I haven’t done so officially yet, but I was just thinking the other day about writing a testimony about how i came to my conclusion about tithing. I guess what prompted this was when I had mentioned to someone that i used to tithe. They asked me what reasons did I switch my views on tithing and if it had anything to do with the abuse of money in the church. Typically people ask questions like that because they wanted to see if my tithing stand was born out of ill conceit. Most people think that if your opposition sprouted from rebellion then they think that your argument is not legitimate. I’m sure there are many people out there today that believe in Spirit-led giving because they questioned abuse in the church. I’m sure some of them are still rebellious and bitter about it. But let’s not throw out the truths that we find even though they are found in the doubting moments of the church.
My tithing testimony doesn’t include a rebellious foundation. I grew up in a church that was very good with money. We had no debt, and we had great outreach. We didn’t have the bells and whistles, like coffee shops and stage lighting like most seeker-sensitive churches, but we still had more than what we needed. I remember the church going into debt only once because the school needed classrooms. It was a facility that cost only 1 million dollars and was well worth the cost for the students of a complete high school and church to constantly use.
So anyways back to my testimony, I got my first job at 16 at an ice cream shop. My very first paycheck I tithed on. I tithed from then all the way through the end of college. I didn’t question it. My parents had tithed all their lives and so I would as well. I really didn’t even know what verses that tithing was commanded from, but I tithed anyways. I am glad that I gave all that money, and there are no regrets there. The only thing I regret to tell you about my tithing testimony is that I was living by a law and I didn’t know why. It was automatic.
There’s been some controversy today about ATM tithing and automated debits for your offering. People are afraid that since the money is not physically placed in an offering plate that we will be out of tune with the heart of giving. But with how tithing is automated today, what difference does it make if you blindly press a button on the internet, or you just blindly sign a check? If there is no spiritual interaction involved it doesn’t matter if you have automatic withdrawals or you place cold hard cash in a gold offering plate as it passes by.
Let me tell you that one of the hardest things for me was to tithe my income when I was paying my way through college. Most people have it harder than I did, but I paid for my own gas, insurance, vehicle, entertainment, tuition, and books. My parents gave me a place to stay and eat for free, but they didn’t give me anything extra. Over one summer i had three jobs and was working about 70 hours a week. Regardless of how hard I worked I still had to take out some loans. Luckily it was only about 1 year’s worth of school debt
I mentioned that my parents had tithed all their lives, but let me just reassure you that God didn’t throw money out of the sky at our family. We probably just barely made it. I could honestly tell you that my parents probably had more credit cards than I actually get in offers in a year. They were extremely in debt! And managed to steal my credit and get me in debt as well, but that’s beside the point. The point I want to bring up is actually a question. Let’s say that my parents gave only 4% to the church, but were excellent in their finances and paid all their bills on time? How would God judge them? Of course, they did the opposite, but what do you think God judges more severely – not tithing or getting in debt? Hmmm, good question, but that’s not how God judges our stewardship. You see God doesn’t have a checklist of requirements that we need to meet before we’ve become acceptable to him. Remember the steward that was left in charge of 2 talents while his master was gone? He buried the talents and when his master returned, he gave 100% of the talents back. A good steward is an investor, not a giver, not a bill payer, not a returner.
This is essentially what I did with my money. I was a giver, not an investor. An investor is Spirit-led, but a giver follows directions from a dead law.
So as I was saying about my tithing testimony in college. At the end of college, I became involved in a fellowship that challenged and fed me. We did lots of ministries together. One day a friend confronted us about tithing. He said that tithing is not required of New Testament Christians. I immediately argued with him. Of course, I didn’t agree. I couldn’t have been wrong all these years. After all, tithing is commanded in the bible, right? After that i began to search the scriptures to prove him wrong. The more and more I studied, the more and more, I couldn’t prove him wrong. It was the craziest thing! I kept going over and over scriptures. I kept questioning my reasoning. There’s just no way that this much of the church has been wrong for so long about tithing. Then it hit me. What was the number one thing that Jesus talked about in the bible? It wasn’t heaven, hell, hatred, the tongue, lying, or satan. It was money.
Outside of the Holy Spirit and the Word, money is the most powerful and influential substance known to mankind. If there is anything that the church can be wrong about, it’s gotta be about money.
So I’ve been heavily studying and discussing tithing since 2005. I started a tithing website, started this blog, and started a tithing group in order to get the word out. Hopefully one day, I will write a book.
I cannot tell you the amount of growing and learning that God has given me over the past years. I wish I could just take a portion of my heart, soul, and mind and let you see the truths that God has spoken to me about Spirit-led giving. My passion on this subject is what keeps me writing about it so much. If this truth was not so alive in me I wouldn’t be able to write as much as I do. Right now, I believe there are over 180 blog articles that have been written here since 2006. Each day there are about 245 unique visitors, 3280 hits, and 175 google searches. That is another thing that keeps me motivated about this site. I know people are searching for the truth.
I am convinced that Spirit-led giving is what God intended for his Children under the New Covenant. Would I remain open to new evidence that tithing is required for us, well, sure! I have listened to hundreds of sermons and read dozens of books on tithing, so I’m not sure that much of anything new is out there to reveal, but an open mind is there, believe it or not. I hope my tithing testimony encourages some. Please share your testimony as well. It will encourage me and others.
jackie says
Anthony, you sound like someone really mess with your head and brain washed you.If you tithe, you need to keep all the rest of the Mosiac law. sin offerings,burnt offerings,cleansing ceremonies and if you catch anyone committing adultry or breaking the sabbath you need to stone them to death but then again you might argue you are not a Jew.
That means Jesus blood was not good enough to clean your sins, because you need to offer more sin offerings under the law. That is not only stupid but pathetic to say the least.
Tithing is a law, thats what Jesus said in Mathew 23:23.
Immature people like you are easy prey for CON ARTIST.
To accept Jesus as your saviour does not give you the right to change the tithing law that God gave Moses. Its the same as driving a Hyundai doesnt turn you into a korean national
Anthony E. Fierro says
It is unfortunate that as a believer you would resort to name calling (i.e., brainwashed, immature). Further, and probably more egregious, is the fact that of all of the cogent, salient, scripture based arguments that I have developed, you pick Mt. 23:23 out of the clear blue sky. But, despite the fact that you want to call names and imply that I am some mental wimp, let me share with you some of my testimony so that you can get to know me for real, rather than just cast darts at someone who is a stranger.
In October 2008, I lost my son Jacob to leukemia. Within 18 months (before and after), I lost my job, and my home. Literally, I felt like Job…except there was a key difference between him and I…he was ‘a righteous man’ before God, whereas I was not.
I drank heavily for a bit, cursed God, but ultimately knowing how merciful, kind, and loving of a God we serve I did come back to Him and asked Him, “Why?!” and “How can I succeed and live that blessed and on top live that I not only see others live, but also is implied in your word (i.e., Dt 28:1-14, Psalms 91, Psalms 37). Much like Mary at the wedding in Cana in Gallilee – I heard, “Do whatever He tells you”. So – I went back to church, kept my mouth shut, and just started serving with my whole body (my whole heart wasn’t entirely in it, as God was still working on that part!).
In addition to serving on Sundays in my church’s media and logistics teams, I began to plant the incorruptible seed of God’s word in my heart EVERY DAY. I used the below list of confessions (with scriptural backing provided) below. i just kept telling myself these things over and over and over until my mind and my body started acting it out. You see – I know that the blessed and on top life is out there. I have SEEN IT. I have seen people with success and victory in EVERY area of their life. After my son died, it triggered in me a hunger that I have never known. I guess the real truth is that, if I know my son is in Heaven, I am going to do whatever it takes to hear, “Well done, thou Good and faithful servant” on that day. I miss my son immensely, and I loved him so much. There is absolutely NO aspect of God’s word from Genesis to Revelations that I will not at least TRY to implement in my life.
Having said that, I am no fool. I am in the loan business and bust my chops DAILY to provide for my family. Further, I hear countless stories of financial messes that people are in. But, I will state here again that. in the roughly 22 months since my son’s passing, I have received a beautiful home in which I live (if you want to hear my testimony on that one, I would be happy to share it – e-mail me at anthonyefierro@yahoo.com or call my cell 661 810 5797), I have steady employment with an employer who has been gracious and kind to me, even during months when it looks like I was kind of shaky, each month I am producing more and more loans and both September 10 and October 10 commission dates look like they will beat (just those two months) the entire year of 2010 prior.
In love Jackie I will tell you that Matthew 23:23 doesn’t say, “Don’t tithe”. It says, “don’t tithe and ignore the more weightier matters of the law such as love, justice, mercy, faith etc”. See – the problem in Jesus’ day was that the ‘church folk’ thought they had their game down but had no relationship with God. There was no love, no passion, no evidence of repentance in their lives. THATs what He was addressing.
Jackie – I forgive you for name calling. Know that I have just tried God at His word, and He has proven Himself faithful EVERY time. I would encourage you to step out in faith…tithe and then during your prayer time say God – I have these items of concern. Could you take care of me and mines like you know I am taking care of you and yours?! He will meet you not 1/2 way…but all the way.
I know, because He’s done it for me. I LITERALLY live a life of blessing so abundant I can’t contain it all!
I love all of you, because You’re all my brothers and sisters in the Lord, and if I have not love all of this would be worthless (1 Cor 13).
John 1:12 I am a Child of God.
2 Corinthians 5:21 I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
2 Corinthians 5:17 I am a new creature in Chris Jesus, old things are passed away, behold all things have become new!
John 15:11 I am happy
Isaiah 53:5 I am healthy
Romans 8:37 I am victorious
Philippians 4:13 I am successful
Galatians 5:1 I am free
Psalms 118:24 This is a day that the Lord hath made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Psalms 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times and his praises will continually be in my mouth
Psalm 107:1-10 I am the redeemed of the Lord
Matthew 26:28 I have been washed in his blood
Ephesians 1:13 Filled with his Spirit
Deuteronomy 8:3 and live by his Word
I will humbly obey and assertively execute God’s will and Word
Romans 1:17 I walk by faith, and not by sight (or feelings)
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me
James 1:2 I find joy in trials, for I know they bring maturity
Romans 8:28 All things work together for my eternal good!
Luke 10:9 I have power over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. The devil is under my feet (he is a liar)
Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that speaks against me will be judged
Matthew 5:44 I will love my enemy and bless those who curse me.
Psalms 23:1 The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want
Psalms 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein
Philippians 4:19 My God shall/has supplied all my need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus
Matthew 5:13-16 I am a light and an example of God and His love
Isaiah 61:6 Wherever I go, the atmosphere changes because the Spirit of God is within me
2 Corinthians 5:18-2 I am an ambassador, a representative, a witness for Jesus
Matthew 28:16-20 Today I will look for opportunities to win souls for Christ
jackie says
Anthony your testamony shows your faith in Christ not the law. All we have comes from Christ. Jesus said to tithe addressing the Jews and He mentioned food, mint,ainse and cummin its NOT MONEY.
Jesus said that TITHING IS IN THE LAW ,please read it again. He included tithing in the law of Moses. Mathew 23:23. Read it very very slowly so you will get it.
Do not change what Jesus said for your love of money. Money is not holy on to God.
Anthony E. Fierro says
The fact that you think I love money kind of fits within the paradigm formed by your previous comments (that I am brain washed and immature)…sooo…
Let it be done do you according to your faith.
Perhaps I am wacko. I take God at His word and assume that if he did it for someone like Joseph, David, Moses, Abraham, then he can do it for me too.
What’s funny is that you accuse me of loving money, but I’m the one that can part with a DIME ON A DOLLAR without batting an eye, while it seems like you (and many others) will come up with every excuse in the book to not DO THE WORD.
Like I mentioned in a previous post – take the challenge – I DARE you, or anyone else reading this, to just try God. Just try. For 52 weeks, be a consistent giver. When you write your check, or before you give, say the following declaration to yourself and God:
“Into the Kingdom of God I sow my seed. Every penny shall produce for God and for me. The GOSPEL shall be preached, LIVES shall be changed, BODIES shall be healed, SOULS shall be saved, SATAN has been stopped, and by FAITH the needs of this (both you and the church) ministry have already been met in Jesus name, AMEN.
And after 52 weeks, if nothing has changed for you, I will PERSONALLY reimburse you.
There it is. The gauntlet is down. Will you meet the challenge?!?! Do you have the guys to go for the glory?!?!
If not – best of luck in your endeavors.
joel says
God does not need us to lie about scriptures to finance his work on earth. Take the lowly seat and stop bragging about peanuts. Givng God 10% percent some christians think they need the Queen of England to give them a special medal or call them Lord. PLEASE GIVE US A BREAK.
Jesus is not a waiter that you tip him with 10% thats pathetic, talk about stingy.If I share with you how financialy blessed I am you will suffer from unbelief. TAKE THE LOWLY SEAT.
Anthony E. Fierro says
OK – let it be done to you according to your faith.
jackie says
Sorry Anthony, Its not you I am angry with its the pastors who teach lies and change scriptures to rob people because of greed. I agree with Sam and Joel, Paul taught about giving what we can afford in 2 Corinthians 8:12
Please dont take anything I said pesonaly,I cant stand these false teachers and pastors robbing christians all over the world
Anthony E. Fierro says
Malachi 3:10, Deut. 28:1-14, Luke 6:38, Prov 11:24
barb says
I am hoping you will get this. I read this for the first time today. Praise God for your victory. I am learning all this too. I can attest to the goodness of God when we tithe. You go boy! May the God of Isreal bless and keep you.
Sam says
Read Deuteronomy 14:22-29, Malachi 3:10, Mathew 23:23.ITS SAYS FOOD not US DOLLARS or EUROS. Have a shot of reality. Im sorry for your son but do not be like the foolish Galatians. Only one curse still works even to this very day the DOUPLE CURSE in Galatians 1:8-9. Its for those people who deceive christians or manipulate people to go back and practise the law that was given to the Jews exclusively by God.
Anthony E. Fierro says
OH OK – well since I don’t grow oranges what would you suggest Sam?
joel says
Give what you can afford 2 Corinthian 8:12 .Give what you can afford. Thats what Apostle Paul taught inspired by the Holy Spirit. Try it it will bless you in a way you have never experienced before. DO not support pastors who lie about scriptures
Sam says
I am not against your giving I am against the false teaching used by many to put good christians under the law again without knowing.The Holy Spirit will reveal to you the wolves out there if you only ask Him. 2 Corinthians 8:12 SAYS GIVE WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD, NLT,AMP,NKJ,Message bible. Tithing was compulsory, giving according to Pauls teaching was not.Paying and giving are not the same thing.
Give to support Gods work but give what you CAN AFFORD.
Anthony E. Fierro says
I agree – any legalism is bad… But the question is were we freed to just act any old way, or is there a way we can show God our love in a TANGIBLE way?
Sam says
Please do not just give your money to any ministry, Jesus warned us about wolves.
The Lord knows you love him and will lead you to a few pastors who do not lie and twist scriptures for financial greed.
Check this scripture out (1 Timothy 6:5AMP) Its scary.
Lenny says
Anthony, I have followed your argument with interest brother. We have the Old testament and the New Testament just as we have the Old Covenant and the New covenant. The Old Testament people lived a life that carried pictures of the future which we now call the New Testament. Some of the things in the Old Testament have been fulfilled while others still remain to be fulfilled so that the word of God can be proved true. However, the covenants do not operate the same way. The Old covenant carried so many pictures that spoke of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every aspect of the Old covenant held a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ while every word God spoke in the Old Testament had Christ’s input. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross and the curtain of the temple was rent from top to bottom, the most important items of the Holy of holies lost their significance because the one they represented had claimed His rightful place. So we have Christ the Lawgiver, the High Priest, the sacrifice and the offering fulfilling all the demands of the law and its statutes, except that this time it was for all mankind.
From there all elements of Exodus including the levitical priesthood terminated in Christ Jesus. If you understand the typology then you will fully appreciate Christ’s work on the cross. In the old Testament the Lord treated the Law as HIS COMMANDMENTS. But When the Lord Jesus came He called it the Law of Moses. The ownership had completely changed. So the Lord left everything that had to do with the Old Covenant completely out in order to make a completely NEW COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD otherwise it would not be new.
Now, what is the difference between what God said and what JESUS SAYS if I may ask? If you are truly blood bought my brother, you would take the words of the one who bought you very seriously. He is the WORD, and the Father’s spokesman. (Heb 1:1-5). The Lord spoke so many valuable things that in certain area He literally commanded us to do. But we have followed the tithe that he never told us to do. Is He the Lord we say He is? The Lord attached very little or no value to earthly riches, but to treasures in heaven,(go and find out the Lord’s unrelenting teaching or mention of this) but men have turned His message the other way around.
Well I would like to write at length @ Anthony, but just know that just as Christ and the offering , two of which included the tithe,all terminated in Christ when the curtain of the temple was rent, anything of the Old Covenant ceased forthwith or Christ’s death and resurrection will mean nothing at all. For more information, please read the book: T H E T I T H I N G D I L E M M A A N D T H E T R I U M P H S O F L O V E by Leonard C. Bupanda.
If indeed our happiness in the Lord is going to depend on earthly riches obtained through the tithe, we are much to be pitied for “the world loves its own” and “naked did I come and naked shall depart,” The friendship with the world is…” I would rather be ware than argue the scriptures away.
James says
Dear Anthony Fierro, Grace and the law of Moses dont mix unless you are mentally disturbed. Find out Gods tithing law commandments he gave Moses then you will start to understand what we are debating here. Deuteronomy 14:24 says it very clear to turn the tithe into money or sell the tithe. Its elementary, for crying out loud.
Do you practise SIN OFFERINGS TOO ? or that is for your pastor. Are you a levite?
Jesus did not collect tithes Hebrews 8:4 teaches that he cant be a priest if He was here right now.
Anthony E. Fierro says
Jesus didn’t need tithes – He owns the cattle on 1000 hills, the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein.
But your church (and the body as a whole) does need your finance in order to spread the Word. It is an unfortunate sign of times, but if you think about it, MEGAMEDIA churches exist today as a very demonstration that Christians don’t give. The only voices you hear in the media are the ones that have massive media budgets, and who, oh by the way, don’t talk about repentance or sacrifice, but have somehow (probably in fulfillment of 2 Timothy 4:3) avoided that topic. They talk about the benefits, but not the work that is required to get there.
And no – I am not mentally disturbed. God has in fact given me a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
barb says
Praise God for a brother who knows “THE WORD”….Thank you. This bantering between brothers/sisters is unfortunate. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Anthony E. Fierro says
Sam: Mixing ‘old and new’ is OK – because we serve the SAME GOD (Heb. 13:8).
A few key points:
1. How was Abraham justified? Faith demonstrated through obedience. We would all agree with that, right?! I mean, we are His seed if we believe, and the only true demonstration of what someone believes is through their actions, right!? Now – when God told Abraham to slaughter his Isaac, he could have done what man clearly has a history of doing – analyzing, questioning, casting doubt on God’s goodness and faithfulness, and thereby coming up with abundant reasons to not obey, or…as history has it…He could have straight up obeyed.
2. If Heaven is moved by faith (see both Mark 7:25-30, Matthew 15:21-28, Luke 23:43) and I look at God’s promise to me (in Mal. 3:10 is just one example, but let’s throw in Luke 6:38, Philippians 4:19) and absolutely RUN with it, why could God not bless me.
3. I would agree with ‘Its your faith in christ’ that starts the ball rolling and gets me into RELATIONSHIP with God, but how do I prove that faith?! You chide me with the phrase, “Unless you do not know the difference”…but let’s dive in to that topic for a moment.
In light of James 1:22, James 2:14-16, Matt 5:13-16, Romans 12:1-2, 1 Cor 10:31, could you please tell me how, if I raise my hand one day in Church to become a Christian, my life should look and feel different thereon?
I further extend this challenge to anyone on this page. I have used scripture after scripture to defend my position. Further, if that is insufficient, I have my own financial testimony which no one has yet been able to refute.
Sam says
Anthony, Did you receive the Holy Spirit by keeping the law ? Please share with us if you are a mormon or which denomination you belong to ? Could you please share with us what your views on Malachi 3:9. Do we rob God if we do not tithe and are we then cursed for not obeying.
Could you share with us what Hebrews 8:13 and Galatians 5:1-4 mean to you
Read those scriptures first before you comment
Anthony E. Fierro says
I did not receive the Holy Spirit nor salvation via the law, but grace through faith. However, But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? Further, be doers of the word, and not just hearers only, thus deceiving yourselves. If we love God, we will keep His commandments. Further, if we are waiting for a move of the spirit (as implied in the phrase ‘spirit led giving’), Jesus said, “The words I speak are spirit and they are life”, and further “Give and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, and shaken together shall men give into your bosom”. So clearly if we are to give ‘according to the Spirit’ and Paul admonishes us to, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” then why would we not give 110%, just like Jesus did, and not just 10%?!
Now – the reason tithing is such a hot button (so far on this blog I’ve been called a moron, brainwashed, and mentally weak) is because its about money (to man), and about the heart (to God). God doesn’t need your money, or your mouth, or you. He used a donkey, a burning bush, and he’s even said that if we don’t praise God the ROCKS will cry out…so God doesn’t need anything. What he requires is obedience. I know that some are not going to try to find MORE ways to obey God…I get it. However – again – God continually proves his providence time and again if he knows he can trust me.
The bottom line is this:
I DARE you, or anyone else reading this, to just try God. Just try. For 52 weeks, be a consistent giver. When you write your check, or before you give, say the following declaration to yourself and God:
“Into the Kingdom of God I sow my seed. Every penny shall produce for God and for me. The GOSPEL shall be preached, LIVES shall be changed, BODIES shall be healed, SOULS shall be saved, SATAN has been stopped, and by FAITH the needs of this (both you and the church) ministry have already been met in Jesus name, AMEN.
And after 52 weeks, if nothing has changed for you, I will PERSONALLY reimburse you.
There it is. The gauntlet is down. Will you meet the challenge?!?! Do you have the guys to go for the glory?!?!
Lenny says
Anthony you are missing out many things. The Lord you claim to be your Saviour was offered all the nations by the devil. We as humans so disconnected from the appropriate us of scripture can hardly see where those riches are coming from. The lord performed all the most important miracles except one. He is never known to make any man or woman materially rich or wealthier. That should teach the Lord’s attitude to worldly riches. If you read John Chapter 8, you will read how adamant the Jews were about being Abraham’s children. But the Lord said they were not. Then they claimed to be God’s children and the Lord said they were not, but pointed them to a different father- the devil. @Anthony, it is one thing to claim to be and yet another to be real child of God.
joel says
Anthony, Your comments reveals that you do not know the diffrence between works of the Law and acts of faith. For example Abraham sacrificing his son was an act of faith not works of the law. Sin offerings,burnt offerings tithing 10% of (food grown in Israel) circumsicion and 600 more laws were for Jews only. The new covenant started after christ died on the cross sealed with Jesus blood.
You can not change the tithing laws God gave Moses. If you dont agree with that then Im afraid you need serious help or deliverance. In other words you need to change your nappy.
Anthony E. Fierro says
I DARE you, or anyone else reading this, to just try God. Just try. For 52 weeks, be a consistent giver. When you write your check, or before you give, say the following declaration to yourself and God:
“Into the Kingdom of God I sow my seed. Every penny shall produce for God and for me. The GOSPEL shall be preached, LIVES shall be changed, BODIES shall be healed, SOULS shall be saved, SATAN has been stopped, and by FAITH the needs of this (both you and the church) ministry have already been met in Jesus name, AMEN.
And after 52 weeks, if nothing has changed for you, I will PERSONALLY reimburse you.
There it is. The gauntlet is down. Will you meet the challenge?!?! Do you have the guys to go for the glory?!?!
barb says
Hey, I will try!…..I come from a church in Hawaii who believe in the tithe. $4 million dollar church was debt free from the first day. Most of the members are too as a result of “KNOWING THE WORD”….I can tell anyone on here of many, many times when all my needs were met as a result of tithing. Again, You go boy!
Anthony E. Fierro says
Further Joel – your comments reveal that you spend no time in the Word, and although you SAY you trust God with your eternal soul, you can’t trust him with a dime?!?! Are you feeling well today?
joel says
Hi Anthony, Your comments reveal that you like the lime light and the attention you grave for. Now for all who comment on this site please do not be offended or misinterbret this comment I am about to make to help free brother Anthony from pride and arogance.
Anthony, God has blessed me in a way that you will not be able to comprehend. I have given finances that God released to me and my family to support churches,pastors and the poor in signifigant amounts. God gave me very clear instructions where the money should go and who I support . I have been retired for nine years but I am involved with charities full time.I retired when I was 37yrs of age. If I tithe (money) that means not only I will put myself under a CURSE but I will have to give God only a very small amount of what I give.
My name is not Joel,I use this site to try and help free christians from this DECEPTION enslaving many christians because of ignorance from money hungry wolves using the word of God for profit.
Anthony E. Fierro says
So you break yourself off to insult others but can’t use your real name?! What does that say about how much you believe in your message!?
Anthony E. Fierro says
How much you make alan?
The truth says
How much do you steal from the poor Anthony?
John JS says
I believe that every Christian should have a surrendered purse – not 10% but 100%. Every day, every moment we must be yielded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If He prompts us to give (any amount, any thing) to ANY needy person (not necessarily to the Church) we must be ready to dig deep and give. No questions, no buts. This is the Life of Faith in the Spirit that I believe God wants us to live.
Anthony Fierro says
It is unfortunate that a conversation amongst Children of the Living God must include accusations of arrogance, mental weakness, being brainwashed and immature.
I have responded in love to many of the things that have been said, and I have defended my position with scripture.
This will be my last post, as I get the sense that a lot of this is clanging symbols, given that a lot of it is being done without love.
According to your faith, let it be done unto you.
jackie says
Let not your left hand know what your right hand does. Stop bragging about your 10% unbiblical money tithes. Its just peanuts, Jesus gave His all and you want to give Him only 10% that is very sad. Anthony, Paul wrote to the Galatians and asked them to reveal who the witch was in chapter 3 verse 1. Manipulation is witchcraft.
James says
Teaching and promoting money tithes is a serious lie,deception, fraud. Do you want to be called Moses,Apostle Paul or Elijah ? Give me a break What do you call people who steal money from christians ?
joel says
When Apostle Paul asked the Galatians who bewitched them he ment exactly what he said. Paul wanted to know who the witch was and who manipulated the Galatians to go back and try to keep the old Mosiac law. If that is name calling then I am guilty too then. People who lie and delibrately misquote scriptures are called “Fraud or Con artist ” “wolves in sheeps clothing”.
If you are not deceiving christians then you have no reason to be defensive. But if you are lying about scripture then you are a “witch”, liar and a fraud
Paul already cursed you and its recorded in Galatians 1:8-9
Jesus offended many people when he was here when He called them I quote “white washed tombs, dogs,hypocrites,” etc….
Anthony E. Fierro says
(A) Please use scripture to support your position rather than your lengthy lists of why one should avoid giving.
(B) I am not a teacher nor a promoter – but as James asks us, I am a DO-er… Secondly…AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THAN ALL OF THAT in Mk 5:21-34, Matthew 15:22-28, Luke 23:43, John 2:1-11 (those are in the BIBLE), PEOPLE WHO were not Jews, didn’t care about Mosaic law or the prophets or whether or not there was a new covenant, old covenant, or no covenant at all, who APPROACHED God (Jesus is Lord, right?!) from a position of faith. Inwardly, they said to themselves, “I don’t know wwgi this guy Jesus is, nor do I understand why or how, but I know this Jesus can do for me!!”
In EACH instance, people knew very little about all this techno-babble that each of you claim to be experts at. They weren’t Bible scholars…but people with NEED. I am a person with NEED who has read Malachi 3:10, Deut. 28:1-14, Luke 6:38, Prov 11:24, and who has complete faith that God can do what He says He can do.
Now – at the top of this blog (or – because it so effectively clouds the real issue here – this FOG) Mr. Stewart says, “I haven’t done so officially yet”. Why not? Let’s see it my man!! Because as far as I am concerned, I have financial need (because in America, if you don’t have money you can’t really do HUGE things. You can do some things, but not HUGE things like build a church, schools, libraries, etc. You need finance to do these things. So – if I see a place in scripture where God is encouraging me to test His Goodness in the area of finance (again – the Word can be taken literally), then I am going to test it to the fullest, give faithfully, and DARE to see what God can make happen with a willing vessel.
You guys can sit on the sidelines with your excuses, explanations, degrees, reasons, justifications, in order to juke and jive, sidestep the real deal here and never REALLY get anywhere with God or accomplish anything for Him in His Kingdom if you’d like, but I am diving in feet first and am running with it.
Further, if one would accuse me of trying to ‘work the works of the law, and thusly negatiing the cross’, I would argue much like my man James (one of the people who wrote in the Bible) the following: You don’t have to DO anything for salvation, only BELIEVE…but you better BELIEVE you need to do something with your salvation!!
Get off your blessed assurance, get out there and save some LIVES.
Lastly – if you guys are this cold and insulting to a man who loves his family, serves his church, gives of himself, and has shown a clear tendency to find any excuse to obey God’s word, I wonder how you treat those heathen around you who AREN’T saved. What towns do you guys live in…maybe can roll out and saves and impact some lives there since all you guys do is find ways to AVOID being what God has told you to be – SALT AND LIGHT!
James says
What can I say? Someone who doesnt care if its the old covenant or the new covenant and then turn around and argue strongly about tithing laws is not only foolish, irresponsible and childish. Its the same as trying to argue with a 2yr old child.
Anthony, please stop trying so hard to copy TV evangelists you look so stupid and sound like a person standing on their toes to be taller than everyone else. Just relax and be yourself
Dont try so hard to impress us you have no idea what we are debating here, go back to kindergarten.
joel says
You said you want to give,test God and see the windows of heaven open. Please I have heard all that before. Giving to get disgust me so much, you are giving so that you can receive.
Do you know many people give to God because they have selfish motives, so that they can get rich. 1 Timthy 6:5 and verse 9-10AMP version
Those who want to get rich lay a trap or snare and into foolish (useless,godless) and hurtful desire that plunge men into ruins and destruction and miserable perishing
Some people say that they want to get rich so that they can help the poor and give to the kingdom, or blessed to be a blessing. That is how TV evangelists “CON” or MAKE EXCUSES for their extravacant excessive life styles. PLEASE USE YOUR BRAINS GOD GAVE US.
Jesus did not have to be a multimilionare or billonare to help the poor or do the work of God when He was here.
Stop trying to hide your true intentions using the gospel as a source of profit or money making business
Anthony Fierro says
In paragraph one, you say that ‘giving to get’ is evil or disgusting. Let me ask you this: When a farmer plants a seed in the ground, is it wickedness for him to expect to reap (or is he supposed to sow seed and not expect to reap anything)? If you or I clock in at the job site, is it wickedness for us to expect a wage (or is earning a wage foolish, faithless, or wicked)? Did not even Galatians 6:9 say, “and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not”. Further, if such said sowing is supported in scripture (AKA seed faith) (See Mal. 3:8-10, Luke 6:38, Proverbs 11:24), then how is it that my thinking is unreasonable or wicked? Let’s address this one point first before we dive into the other points you mention
James says
I think Anthony you need to see a psyciatrist very soon you are not making sense at all. Spiritual pride is the hardest thing to deliver christians from.
I feel for people around you they must be going through a very difficult time to try and cope with your junk. When someone has no idea about what they are talking about and think they know it all is the most annoying and disturbing thing people have to deal with.
Anthony Fierro, you sound like a dog chasing its own tail but wants to chase down a postman at the same time to make yourself feel important. VERY VERY SAD
Anthony E. Fierro says
I didn’t say I needed finance for me goofball – I said I wanted to do big things in the Kingdom.
Or am I supposed to only have teenie tiny goals and no desire to do any big things for God like He’s done for me?!
You’re right though – perhaps I should stick with the world’s economic system rather than Heaven’s…good call. Sadly, though – I live in Los Angeles where the unemployment rate is 13%…so I see every day what this earth’s economy is doing.
Anthony E. Fierro says
Besides Jimmy – didn’t I ask specifically for someone to refute me using scripture?!?! Instead all I get is more name calling. If you guys wanna come at me you have to come MUCH stronger…
Dameon says
i guess since we can ignore tithing we can ignore the rest of the old testiment all together huh? the new testiment did talk about tithing you should dig deeper./
Jared Brian says
You need to read my newest post before you make any more comments > https://www.tithing.com/blog/picking-up-the-pieces-of-the-veil/
– jared
Lenny says
The Old Testament and the Old Covenant are two separate things altogether. I personally have a problem with people who can can obey the God of the Old Testament and fail to obey the Christ of the New Testament for He says: ” My Father and I are one.” Please spend time reading John Chapters 6 and 8 to understand how the Lord treated those who did not want to pay attention to His words. Please Read the Book, THE TITHING DILEMMA AND THE TRIUMPHS OF LOVE.
Jared Brian says
A.) https://www.tithing.com/blog/bible-verses-on-spirit-led-giving/
B.) I had not officially written my testimony in my blog at the time of writing this post. . . what are you babbling about?
For someone who doesn’t know a thing about my actions, you definitely pass judgment like you do. Maybe you are omniscient?
– jared
Mr X. says
Good Evening All…
It looks like there’s a lot of folks who don’t believe in giving as part of a greater commitment to God. Rather than argue the merits for or against (as we see doing so gets insults flying), I am simply going to start logging my giving, and what God does in my life as a result of my obedience by faith in His word.
So – here goes.
Today, I gave $1,000 cash into the offering basket.
I will let you guys know how my week goes. Perhaps in seeing the overwhelming and bountiful harvest I have, you will each be edified!
James says
Hi Mr X, or Anthony Just wondering do you do burnt offerings, sin offerings, sabbath, cleansing ceremonies and 600 other old covenant laws ? If not then Apostle Paul did not know what he was talking about in Galatians 3:1-11. Do you stone people who commit adultry in your church or kill people who break the sabbath ? I love what Paul said, LOVE DOES NOT PARADE ITSELF. and JESUS said take the lowly seat. Humility comes from revealation in Christ not from tithing or sabbath keeping,burnt offerings etc……
Mr X you are so obedient and faithful with your money that the only thing that I can see from here is PRIDE, ARROGANCE and someone who wants other christians to be treated as a celebrity or even moviestar.
Our identity is with Christ,we abide in Him and in Him we give and bless his work with our finances.His ability, his humility, His power and enablement NOT OUR OWN STRENGTH, AND ABILITY. Its so ugly from our point of you bragging about peanuts.Take my friendly advise,its like looking at a poodle trying to mate with a horse its pathetic
Dameon says
the only reason people are saying they arent required to give or tithe is because of pure selfishness they forget the being obiedient part…….tithing is a principle that you use to say god comes first and i trust him with my finances……so obviously the ppl not giving out of a loving heart and a cheerful one being as the lord loves a cheerful giver is being disobiedient. no not tithing wont keep you outa heaven but i want to trust god alot more than when im in heaven.
smiley says
So do you think that a family foreclosing on their home and becoming homeless and still paying tithes says, “God, You are first in my life”? Just curious as to what you think and what you think God thinks about that situation.
– smiley
jackie says
Hi Mr Xmas, Thats a lot of money you can send some money to a church in LA remember Crystal Cathedreal with Robert Schuller, that church teaches tithing since it started now after more than 40yrs they are bankrupt,
Oral Roberts University owed over 60million US before a man came forward and offer to fix the dept if all the board members resighned. The board members included JESSE DUPLANTIS, CREFLO DOLLAR, JERRY SAVELLE and other TV evangelists.
They all teach TITHING. SO PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE, All those preachers are multimillionares but did not offer to pay Oral Roberts University 60million dollar dept
rusty says
Sounds to me Mr X .That you are a very proud person who give his money away!
Jared Brian says
I don’t want to argue for or against either. I want you to show me which people don’t believe in giving to God?
Let me be more clear, i want you to show me exactly where they said they don’t believe in giving to God?
– jared
Mr X. says
Good evening once again…
Just calculated my bills against my upcoming paycheck. Giving $600 (which is $540 – or 10% on my gross)+$60 as an offering.
Added up all my bills and i STILL have $2K for all my families needs (dining out, enjoying a movie, etc.).
Have a good night all…
Oh – also captured 7 new loan applications this evening…and it ain’t even Monday yet!!
joel says
Mr X, You sound like an intelligent person, how would you like to know pastors and teachers that have admitted they were deceiving their members to get them to part with their money to finance their lust for material possesion and pay their bills by asking for tithes ? Or are those pastors and teachers deceived too ? ….lol .I think we are in Christ now or are you bragging about your finances and how cool you are. Please relax, you do not have to tell us how many peanuts you give away. Try and focus on Jesus and his ability then you might learn to grow up a little bit more and deal with our foolish pride .
Jared Brian says
Anthony why did you change your name to Mr X?
Yes says
Why don’t we have a side bar about all this? I think it would be more productive for the both of us…
Jared Brian says
what are you talking about? a side bar?
Yes says
I mean maybe a conversation between you and I – via e-mail, telephone, or chat, and maybe you can share with me some of your concerns about the “money tithe”, “giving by grace” and other things.
Having our debate in the hearing of others encourages mob mentality, name calling, and no real edification. The real stuff in the Kingdom occurs on a one-on-one basis…
Jared Brian says
do you have skype?
– jared
Yes says
I don’t… there’s a free version you can sign up for though right?
Yes says
Let’s try FB chat some time.
Jared Brian says
tried emailing you, but haven’t got a response. Let me know if you are still interested in discussing this one-on-one. I’d rather talk than discuss on IM or FB. I figured that we’ve written plenty already. Any time during the day (7-6, M-F EST)is good for me to talk. Although, let me know what time is best for you.
– jared
Yes says
what account are you e-mailing ‘from’…
should be able to reach me at either anthonyefierro@yahoo.com or anthonyefierro@gmail.com
jstom98 says
The reason I don’t accept tithing is because I cannot say ‘God, this 10% is yours, and this 90% is MINE!’ I (whole 100% of me) has been bought by the blood of Jesus so all that I have (100%) is God’s (not any church!). What He prompts me to give, (whatever need ) I give. We live by the Spirit not by law.
Subash says
Your testimony is really interesting. I appreciate you that you really took the pain of searching about it and finding the truth in the Holy Bible.
I did it once.
I am not a great christian. But I am really careful not to miss what God expects me to do. I think I have been smart to understand this from my childhood that tithing is not binding on a christian, but loving him is. I never doubted this. Later recently I heard in church like this, ” we are under the God’s curse, if we dont tithe”. I was stunned. You know nobody likes to be cursed, isn’t it?. It was disturbing me heavily.
One fine day I sat down taking leave from office. And read from Bible wherever tithing is mentioned. I analyzed it in its context.
I suggest every one do this. You will understand how selfish today’s pastors are. I think they run the risk of being told, “I dont know you”, by God on the judgment day, Because confusing and bringing obstruction in the path of a growing Christian is really, really risky.
Dave says
I have read the pros and cons about paying of tithes. the first thing I notice is the not so civil language used. Are these really true christians?. Mal.3v10-12 is very clear on the issue of tithing. In Matt23v23, Christ condemned the Pharisees for their hypocrisy but never condemned the act of paying tithes. Christ says in Ma5v17 that He came to fulfill the Law and not to destroy them. If you really love God, paying 10% of your income would not make you blow your fuse. What they do with the tithe should not really bother you because there is no where it is written that your blessings depend on what th e tithe is used for.
If you find it disgusting to give in order to get, then it is quite unfortunate. The Bible says “Give and it willl be given to you …..L6v38.
Have a good day and may the good Lord grant you the Spirit of understanding
joel says
Hi Dave,
You pointed out what Jesus said in Mathew 23:23 but you forgot to clearly explain why Jesus mentioned herbs and spices when money was available for people to use to tithe with. Let us not forget they were still under the Mosiac law and the pharasies were trying to find an accusation against Jesus if he was going to delibrately break the law given through Moses.
I hope you still remember 30 pices of silver was the cost of his betrayal by Judas.God is very direct if he wanted money for tithes he would have instructed Moses. Please stop misinterpreting scripture to fit your own doctrine but if Malachi 3:10, Deuteronomy 14:1-27, Mathew 23:23 SAYS FOOD !!!!! Who gave you the right to change it to money ? Is it your pastor or a travelling evangelist ? . Please wake up and read the scriptures properly and stop twisting the bible its not an ATM Machine