TBN is doing see who they’re interviewing and what they’re talking about right now I mean they’re right on the money dude yes I’m their preachers you know preach that but I don’t know if y’all needed to watch it it was on last night Francis Chan it’s like how stupid can people be their eyes get opened it’s like he it was awesome though this Francis Chan like basically he’s got a pioneer you know the real church that God said he’s going to build and the Gates of Hell won’t Prevail against it he’s going to go out and disciple people and make disciples and and he’s all excited in my mind blown I’m like yeah dude that’s awesome too but it’s not like how sad is it that he used to be a preacher to a mega church he said he don’t have to pay for nothing and him and his wife of Ben living like I guess they don’t have jobs and God’s been taking care of them and it’s really awesome and he’s saying you know I never believed that church was supposed to be in a building comfortable flashy gummy bear type preaching Marcus Rogers would say no it ain’t I think it’s pathetic disgusting I think it’s funny that he’s American people you know are freaking out cuz they can’t go to church taking it all personal what not just like honey you can have church at your own house in fact you can watch it it online you can actually know God and even Jesus on a one-on-one relationship level would hear him speak to you and you could speak back to him and he won’t answer outside of church and God is trying to show people that he’s not proud with the church to put this is the biggest deceit I’ve seen ever all they do is advertise about donating money to their Channel and their Ministry it’s like okay you’re a millionaire why do I need to buy you’re it’s it’s unbelievable.
MsVKnowsBest says
Yes… you are so right about this.
Eyo Effiong says
It’s very sad that human beings don’t learn from experience. Every Nation has its traditional and religious beliefs. The Jewish beliefs is what we are talking about here. People should be able to draw a line between what is peculiar to Nations. God was dealing with the Israelites specifically and gave them laws to operate with. When Jesus came, His first assignment given to the disciples was as stated in Mathew 10:5 – down the line. It was not until He died and rose and about ascending to Heaven before He gave the disciples the instructions to preach to the Gentiles which includes you and I . Jesus said I give you a new commandment did he not know there was one before,why the New? Tithing is in the Old Testament and not emphasized in the New. Why are the todays preachers are so concerned about it. Tithe as seen in the scripture is Agricultural produce. There are many passages in the Bible that talks about the danger of money when it comes to the service to God. When projects that are needed for Churches operations that requires money it shall be treated accordingly. God never asked you to bring tithe in form money as been the practiced today. Tithe to God is a form of showing gratitude to Him.That is why He said eat in my presence and be blessed. God does not need your money but your gratitude. You can bear me witness today that most of the store houses as described in Malachi 3 are empty. No provisions for those intended for. How much more when money is now allowed in deviance of God commandment. Flagrant display of wealth is the order for the day. Those that think they are pleasing God with giving money to pastors should study the Bible properly. There’s a way that seemeth good unto a man, but the end is destruction. Give to Church the way God commands you. Remember King Saul . God asked him to destroy all but he brought back things God didn’t commanded him to. Let us not go back to the old Testament to pick things to do which the Israelites could do thereby reminding God of what the Israelites failed to keep.