I haven’t done so officially yet, but I was just thinking the other day about writing a testimony about how i came to my conclusion about tithing. I guess what prompted this was when I had mentioned to someone that i used to tithe. They asked me what reasons did I switch my views on tithing and if it had anything to do with the abuse of money in the church. Typically people ask questions like that because they wanted to see if my tithing stand was born out of ill conceit. Most people think that if your opposition sprouted from rebellion then they think that your argument is not legitimate. I’m sure there are many people out there today that believe in Spirit-led giving because they questioned abuse in the church. I’m sure some of them are still rebellious and bitter about it. But let’s not throw out the truths that we find even though they are found in the doubting moments of the church.
My tithing testimony doesn’t include a rebellious foundation. I grew up in a church that was very good with money. We had no debt, and we had great outreach. We didn’t have the bells and whistles, like coffee shops and stage lighting like most seeker-sensitive churches, but we still had more than what we needed. I remember the church going into debt only once because the school needed classrooms. It was a facility that cost only 1 million dollars and was well worth the cost for the students of a complete high school and church to constantly use.
So anyways back to my testimony, I got my first job at 16 at an ice cream shop. My very first paycheck I tithed on. I tithed from then all the way through the end of college. I didn’t question it. My parents had tithed all their lives and so I would as well. I really didn’t even know what verses that tithing was commanded from, but I tithed anyways. I am glad that I gave all that money, and there are no regrets there. The only thing I regret to tell you about my tithing testimony is that I was living by a law and I didn’t know why. It was automatic.
There’s been some controversy today about ATM tithing and automated debits for your offering. People are afraid that since the money is not physically placed in an offering plate that we will be out of tune with the heart of giving. But with how tithing is automated today, what difference does it make if you blindly press a button on the internet, or you just blindly sign a check? If there is no spiritual interaction involved it doesn’t matter if you have automatic withdrawals or you place cold hard cash in a gold offering plate as it passes by.
Let me tell you that one of the hardest things for me was to tithe my income when I was paying my way through college. Most people have it harder than I did, but I paid for my own gas, insurance, vehicle, entertainment, tuition, and books. My parents gave me a place to stay and eat for free, but they didn’t give me anything extra. Over one summer i had three jobs and was working about 70 hours a week. Regardless of how hard I worked I still had to take out some loans. Luckily it was only about 1 year’s worth of school debt
I mentioned that my parents had tithed all their lives, but let me just reassure you that God didn’t throw money out of the sky at our family. We probably just barely made it. I could honestly tell you that my parents probably had more credit cards than I actually get in offers in a year. They were extremely in debt! And managed to steal my credit and get me in debt as well, but that’s beside the point. The point I want to bring up is actually a question. Let’s say that my parents gave only 4% to the church, but were excellent in their finances and paid all their bills on time? How would God judge them? Of course, they did the opposite, but what do you think God judges more severely – not tithing or getting in debt? Hmmm, good question, but that’s not how God judges our stewardship. You see God doesn’t have a checklist of requirements that we need to meet before we’ve become acceptable to him. Remember the steward that was left in charge of 2 talents while his master was gone? He buried the talents and when his master returned, he gave 100% of the talents back. A good steward is an investor, not a giver, not a bill payer, not a returner.
This is essentially what I did with my money. I was a giver, not an investor. An investor is Spirit-led, but a giver follows directions from a dead law.
So as I was saying about my tithing testimony in college. At the end of college, I became involved in a fellowship that challenged and fed me. We did lots of ministries together. One day a friend confronted us about tithing. He said that tithing is not required of New Testament Christians. I immediately argued with him. Of course, I didn’t agree. I couldn’t have been wrong all these years. After all, tithing is commanded in the bible, right? After that i began to search the scriptures to prove him wrong. The more and more I studied, the more and more, I couldn’t prove him wrong. It was the craziest thing! I kept going over and over scriptures. I kept questioning my reasoning. There’s just no way that this much of the church has been wrong for so long about tithing. Then it hit me. What was the number one thing that Jesus talked about in the bible? It wasn’t heaven, hell, hatred, the tongue, lying, or satan. It was money.
Outside of the Holy Spirit and the Word, money is the most powerful and influential substance known to mankind. If there is anything that the church can be wrong about, it’s gotta be about money.
So I’ve been heavily studying and discussing tithing since 2005. I started a tithing website, started this blog, and started a tithing group in order to get the word out. Hopefully one day, I will write a book.
I cannot tell you the amount of growing and learning that God has given me over the past years. I wish I could just take a portion of my heart, soul, and mind and let you see the truths that God has spoken to me about Spirit-led giving. My passion on this subject is what keeps me writing about it so much. If this truth was not so alive in me I wouldn’t be able to write as much as I do. Right now, I believe there are over 180 blog articles that have been written here since 2006. Each day there are about 245 unique visitors, 3280 hits, and 175 google searches. That is another thing that keeps me motivated about this site. I know people are searching for the truth.
I am convinced that Spirit-led giving is what God intended for his Children under the New Covenant. Would I remain open to new evidence that tithing is required for us, well, sure! I have listened to hundreds of sermons and read dozens of books on tithing, so I’m not sure that much of anything new is out there to reveal, but an open mind is there, believe it or not. I hope my tithing testimony encourages some. Please share your testimony as well. It will encourage me and others.
blessings says
I have read some of the comments but not all since I only have a little time to read.I wanted to share a little something though, It is the joy of giving my tenth that keeps me going in tithing. No matter what the arguments are, If you have a relationship with the Lord and the Holy Spirit convicts you to give your tenth, whether or not you will, is entirely up to you.
We have received grace and therefore we are not bound. But it is the joy of giving that should speak to our mind and heart.
RPoole says
Quick Summary of “Tithing in Today’s Economy”, by Rhonda Poole
Have you found that your belief in tithing has wavered, over the last several years? With the world’s economy slowing at a record rate, it can send fear to all of us. It may be tempting to slow down the amount you give or even stop, all together. Some of you may have wondered about what the tithe really is, what it means or even if it is truly biblical. I believe that the word of God is alive today, and it never contradicts itself. Beginning to realize as a tither, the fact we live in God’s economy and not in the worlds, may be just where you need to begin. If we believe His word is true and practice this (faith building) principle, we have a promise. By sharing our personal testimony of all we have gone through, over the last nine years of our marriage and the way God always provided for us, I pray you can find some encouragement. God’s promise is still here today, waiting for you to reach out and to take hold. This book is based on a true story, coming from the divine inspiration of the Lord and is being used for His glory.
The above is a summary of a book I have written, based on my husband’s and my testimony. It is our story, and is really not up for debate. It has been written to help and inspire anyone that is tithing or considering taking a step of faith to begin. I am fully aware of all the comments above that show how some do not believe in this faith building principle. That is your opinion and this is our testimony. If it works for you to not tithe, that is great. But, please don’t tear anyone down that believes in it. We should be building eachother up, the world tears us down enough. God bless us all, during this journey of faith.
If you are interested in reading more, please visit my facebook page(link below) for more information. Any negative comments will be removed. Thank you and have a wonderful, faith-filled day!…RP
eddie schwarz says
should you just put in cash are should wright a check . with a record of your giving i know you can write some off your taxes is that ok, but then people look at you different because of the amount you give
Lenny says
It is very interesting to see that people want to associate the Holy Spirit with tithing. If you search the New Testament where the promised Holy Spirit is the Teacher, none of the Holy Spirit’s students, the apostles, never tought tithing at all, not even once. The Holy Spirit delivered the message of the Father’s approved giving in Acts 2:41-47 and Acts 4: 31-37. That is the Holy Spirit inspired giving and those who wanted to disrupt it with craftiness, Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11, were eliminated.
When delivering the judgment against Ananias and his wife for lying to the HOLY SPIRIT, and to God, Peter made it clear that no one falsed the couple to sell their property. In short, the selfless giving and sharing is the Holy Spirit’s inspired and instituted and God’s approved method of the New Testament giving that has been ignored in preference for the out dated tithe. The New Testament way of giving is uniting, and causes the cheerful givers and joyful recipients bond together to praise God. Moreover, Ananias and Sapphira gave more than a tenth and yet they paid for craftiness with their lives. Perhaps many of us have never thought about this. Well, there it is in black and white for all to read and see The Holy Spirit’s approve giving. Please, check for more biblical facts on tithing in my book: The Tithing Dilemma and THE TRIUMPHS OF LOVE. If you support tithing, how will you explain Ananias and Sapphira’s behaviour and the Holy Spirit’s swift action?
pauline says
Good people, debate is healthy. I am a tither and it is because i believe it to be what God requires of me. As Christians, the real difference between us and other faiths is that ours is in real time, we can reach out to God whenever, wherever through his Holy spirit for answers to anything, and he does answer us when we seek. I would say tithing has worked for me so far, and i always recommend it to others as a good principle and investment. Christ said Give, and it will come back to you, good measure pressed down,shaken together and riding over. This for me is a guarantee offer that i can rely on when i need to as God always and without fail honors his word. If you think it is business with God, then he Himself has invited us to transact. I would say obey what you know to be right in your heart through the word, what you have been taught and above all, ask the Holy spirit to guide you as he always shows us the way forward. Let us not be so taken with right and wrong, Old and New, as we have an ever present guide, make good use of Him!
Lenny says
Pauline, the tithe might have worked for you, but may not be the Father’s approved way of giving. Please read my post above and come back with New Testament scriptures to support your argument. You must prove that the Spirit’s inspired giving in Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:31-37 is not the believers standard. Also you need to explain why those who wanted to derail that type of giving where drastically delt with in Acts 5:1-11. The giving the Lord wants is one where ALL must benefit; not the church as a building or one man above others in need. Who benefits from your tithe?
Desi says
The sin they committed was lying. They were not punished because they held part of the money. They were punished because they lied and said it was all that they possessed. Even peter himself says in acts 5:4 “the property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!”
Lenny says
Desi, your observation is just part of the picture.The most important fact here is that the Holy Spirit has prompted Believers “ to give from such things as they had” according to the teaching of the risen Lord (Luke 11:41).
If we were to be honest, Acts 2 is dedicated to the ACTIONS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT has He put the tithe to rest and introduced a Spirit-led giving. It was a selfless giving because the Holy Spirit HIMSELF prompted every Believer to share from such as they had. In this giving and contributions that followed (44-47), the tithe was stamped out once and for all. From that time on the tithe was neither taught nor practised among Believers for as long is the Holy Spirit was in charge.
In Acts 4:34-37, reports of sharing of a grand scale. I would like you to note that Joses, A LEVITE, found himself ditching the tithe and going for the Spirit-inspired giving (36-37). These are the people who received the tithes, but found himself responding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He is mentioned in detail here by the Holy Spirit for a very special reason. He was a saved Levite (2 Cor. 5:17) no more tithe, but the whole.
That was a Spirit charged and controlled environment, in which any thing of flesh had no room.
This is the environment that Ananias and Sapphira wanted to bring things of the flesh and the Holy Spirit weeded them out. Don’t forget that they came from a tithing background.
The problem was that they were not honest. Secondly, they were going to benefit where they contributed less. Thirdly, it is clearly indicated that the Lord is not interested in reluctant givers. Please note that these two brought more than even a tenth and yet the Lord rejected it all. Do you think God’s ministry can depend on your tenth? Think again.
In Chapter 4
Lenny says
Desi, just a point of correction too. They lied to the Holy Spirit who was responsible for the introduction of GIVING IN SHARING as opposed to the giving in which only one person benefits even at the expense of the poor and needy who are extortionately exploited in name of the tithe.
lynn c maust says
I believe you are taking that verse out of context. It was about judging others. Read verse 37 and then your verse 38.
John C Ioanes says
All I can say is John D. Roccafella and if your serious about the tithe it works
John says
I tithed faithfully for years until I read the bible for myself in context and came to realize tithing was never our money.
The other day I ran into an old friend who tithes. I told him I don’t. He then told me about how Mary k Baxter and others said they saw non tithers in hell for not tithing. I asked him to back these false visions from the bible.
He had no scripture to back up his point but said he wasn’t going to take the chance by not tithing. So I told him that, just in case Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross wasn’t good enough your going to tithe your way out of hell. That is complete blasphemy. The sacrifice of Jesus is all that can save us and bless us. Jesus died on the cross to redeem us from the curse of the law which includes tithing.
Tithing for the most part is rooted in fear. Most people are afraid to stop giving a non biblical monetary tithe because they are in bondage to a man made law being taught as doctrine.
Let every man give as HE purposes in HIS heart. We as christians were set free from the law by Jesus to give what WE choose!!!!
So much to say but too much for here!
God bless
Thanks for the website
ROCKO ... says
the letter that was written to the gentiles was and is for us to understand that [only these necessary things] are required and know that you are blessed in many ways . PLEASE READ ACTS 15 ABOUT THE LETTER WRITTEN TO YOU IT ANSWERED THE TITHING PROBLEM FOR ME/////////// PREACHERS WILL NOT TEACH THE LETTER BECAUSE IT WILL SET YOU FREE AND TAKE THE YOKE OFF THE LETTER IS YOUR KEY TO UNLOCK THIS PROBLEM AND THAT IS WHY THE NEW TESTIMENT CHURCH DID NOT PAY TITHES / LIVE FREE
Germaine says
I used to tithe regularly as well, but I heard a pastor say that God was not talking to us when He spoke on tithing in the bible. That struck me and so I started to study the Word for myself on the tithe and I was blown away! When I brought this to the attention of my pastor, I was stripped of my positions in the church and told that because tithing was required for all of the leaders I could no longer hold a leadership position. Never once was I told that what I discovered was incorrect or false but because I chose not to be obedient to the teachings of the pastor I could not keep my leadership positions. That said a lot to me. It showed me that having position in the church was predicated on how much I gave. I never said that I was not going to continue to give in support of my church but only that I didn’t agree with what I had been told about being “cursed with a curse” because of money and I didn’t believe tithing was required for us today. I had to do a lot of praying after this because I was really confused; because up until that time I thought my pastor would have handled this matter differently and with more discussion with me but there was none. I thought about leaving that church but I didn’t believe that is what God wanted me to do at that time. I am still at this church but I don’t pay tithes I give a generous “freewill” offering and I believe that God appreciates my giving. There is a whole lot more I could say about this issue but until people really see for themselves the Awesomeness of what Christ did through His death, burial and resurrection for us, we will always have these trivial arguments about money. It’s not about us,it’s about JESUS!
JSTOM says
I have a very sad story to tell. My pastor was a tithing man and proudly preaches about the need to tithe. His own family life was a picture of blessing. His two college going children were on the door step to professional careers. He was even ‘spirituality arrogant’ like he’s got God round his finger. Then it happened!
His favourite daughter suddenly took ill and died of a rare disease within two days. Needless to say the parents, especially the father specially was devastated. He shouted at God ‘why, why, why is this happening to me ?’ Haven’t i kept my side of the bargain? ‘
Now, he has withdrawn much and never talks about tithing .
fredericka horton says
I have one thing to say to the people who tithe. If God spoke to you and said give 1,000, will your fqith allow for you to do this? Be honest..
JSTOM says
Yes, we must be prepared to give 100% to whoever (not necessarily church) if we are confident God has spoken to us. A non tither.
Leonard Bupanda says
Abram gave the tenth of the loot. But Abraham was asked to give 100% and he obeyed and offered to give his only son Isaac. In the new Testament, read Romans 12:1,2. If we do that, then giving will never be a problem.
Jayson says
It’s a command of God for us to Tithe in Malachi 3:10. I strongly believe that we need to obey God in giving tithes because if we do not do that we are disobeying God. He also said that we are robbing God when we don’t give our Tithes. What is wrong in giving our tithes to God, you will just give 10% of the blessing that God gave you. Whatever you have is from God. You have something because God gave you.
Sharryl E. Kokoska says
Jayson, instead of reading a verse or two as to what you have been taught start reading Chapters 2 and 3. If you understand the context of scripture you will see that the priests were being rebuked for robbing God, not the people.
Leonard Bupanda says
Brother Jayson, God loved us and gave us His Son Jesus Christ, 100% ( John 3:16). Then Christ loved us and gave Himself for us (Gal. 2:20; Eph 5:25; 1 Cor. 6:20; 1Pet.1:18,19; another 100%. So, then the question is, is our salvation only worth 10%. What price will you place on it? Therefore, gave as you purpose in your heart. Do not burden your self. After all, many of us are giving to the wrong people. Read your scriptures to find out whom we should give to.
God bless
John Stephens says
Please read this article at https://www.bereanbiblesociety.org/facts-on-tithing/ by Ken Lawson.
It clearly shows that tithing was not for all people under the Old Covenant. Malachi 3:10 is usually taken out of context and misunderstood to teaching tithing for all New Covenant believers.
The last point of the article is “According to Deuteronomy 14:22,23,28; 26:12; and Amos 4:4, the tithe was only given every three years”
People please read your Bibles and quit relying on one verse here or one verse there or just what your preacher tells you (even if his intentions are godly and well intended for good).
John Stephens says
Also see video at https://youtu.be/EY1vwF-Y0_o
I do not believe everything this man teaches, some of the teachings in his movement (“Black Hebrews”)I feel are downright heresy, but I do believe he does teach a lot of truth in some areas and a much of what he teaches on tithing needs to be heard.
We all still see through a glass darkly on this side of the veil and need to ask God for discernment and the leading of the Holy Spirit in these matters.
Abigail says
I believe that tithing and obedience goes hand in hand so if you tithe and no reults occur then you have to ask yourself if you are at fault i have also been tithing and i have seen big results all the time GOD cannot lie and HIS promises stands so examine yourself coz GOD says obedience is better then offerings.
Blanche Seyisi says
My dear you are preaching works. If you say Tithe and God will do back for you. If you don’t tithe there are other hinderances in your life. It is not the Gospel. God says if you love me you will obey. Not if you tithe. Where in scripture does tithing tie to God’s generosity towards His children? Nothing in the new testament church speaks of tithing but there is plenty on giving. Law vs Grace. If you tithe you must go back to the WHOLE law of Moses. The best giving example is in the book of acts where the people gave so that no one was in need. Tithing can limit us. Giving requires an even bigger heart.
Leonard Bupanda says
Dear Abigail, Certainly obedience is better than sacrifice. The problem is that you are obeying what you, as a gentile believer, are not required to do. The tithe in Malachi 3;10 was: 1. From the land that the Lord gave to the children of Israel and not from any where else. 2. Only the tribes of the children of Israel were required to to tithe, to help the Levites who had no land for inheritance. In that case God provided for them through the tithe. Are you a child of Israel? If so, what tribe do you come from? 4. What land do you get your tithe from?
5. The tithe consisted of food: grains, fruits, animals and other ground produce from the land within Israel, and not from outside. Is this the case today?
6. If you trust the word of God, where is it written that gentiles should tithe?
7. Where is it written that people should give money as a tithe? Which scripture?
8. Vocational trades and professionals never tithed. So, why should you tithe?
9. Where is it written that believers in Christ Jesus must tithe?
It will be interesting to get your replies to these questions with all honesty, my sister, if you truly trust in the authority of the scriptures.
The last challenge is for you to find out how many times Jesus taught about giving alms and why we have ignored His teaching. Please kindly respond to these one by one. God bless.
Lenny says
Abigail, when you talk about tithing and obedience going together, it was true then because people did not tithe money. Therefore, whatever you give as a tithe today is not a tithe because 1.there is no scripture that supports the change from field products or grain products to money. 2. The tithe was required from only from the children of Israel. When was it extended to the gentiles? Both the substitution of the tithe and its extension to the gentile have no biblical base. Therefore, who ever is participating in tithing today, whether it works or not, is disobeying the scriptures and God, whose word it is.
The other point worth taking here is that your disobedience is even worse because you have ignored the words of Jesus Christ who has commanded us to give alms, not tithing, from such things as we have. Please read Luke 11:41-42. These are the words of The Lord Jesus Christ to you and me. Even the rich younger ruler in Matthew 19 was told to give ALMS. How many times did Jesus speak on giving Alms? How many preacher teach this and how many are readily and proudly giving alms as Christ our Lord desires us to do? If this is not disobedience of the worst kind, what else can it be? The Lord went even further to demonstrate how this disobedience will be dealt with in Matthew 25:31-46. This is a serious illustration of the Lord’s approach to neglecting the poor and the needy. Have taken Him seriously? Please read Luke 11:41-42 where the Lord prefers giving ALMS over the tithe. Was He wrong? Please read the book: THE TITHING DILEMMA AND THE RIUMPHS OF LOVE by Leonard Bupanda. Or you can email me to discuss it further. Whom would you like to obey?
Brian Pedro. says
I do believe in the giving of tithing i have been working for 40 years,I have never got a promotion really since i have became a tither .
God really provide for me i do not earn a lot of money but the little that i earn i have become faithful to God .My wife does not work she is a house wife.And i am the only bread winner in the house. What i want to share with those out there test God in your tithe and see how he will open the flood gates of heaven for you .God help me to pay of my bond i have send my son through varsity for three years ,God is great and what he has promise in his word he will do. If i was tell you out there you will be shocked about the greatness of my God which i serve ,Many times my boss wanting to get rid of me i knew that satan are using him but here iam after 40 years in this place yesterday 1/3/2016.Thanks.
Mel says
Hello, I am thinking I am doing it so wrong. I am the MD of our private company and the one day I started giving 10% on each and every deposit that arrived. God said test me in this, and I just closed my eyes and no matter what the expenses, if a mere R50.00 was deposited that very same day a R5.00 got transferred to our local church where we prefer to attend services. God said test me, every month I can pay the bills and I am not yet drawing a salary. I am just not getting the breakthrough that I am so desperately waiting for. Help me understand and guide me to change my attitude if I have it all wrong. Thank you so much.
Leonard Bupanda says
Please go to my reply to Abigail’s post above. I would like you to examine the questions I have posed above and provide the answers with scriptures. If you cannot find the scriptures, then you that tithing in the New Testament is the work of religious minds, and not from God. The teaching of Christ, the Son of God is: “Give alms from such things as you have.” (Luke 11:41, Matt. 6:1-3). We get the illustration of this from Luke 10:29-37. Many of us would rather follow the prophet than obey Christ. We shall have a lot to explain some day.
Patience says
Tithe is necessary for our financial growth it also is needed to support the ministry of Christ. if we can not part with our money we are just like the rich man Jesus asked to sell his properties and give to the poor but he found it so difficult to do so: you cannot serve money and God at a time. In other way tithing can not make with God if we are sinners
NT says
The way I understand Malachi 3:10 is God only wants you to give His church your full 10%. He wants you to enjoy your fruitful and charitable life with the remaining 90% (including “giving Cesar what of Cesar”, i.e., taxes and other social obligations, good causes, etc.) So, 10% before taxes? Yes.
I like your handle, “Patience” because it reminds me of what I need more of, not money. Thanks.
Lenny says
Patience, the tithe was there when the Lord began His ministry. But instead of telling His disciples to depend on the tithe when He sent them out. As He ordered to take nothing with them, the most obvious choice would have been for them to benefit from the tithe. But the Lord did not use the tithe to support His ministry then. What makes you think He needs it for His Ministry today?
Let me repeat that tithing in money form is a complete departure from the scripture and collecting from gentiles is pure theft. Please see my reply to Abigail’s above and get in touch with me if need be.
Andria Washington says
I’ve read many of the comments above. I do believe in tithing because I believe God’s Words given to us in the Bible. I believe not one word should be discounted or excluded. I believe the Holy Spirit is the revealer of all truth. He is actual truth because He’s been a witness of everything God said and the context He said it in since the beginning of time. Context is important, yes. But only the Spirit, through God’s words and his prophets, can clarify that for us. He reveals if there’s been deceit in something you’ve heard or been told (John 14:17; 1 John 5:6-11.) Otherwise, believe God’s prophets and you’ll succeed (2 Chron. 20:20).
We’re made holy by God’s truth and His truth is His Word (John 17:17). Made holy means God’s gives you a clearer lense to see out of, according to His perspective. Whether you’ve seen the principle of tithing working in your life or not makes it no less true. Could it be that you may not have a full revelation on tithing from the Holy Spirit? If not, keep seeking. But, if you have an ear to hear, then hear. It’s according to your faith. We can say Malachi 3:10 has been taken out of context or twisted to fit the mindset or idea of a certain point. But the truth is this. You can’t argue with fruit being produced in a Believers life. The Bible is filled with godly principles that, when tapped into and when followed, will produce the success tied to that promise. There are many promises from God’s Word that some Believers will never see the fruit of in their lives, simply because they choose to hang their hat on the “fine lines” of what was said, when it was said and so on instead of the simplicity of the principle given (and the fact that GOD SAID IT and that in itself is enough).
Here’s another thing. 2 Tim. 3:16 says, “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.”
I don’t know how we can pass over the ALL SCRIPTURE part. God will never change and despite the times we live in, what He said to us is never outdated and always true. So, arguing Old or New Testament is irrelevant.
However, if you just NEED a NT direct address to the issue of tithing, I’ve got one for you. I’m not sure how we passed this over, but it’s irrefutable because Jesus said it.
In Luke 11:42, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees and said this:
““What sorrow awaits you Pharisees! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore justice and the love of God. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.”
To review, here’s why I tithe:
1. God says I should and that if I do, I’ll see the reward from this instruction.
2. It’s good to obey even when I don’t understand.
3. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to me about this instruction and will keep me from being deceived.
4. All scripture came from God, so if He said it at all, no matter who He was talking to, I can tap into that particular principle and receive the LIFE from it that He intended.
5. Jesus said I should tithe.
I don’t need any other convincing (not that I should anyway because anybody who comes to God has to come receive like a child who hangs on every word her mom or dad says…she doesn’t need proof). I’d rather obey until God tells me, “Hey, do it this way instead.” The Word is a seed. Seeds get planted and take time to harvest. There’s always more happening in my life that I can’t see than what I can see. For those of us who do tithe, you have no idea how God covers your back in ways known and unknown to you because you believed Him and His prophets about the tithe.
In Malachi, God promises to open the windows of heaven for us, to rebuke anything that tries to devour our increase, cause us to be able to save and to make sure the seeds that we plant don’t mature before their time so they can yield maximum results. I’ve seen every single one of these promises in my life as a result of giving my tithe.
By the way, did we forget that tithing was happening before the law was even given (Hebrews 7:1-10)? It’s got nothing to do with when it was said or the question of if its for us or not. It is this: either you believe what God said or you don’t. I mean, He didn’t say it or enact tithing for no reason. I’d rather just pay attention to His Words and trust that He intended tithing for me because He loves me and wants me to live abundantly in all areas of my life.
Hey, but that’s just me! ?
Jared Brian says
God promised a lot of rewards on all kinds of laws in the OT. Are you doing all of them because of the rewards?
God didn’t tell the church to obey tithing. He didn’t even tell the Gentiles who knew nothing about it. He made ONLY the farmers and herdsmen responsible for tithing in the OT, are you obeying? Israel couldn’t tithe outside of the promised land – are you obeying? Only 1& of the entire tithe made it to the temple – are you obeying? Only Levites received the tithe – are you obeying? Follow the ‘spirit of the law not the letter’ you say? Since when has offering 10% been an example of the Spirit of the law?
And the Holy Spirit revealed the truth to me too. Oh and someone else claims the same thing too, and someone else. and someone else. Good thing we are all so good at perfectly listening to the Holy Spirit because we all agree on everything.
Principle? Show me anywhere else where 10% is a principle? Tell your husband that you want 10% of him at the altar and we’ll see if you really believe that 10% is an actual principle.
In the same passage, talking to the same people, at the same time, Jesus said to obey the Pharisees. Are you following pharisaical law today? Didn’t think so.
Neither one of your points makes tithing binding at all. And even if you combined 100 invalid points, it doesn’t make your point any more valid.
Platitudes such as:
“ALL scripture is profitable”
“God wants us to obey”
“God never changes”
Can be attached to anyone’s opinion. It doesn’t make your point any more potent. It actually invalidates the truth with watered down rhetoric.
NT says
Thank you. Thank you. I started tithing today. I am willing to test God. I already “knew” about the rewards from giving to church and charity over the years. But giving the whole tenth? I just now am trying and expecting more in returns because God said so.
Andria Washington says
I appreciate your response, Jared. I’ve got a retort for each one of my points that you think you’ve refuted. Furthermore, I really don’t think you addressed what the Word did say that I shared, but instead pointed out things you saw as holes in what I said. Either way, my purpose in sharing this view on tithing wasn’t to argue or prove what is right or wrong or to say I’ve got everything down perfectly. It was to share an experience and truth I’ve found that will work got anyone who follows it. Everything we do as far as following God’s Word should be out of love for Him and because we understand WHY we’re doing what we do. Rewards are just a benefit and outflow of right motives and following an instruction from God.
I did not say the Holy Spirit revealed some special truth TO ME that discounts what others have shared. I said the Holy Spirit WILL reveal TRUTH to me (meaning you or whomever is reading this or anyone who wants to know what was on the heart of God when spoke these words) when we have an ear to hear what He’s saying.
Everyone is at a different place with the Father. Everyone has a different assignment. I believe it’s my job to seek God for the specifics of what I’m called to do and what He requires of me. Living a life of favor and showing others how to as well is one of my assignments and I’ve experienced much favor and freedom through tithing (James 1:22). This Christian life is about growth in the Spirit. Tithing is a principle I’ve discovered to be true in my walk with Christ. If that’s not where you are (the place I’m describing) then that’s you…and that’s okay. And I’m not saying anything negative about anyone who doesn’t tithe. I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but the truth is offensive. There does exist a spirit of truth and of error. Thankfully, you don’t have to give an account to me, but to God, for what you do. Anything not done in faith is sin. So if you don’t believe in the principle of tithing, don’t do it.
Now, from what I understand, I know a command to be a verb or action. “Bring all the tithes…” is a command. It’s telling me what to do. Also, if Jesus said “don’t neglect to give it”, that means adhere to that command of giving tithe. Lastly, the law of God is written on our hearts. Jesus asks me to do two things and then He said by me doing them, I’ve fulfilled the law (Matt. 22:37-40; Matt. 5:17-20 Rom. 13:8-10). He even said he didn’t come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it himself. That means the law is still important, but a Spirit led life and a life lived through grace helps me to obey whatever God asks me to do. There’s no need to go detail by detail to see if I’m fulfilling every tidbit of the law. Jesus already covered me in that when I chose to take Him as my Savior. A Believer is faultless in the Father’s eyes if Jesus is His Lord. If you don’t follow the command of tithing, you just don’t receive what God intended for you from following that command. No condemnation or guilt involved…
What I am saying/sharing is what my experience has been. There’s a reward tied to every instruction God has given. God’s intent for us in this life is to receive everything that Jesus died to give us…one of those being abundance and provision for everything He’s told us to do. Tithing is one way that abundance is released in our lives.
The definition of a principle is a truth or law in which others are derived. Just like the law of gravity, you don’t have to believe that law, but it has positive outcomes for those who believe it works and negative outcomes for those who reject it. In the same way, you don’t have to believe the principle of tithing or follow it, but it makes it no less true, especially because no one can’t take away my positive experience with tithing.
What makes tithing binding is not any of my “rhetoric” as you call it, but simply that it was something God thought important enough to tell us about and give instruction on. Whether we fully are able to explain it properly or not is neither here nor there. That’s why only the Spirit can bring life and further revelation to any principle or topic we’re discussing.
I’m simply saying, I’ve found that tithing works. Putting God to the test in my life where that’s concerned has yielded fruit in my life that I had nothing to do with. I’ve found that He’s present in my tithing (and giving of offering). I know why I do it and what the purpose of it is. I just did what Heb. 6:12 said.
I’m just supposed to believe His words, not try to explain them away. For me, I found that everything I receive from God really is according to my faith. The more literal I take Him, the more He meets me right where I am in my life. I can speak for no one but myself, but this is the truth I’ve found. There’s more to this life in the Word than what we think. That’s all. ?
Jared Brian says
I disagree. It was a command telling Israel what to do. Not the New Covenant Church.
You ignored the word. Jesus said in “His Words” to obey the Pharisees. Either you obey Jesus whole command in this passage, or be accused of picking parts of scripture that you ‘feel’ are only applicable to you. Which is it? Do you obey only some of the commands Jesus said in that passage or all of the commands?
Since when does “Fulfill” mean continue? Fulfill means to complete and finish not continue. If I told you to fill up an empty bucket with water, how would you fulfill my request? Once the bucket is full, you can’t continue to fulfill my request because the bucket’s purpose has been fulfilled. You cannot add any more to a full bucket. You cannot continue to use it to fill more water because it has fulfilled its purpose. Jesus said, “It is finished” For a reason. He didn’t say, “It is destroyed”. He didn’t say, “Keep going”. He didn’t say, “Moses must go on”. – “IT IS FULFILLED”
Exactly. 10% giving is derived from a principle. It is NOT the principle. Generosity, sacrifice, love, faith are principles. Principles are found in the lessons, not the exercise.
What you have found is that “Faith”, “Generosity”, “Sacrifice” is the part of the formula that is at work for you. Giving 10% doesn’t do diddly squat and is not what works. It’s the faith, sacrifice and generosity you bestow from giving in that manner that one is blessed from.
Andria Washington says
I understand your perspective, I just don’t agree with yours either. ;) Thanks for letting me share what I’ve found on your site. We’ve both got our own journeys to walk out. God bless us both as we do that in the way God’s Spirit leads us. I know the Lord covers us in the rest. Thanks again!
Lenny says
My sister Andrea, I fully appreciate your passion to tithe and your assertion to do so. I am particularly drawn to your standing on the word of God as truth. This is very encouraging indeed.
I really like your point that God’s word should not be distorted or excluded. This is very important. Unfortunately, things have been done to the Word of God, and many of us have never noticed.
My brother Jared, has raised some of the areas where the Word of God on the tithe has been distorted and the facts concerning the tithe have been completely twisted for our convenience. Yet many of us have failed to pick the distortions out. Instead, we have been made to accept them like nothing has happened.
In this regard, I would like to raise a few more observations. I pray that they will make some sense. In addition to all the “little” concerns Brother Jared has raised, if you truly believe in the authenticity of God’s word, when did tithing change from farm and animal products to salaries and money? Is there a specific scripture to support this change? Can anyone explain with scripture how the new tithe was arrived at? If this is not distortion, what can we call it?
Again, the scriptures are very clear that the instructions of the tithe in Malachi 3:10 were directed at the Levitical priest who had started to dishonour God by offering sacrifices of poor quality. The other scriptural truth is that gentiles were never part of the tithing scheme because products for tithing were given by the people who were physically rescued from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 12:51; 13:5 :Lev.23:43; 25:38, 55; 26:13, 44-45). It was part of the memorial practice in which gentiles lost their lands and had no part, have had no part and will never have, no matter how well package the tithe is. So, how do we get entangled in this if this facts are true?
Again, quoting the OT, you said we must obey God’s word and His prophets. In the New Testament, this is what God, not the prophet says about His Son Jesus Christ: ” THIS IS MY BELOVED SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED, HEAR YE HIM” (Matt.17:5).
My sister, I have already said that our Saviour Jesus Christ, not only is He God’s Son, He is God the Son and He is the WORD. This is a fact that many of us tend to forget. The great the Jonah is here, but we are keen to obey what the prophets said rather than what Jesus, God’s Son says. Who is greater? The prophet or Christ?
Understanding this point is very key to understanding the place of the tithe the generation of the Spirit and truth, as well as faith and grace. The typical misunderstanding of the tithe is clearly seen in the way you have chosen to exclude v41 in Luke 11 in which you quoted the Lord.
You must read verse 41. The Lord clearly picked GIVING ALMS as his preferred way of giving. This is clear right from the beginning. In Matthew 6:1-3, He encouraged giving alms and showed how the heavenly Father will be involved in rewarding the giver of alms. In Matthew 19 again the young rich ruler is challenged to give to the poor and the he will have treasures in heaven. Here again the Father is involved. In Luke 11:41 the Lord rebuked the Pharisees who were worried about eating without washing hands. Remember here that the answer He gave had very little relevance to eating without washing hands. His reaction though caught many titters by surprise. He said “Rather give alms from such things as you have.” The word “RATHER” would be redundant if it is used without an option in mind. Therefore, without much argument, the Lord preferred giving alms or giving with love and compassion from anything that we have. The Lord elaborated this in Matthew 25:31-40. Again the Father is involved. The classic one is the story of the Good Samaritan who used all that he had on the victim of a robbery in Luke 10:24-42.
When Jesus said ” GO AND DO LIKEWISE” He meant exactly that. But how many of us have truly heeded Him? Why are we so openly disobedient to Christ and to His Father, who has Commanded to HEAR HIM?
How many times did Jesus teach about giving and command us to give alms? Can we genuinely say he commanded us to tight at all. Why were the Holy Spirit led apostles silent about the tithe?
I know that Jesus is greater than Moses or Jonah and Solomon even greater than any prophet that ever lived. Do you believe this? You
miisa says
I have become totally driven to give the tenth. I don’t know why but I love to tithe.
Ludicks says
For God said in the book of Malachi 3:10-11 “Bring all the tithe into the store room that there may be food in my house,test me in this says the Lord and see if I will not throw open heavens and comand blessings until you have no where to keep them and I will prevent pests and insects from devouring your crops”
Jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you, I have heard and see in my life the benefits of being a tither,I just want to say that God says in the book of Malachi 3 seek me 1st and all that you need (blessings, protection, prosperity and so on) will be added unto you, Tithing is the only way God expect from us to seek out our needs for the promises of tithing is what we need, That tithe becomes a sacrifice offering before God’s presence, the smell is always in God’s nose for that is pleasing to him, and surely my brother and sister you shall find, the Lord Jesus said seek you shall find, there is no way you can seek God the he comanded which is pleasing to him and do not find
happy are they That seek God for they will not be disappointed. We serve the holy God.
Njoroge Muhandi says
Tithing was 430 years before the Law. It didn’t come from the Law. Tithing is applicable today. It is a Kingdom principle. This is the ultimate weapon against devourers – and they are many in this age including hardcore Satanists going around cursing businesses.
From a Kingdom Entrepreneur in Kenya.
Lenny says
Njoroge, I am afraid you still need to meet And knowChrist , God’s only Son. Unless you do that, you will never understand the full meaning of His coming. Did you know that all those the Lord revealed Himself to were never told or commanded to tithe? Not even one tithed, but they gave according to the way the Holy Spirit prompted them. In other word there is ample proof that tithing was never practised by the early Believers because there is no scripture in the newTestament to support tithing after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
As a matter of fact, The Lord, after His resurrection, never went to meet any tithers. If He did, please show me the scripture if you can. I believe that all those who teach tithing and those who tithe have not met Christ yet. Christ’s flock does not tithe but shares (Acts 2:44-47). This is where all believers belong. Tithers don’t share, not even their pastors do because they don’t understand the true effect of love. If this is not true please show me the proof..
Jesus never appeared to the tithers. Therefore I am personally not surprised that present day tithers have missed out on the blessings being one in Christ and sharing in hospitality.. ( Matthew 25:31-46). This teaching has fallen on the tithers deaf ears, unfortunately.