- The Holy Spirit is our new teacher, not the Mosaic law (Romans 12:8; Galatians 5:18-25)
- There is no command for the New Covenant Church to tithe (Genesis – Revelation)
- Tithing was used for the temple storehouse & ceremonial system (Nehemiah 10:37; Deuteronomy 12:17,18)
- 10% giving is not an eternal principle nor a character trait of God (Romans 8:32)
- The church is not commanded to follow the ordinances of Abraham and Moses (John 7:21-24)
- A tithe only consisted of agricultural increase (Leviticus 27:30)
- Tithing is not the minimum amount mentioned in scripture (Romans 12:1; Matthew 25:24-28)
- An OT ceremony paralleled the future Church with a freewill offering (Deuteronomy 16:10)
- We have new commands of giving (1 Corinthians 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9:7; Galatians 5:18-25)
- I will leave out #10 and see what many of you come up with
Rod says
Jesus said tithing was what the hypocrites do to try to full fill the laws.Not how much you give but like the widow,give all,from the heart and not because of what the temple/church head hypo said.God don’t need your money,men do.
Rose says
yes, men need money to do God’s work. God was the one who gave you a strong mind or body to work and everything is His. Including us, He paid for us with His blood. Our lives belong to Him since we are living sacrifices.
nuevonacida says
Rod I totally agree with you. To quote:
The false teaching is that New Covenant elders and pastors are continuing where the Old Covenant priests left off and are due the tithe
Tithing failed national Israel and it has also failed the Church (Heb 7:12-19). Churches showcase success stories but fail to mention the testimonies of those who have tithed for generations without escaping poverty. Today the very lowest income class pays the largest percentage to charity. Yet most remain in poverty.
Meanwhile many atheists become wealthy by simply following principles of money management which also makes many tithers successful. Neither the lottery, nor the tithe is a magic get-rich-quick answer to replace education, determination and hard work. If Malachi 3:10 really worked for New Covenant Christians, millions of poor tithing Christians would have escaped poverty and would have become the wealthiest group of people in the world instead of remaining the poorest group. There is no evidence that the vast majority of poor tithe-payers are ever blessed financially merely because they tithe. The Old Covenant blessings are not New Covenant blessings (Heb 7:18-19; 8:6-8, 13).
ron says
The scripture says God will bless those who tithe faithfully. It does NOT say he will bless the financially, but they will be blessed. You can be blessed in many more ways and more rewarding ways the money can not buy. Such as a good marriage, peace, health. God does say those who tithe and trust him by tithing, shall not lack or be in need.
nuevonacida says
Hi Ron!
You said, “God does say those who tithe and trust him by tithing, shall not lack or be in need.”
Can you show me where I can find this particular
scripture? I don’t know this scripture. It is good to give
and to tithe if you so desire. I agree God blesses us in
many ways, not only when money is given to the church.
The problem I have is the way the money given is spent.
So many quote the book of Acts: They came and laid all
that they owed at the Apostles feet.
This is true, but the rest of the scripture says, AND THEY
Not word for word, but same meaning. Everything collected
is suppose to go back into the church for the church and
it’s member. It’s not for Pastor’s to hoard, and feed their
lavish lifestyle appetite. That is not God’s way.
God bless
parisgirl says
I gave my tithe faithfully for many years, latetly
I started to notice the need in our church,
The people don’t have works, and some forclosed
their home, and yet, the pastors have a very
expensive house, brand new BMW cars. take 5
vacations a year, and eat out every day,
it really makes me mad, there is no outreach
of any kind really, but food pantry and children
ministry, I’m worry about this situation, so my
question is, I still want to give, because I believe
we give because obedience, but I will give my
money to the people in need, is this the same
as tithing or I supposed to give it to the church
my church do not post were the money is going
tell me please if the church is supposed to post the
amount they receive, or what about the pastor
salary, and what they do with the money because
my church never do this, it is right for me to know
where is my money going, they brush me off when
I ask
Ken says
From the various posts I have seen you write, you seem very caught up in the concerns of money and those who have and have not. Find contentment in what the Lord provides you, seek eternal treasures. The Lord gives as he pleases – read Matthew chapter 20 – The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.
Matthew 6:19-21 – 19 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Gary says
There are some truly GOD fearing people that believe in the tithe.True Christians believe in Christ alone for salvation and not anything else(tithe included).You are however throwing the baby out with the bathwater.God does not need our money but the church doesn’t operate for free either.
Ken says
I would say your use of Matthew 23:23 is used out of context to make your point, because in that verse, Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees (the church leaders) about their own personal tithes. Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites because they give their 10th, but neglect the more important matters of the law, which Jesus says is justice, mercy and faithfulness. He wasn’t questioning the amount because they gave the lawful amount, but they neglected the more important matters of justice, mercy and faithfulness. This wasn’t about the amount, and additionally these Pharisees were the head of the church, so your point is very confusing.
This verse is that Jesus expected it all. He expected the giver to provide both the tithe, as well as the giver to have provide justice, mercy and faithfulness.
(red letter words of Jesus) Matthew 23:23 – “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices – mint, dill and cummin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law – justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
You are absolutely correct. God does not need my money. He was the one who provided it to me in the first place. It all belongs to him. It is just a temporary loan. But men do need my money. My tithe each week helps finance support to other men, women and children at my church to find salvation and eternal life through our Lord Jesus each and every week. That is money I am more than happy to give away. What a fabulous investment!
Ken says
You are correct, God does not need our money, but men do. I am more than pleased that my tithe supports men, women and children that come to the church I attend and find salvation and eternal life in Jesus. The money I provide the church helps keep the doors open, pays the bills, and each week I see mye pastor provide an opportunity for new people (non-Christians) to find eternal life through our Lord Jesus. So right, so very true, men do need my money, and I am happy to give it to them for this reason.
meg says
I think that you need to be careful about what you say and how you may be taking all of these out of context. Jesus doesn’t NEED YOUR MONEY!! HELLo he has a whole kingdom. The bible clearly states tithing is part of showing your love for the Lord. You give back money to the church and that shows your appreciation for God and the sacrifice of his son. Tithing is not necessary to be saved but i have to say one thing…… your love for the lord is part of being saved and if you can’t sacrifice a mear two dollars a week on the lord instead of starbucks then obviously you have a heart issue. FIGURE IT OUT PLEASE BEFORE YOU POST THINGS THAT ARE CONFUSING AND MISLEADING!
Tracey says
From reading your angry comment, you are obviously a tither. The love that we show to God is rightly expressed in our giving (not a specific amount such as 10%) but more so in how we treat our brothers. I suggest you check you heart when you are writing comments.
nuevonacida says
Well said, Tracey. Let’s put it this way. To all the tithers. If you want to tithe…tithe! That’s what people did in the old days (old testament) was give their money, adoration, worship to whomever was King at the time.
Tithing is “Old Testament Law.” If you want to do that one act of old testament law, why don’t you do all the other old testament laws? It will do all well to remember, Idolatry and worship of men, any men, including Pastors, by keeping them living in the lavish lifestyle they become accustomed to, is not God’s will. We serve an angry, jealous God. He will not compete with idol worshipers. One must be careful as there are boundaries. I believe Pastors start out with a good heart,
but once the money starts coming in, somewhere along the line, their
heart changes, and they justify in their own minds that it’s okay to live according to them, “PROSPEROUS” WHEN IN REALITY they are stealing from God’s people to suit their own purposes. I know one pastor who has 3 kids in college one more to go, and they are all going to OUT OF STATE TUITION COLLEGES AT LEAST 150,000 or spo in tuition just for one kid…one semester. 5 trips to Paris. That’s only what he has shared with us. God only knows what else he believes he’s entitled to. You have a free will. Tithe if you want. I have an awesome relationship with God. Guess what? When I stopped tithing and got the revelation we don’t have to, God began to bless me in my finances! I no longer go to that church, and hold the pastor to such high esteem, which completely belong to God and God alone. Amen.
Ken says
First off, I am glad you found a new church. Now I hope you find peace and be able to let go of your worries about the problems with your old church pastor’s lifestyle.
Where is the value in your post? What redeeming value does it bring? Is your post uplifting and beneficial for other Christians? Your post and this entire website is a stumbling block, causing division. I tithe, you don’t tithe, your former church accepted tithes. Why is it worth complaining about the matter publicly?
Romans 14:10-13 (NIV) 10 You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. 11 It is written: “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’” 12 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. 13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (NIV) The Believer’s Freedom 23 “I have the right to do anything,” you say — but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”— but not everything is constructive. 24 No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.
1 Corinthians 10:31-33 (NIV) 31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.
2 Corinthians 6:3 (NIV) 3 We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited.
I tithe, and I agree with you, you can tithe or not tithe, but if I was a non-tithing Christian I wouldn’t go out of my way to a website to complain about my pastor.
When I saw the website http://www.tithing.com I thought maybe it was a site for a better way to submit a tithe. It definitely was not that. As I found out, this site turned out to be a website for sour-grape christians who want to bad-mouth and discredit tithing.
Why does tithing matter to you? Why does it matter what others do with their money? Why does it bother you so much that your old pastor has so much material wealth? Are you sure all those lavish things you mention that your old pastor has come from church tithes, and not from other sources? Maybe book sales, inheritance etc…? All blessings come from God anyway. Maybe God chose to bless your old pastor that way.
Chapter 20 of Matthew is the parable of the workers in the vineyard. The parable is about a landowner who hires men to work in his vineyard. He hired men at different times of the day: 6am, 9am, noon, 3 pm and 5 pm. At the end of the work day his foremen gathered them all and he paid the ones he hired last first and he paid them one denarius. He paid the ones he hired first (the 6am workers) last and he also paid them one denarius. Those who were hired at 6am grumbled about their pay. — You remind me of the grumbling worker in the vineyard hired at 6am.
But in verses 13-15 the landowner responded to the grumblers and said; 13 “But he answered one of them, Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?
Nuevonacida, are you envious of your old pastor? Are you envious how God has blessed your pastor? Be assured, if there are wrongdoings, then God will judge.
brdavision says
I agree tracey….For some reason we (Christians) have fallen into the trap of thinking we can buy good things from God by tithing or given money. Unfortunately this couldn’t be any further from the truth.
If you want a good marriage, communication and honesty is the key.
If you want more income, a good education, good money management is the key.
loni says
Tithing still stands. In Matt 23:23 Jesus tells them they should have practiced the latter, (justice, mercy, faithfulness), without neglecting the former, (tithing). It’s not that Jesus said we don’t have to do it, He says we should do the others while not neglecting to tithe. Jesus also says in Matt 5:15 “think not that I have come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.” Being under grace doesn’t mean OT law goes out the window. Being under the law of grace means that we don’t have to work for salvation because it can not be achieved through our works. The final work was done by Jesus the Christ on the cross. When you go on to read Matt 23 (the 7 Woes), Christ tears apart the “leaders” beause as Meg said, their hearts were not right. Tithing is a standard, OT set the standard, but your attitude on giving is between you and God. I’m not saying a fifth will not get you a blessing, but I’m pretty sure a fifth from the heart blessing can’t touch a tenth from the heart blessing. Remember 2 Cor 9:6-7 “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity:for God loveth a cheerful giver.” Tithing @ 10% shows oedience and faith. Obedience to God’s command and faith that He will provide if we obey. God doesn’t ask us to give what He hasn’t given us. We mismanage the 90% He alows us to keep then blame our bills and try to short change God. You should’ve thought about your tithe while charging up those credit card bills (sorry but I have to speak the truth). We want God to understand but we must understand that His word does not change to fit us, we must change to fit His word. Therefore, we must be willing to sacrifice our worldly possessions (this is what the Jesus told the young man that wanted to follow Him), buy what what we need, instead of what we want and tithing would be effortless. I can say this because this is my testimony, but it only came with maturity in the word and in my walk with Christ. Jesus says in John 14:15, “IF you love me, keep my commandments.” God commanded tithing, it may have been in the OT but nevertheless He commanded it. Sacrifices were commaned in the OT too, yet in the NT Jesus gave His life as THE sacrifice for you and I. We must remember, Psalm 24:1, “the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof, the world and theythat dwell thereing.” You have it because God gave it. A tenth is not a lot to give back in return. Also, tithing a tenth is not always financial. Tithe your time & talents to your local ministry, God loves a cheerful giver.
Abraham commenced it – Gen 14:20
Jacob continued it – Gen 28:22
Malachi commanded it – Mal 3:10
Jesus commended it – Matt 23:23
Be blessed
joel says
Hi, Jesus said to the Jews that were present to tithe in Mathew 23:23 but please read the verse properly it says MINT AND CUMMIN. It was food that was used in Deutreronomy 14:22-25 and they ate it before the Lord , Food was mentioned in Malachi 3:10 and food was mentioned by Jesus in Mathew 23:23.
Its funny christians decided to change it into to money.
Please try and explain or get your pastor I dont care who he is to explain Deuteronomy 14:24-25. Pharasies that were following Jesus to try and bring an accusation against him knew all about the law of tithing given by Moses.Jesus was a Jew from the tribe of Judah for him to receive or ask for tithes He would have sinned according to the Mosiac Law.
Think about it, Please read your bible and do not be spoon fed by pastors who deceive christians for financial gain. Jesus said mint and cummin, and he said that tithing was in the law of Moses in Mathew 23:23. DO YOU WANT TO TELL JESUS HE WAS WRONG ?
or maybe He did not know that tithing was not in the law of Moses because your pastor said so. WAKE UP, AND STOP BEING STUPID! The love of money is the reason why pastors and people who are teaching tithing changed the scriptures for their own financial gain. Many christians are deceived because of greed and lust for your neighbours money. We cant serve God and money thats what Jesus said.
Have a Peaceful day
Ken says
In Matthew 23:23 Jesus does not criticize the observance of the minutiae of the law (he says, “you should have practiced the latter without neglecting the former”) but Jesus does criticize the hypocrisy involved.
Regarding myself, (I am a tither) I have no problem that part of my tithe goes to my pastor’s salary, because from reading the various other posts many other non-tithers do have a problem with tithing that supports the Pastoral staff.
My Pastor drives a used mini-van like me, I know what house he lives in, and I know his kids go to the same public school that one of my kids goes to. But I also know that another part of my tithe helps keep the church doors open and because the doors remain open I know that each and every week a new person (non-Christian) finds salvation and eternal life through our Lord, Jesus. So the portion of my tithe that goes to my Pastor’s salary is worth every bit of it as it keeps him doing what he does well – teaching the gospel, and putting more dents into the kingdom of Hell, thereby increasing the kingdom of Heaven by seeing another person saved. My tithing investment is eternal. So as you put it, I don’t mind being spoon fed a diet of tithing by my Pastor as long as the pay off is continuing to see more and more people receive eternal life.
In my opinion, a person providing a monetary donation to to their church, the type of church where people are getting saved has more eternal value, than spending time on a website posting complaints about the lack of merit on tithing and complaining about pastors making financial gains off of tithes.
It would appear that you need to find a church where you can trust the pastoral staff with the finances they are entrusted with.
Your post, as I read it also gives off the appearance that you are a grumbler, one who is not satisfied that your Pastor is getting financial gain. You should reread Matthew Chapter 20 – The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. You remind me of grumbling person addressed by the landowner in verses 13-15. Check it out….
Jared Brian says
The number one problem i had when i once believed in the tithing mandate was that all i could see was the consistency and repetitiveness of tithing. I could not see the other inconsistent, and incompatible errors it has under the new covenant. Anyone can see the similarities of any screwdriver and any screw, but it’s inconsistencies that will tell you whether or not a screw driver will fit the screw.
– jared
nuevonacida says
For you Loni: First things first. ). In Matthew 23:2 and 3 (the context of 23:23) Jesus told his Jewish followers to obey the scribes and Pharisees “because they sit in Moses’ seat.” Yet He did not (and could not) command Gentiles whom He healed to present themselves to the priests and obey the Law of Moses (compare Matt 5:23-24 and 8:4). And churches do not collect tithes from garden herbs as Jesus commanded. I believe Matthew 5:15 you quoted is incorrect. I believe Matthew 5:15 is this, “Matthew 5:15 (New King James Version)
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
You quote: “beause as Meg said, their hearts were not right. Tithing is a standard, OT set the standard, but your attitude on giving is between you and God. I’m not saying a fifth will not get you a blessing, but I’m pretty sure a fifth from the heart blessing can’t touch a tenth from the heart blessing.
Tithing is NOT a heart issue. This is what Pastors TELL you to manipulate you as though the problem is with you when it is not. MANIPULATION BIG TIME DEAR. They tell you things like you don’t really trust God will meet your needs. Or It’s a heart issue, like you’re selfish or don’t love God. This is so bogus. I for one believe words have power. And I take authority of my words and what is spoken on my Christian walk, my life, my finances and my health. When someone, anyone, speaks these kind of negative things over you and into your life, they are cursing you. I know of one Pastor who is so bold as to declare, people in his church don’t give, don’t sow seed, that’s why they don’t get a harvest. They are nothing but broke Christians. This is a terrible thing to speak over your congregation. Guess what? They probably are broke but not because they don’t sow. Because their own Pastor is speaking negativity over them by trying to be funny, cute and intimidating the people to give. What people don’t realize as long as you are broke, you need the false teaching and the need for approval more than ever. This same pastor started up his own cosmetics company and rakes in millions of dollars a year. I ask you now, to just “guess” where….he got the start up capital for this company? Do you honestly believe he is doing what the books of Acts commanded? Dividing all the profits so there was not one among them who had need? No. He is not. You quot3ed alot of scripture. And I have answers.
nuevonacida says
Part 2. One argument to support non-food tithing is that money was not universally available and barter from food was used for most transactions. This argument is neither biblical nor historical. Genesis alone contains money in 32 texts and the word occurs 44 times before the holy tithe is described in Leviticus 27. Gold is in Genesis 2:12. The words jewelry, gold, silver and shekel also appear often from Genesis to Deuteronomy.
You quote: “Jesus says in John 14:15, “IF you love me,
keep my commandments.” There is nothing in this scripute that God is commanding us to tithe! Please! He also says in Psalm 24:4 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol,
Nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive blessing from the LORD NO idol worship! GENESIS 14:20: Genises 14:20 Abram’s Tithe to Melchizedek Reflected the Law
of the Land. The false teaching is that Abraham freely gave tithes because it was God’s will. Scores of reputable secular history books document the existence of spoils of war tithing from Babylon to Egypt before Abraham’s time. For the following reasons, Abram’s pre-circumcision tithe in Genesis 14:20 cannot be used as an example for Christians to tithe (17:5). (1) The Bible does not say that Abram “freely” gave this tithe. (2) Abram’s gift was NOT a holy tithe from God’s holy land gathered by God’s holy people under God’s holy Old Covenant. (3) Abram’s tithe was clearly only from pagan spoils of war and was required in many nations as the law of the land. (4) In Numbers 31:21-31, God only required 1% of spoils of war as an ordinance. (5) Abram’s tithe to the priest-king Melchizedek was a one-time recorded event. (6) Abram’s tithe was not from his previously owned personal property. (7) Abram kept nothing for himself; he gave everything back. (8) Abram’s tithe is not quoted anywhere in the Bible to endorse tithing from Israel or from the church. (9) Genesis 14, verse 21, is the key text. Since most commentaries explain verse 21 as an example of pagan Arab law, it is contradictory to explain the 90% of verse 21 as pagan, while insisting that the 10% of verse 20 was obedience to God’s will. (10) If Abraham is an example for Christians to give 10% to God, then he should also be an example for Christians to give the other 90% to Satan, or to the king of Sodom! (11) As priests themselves, neither Abraham nor Jacob had a Levitical priesthood to support; they probably left food for the poor at their
altars to Yahweh.
It is Holy to the LORD Does Not Make Tithing an Eternal Moral Principle.The false teaching is that Leviticus 27:30-34 proves that the tithe is an eternal moral principle because it is holy to the LORD.The phrases it is HOLY unto the LORD and it is MOST HOLY unto the LORD are very common in Leviticus. However, almost every other use of these two phrases in Leviticus has long ago been discarded by Christians. These phrases are used to describe all the festivals, the sacrificial offerings, the clean foods, the old covenant priests and the old covenant sanctuary. Especially read verses 28 and 29 in chapter 27.While the tithe of the tithe (1%) which was given to the priests was the best of what the Levites received, the tithe which the Levites received was only one tenth and not the best (Lev 27:33)
The widow’s mite is an example of free-will giving and is not an example of tithing. According to Edersheim none of the Temple’s chests were for tithes. The poor received money from those chests before leaving the temple.
In Malachi 3:10-11 tithes are still only food 1000 years after Leviticus 27.C. LAW: Malachi’s audience had willingly reaffirmed the Old Covenant (Neh 10:28-29). The blessings and curses of tithing are identical to and inseparable from those of the entire Mosaic Law. The rain in Deuteronomy 28:12, 23-24 and Leviticus 26:1-4 is only obtained by obedience to all 600+ commandments. Galatians 3:10 (quoting Deu 27:26) “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” Trying to earn God’s blessings through tithing only brought curses for failure to keep all of the law.
See also Galatians 3:19.
STOREHOUSE: According to Nehemiah 13:5, 9 the “storehouse” in the Temple was only several rooms. The real “storehouses” were in the Levitical cites per Nehemiah 10:37b. Only the Levites and priests normally brought tithes to the Temple (10:38). Two rooms in the Temple were far too small to contain the tithe from the entire nation and 98% of the Levites and priests lived too far away to eat from them (1 Kg 6:6).Therefore, Malachi 3:10’s “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse” only makes contextual sense if it is only commanding dishonest priests to replace the tithes they had removed from it or had failed to bring to it.While the 3:10 of the Law in Malachi is so important to tithe-teachers they ignore the 3:10 of the Gospel in Galatians and 2nd Corinthians. Perhaps those wanting to enforce the 3:10 Law of Malachi should also enforce the 3:10 Law of Numbers.
They share the same context.
For Paul, living of the gospel meant living by gospel principles of faith, love and grace (1 Cor 9:14). While Paul realized that he had a right to some support, he concluded that his liberty, or freedom to preach unhindered was more important in order to fulfill his calling from God (1 Cor 9:12, 15; 2 Cor 11:7-13; 12:13-14; 1 Thes 2:5-6). While working as a tent-maker, Paul accepted limited support but boasted that his pay, or salary, was that he could preach the gospel for free, without being a burden to others (1 Cor 9:16-19). Most young preachers today do not want to follow this example given by Paul.
Tithe-teachers use their own blended pick-and-choose principles which are extremely inconsistent. They reject the basic Covenant principles of Calvin which discard tithing as part of the worship statutes. They also reject basic Dispensation principles which discard the entire Mosaic Law unless it is repeated to the Church in terms of grace. They attempt to teach that the whole Law is still in effect in order to include tithing and then discard almost everything except tithing. While quoting Matthew 5:17-18 they ignore 5:19 and the context of 5:20-48, which is an illustration of the whole law. Yet 5:17-18 demands either all of the Law of Moses or none of it in the Old Covenant context. The tithe-teachers blended compromise is a modern scandal of God’s Word. (Chapters 18, 26, 30)
In God’s Word, tithe does not stand alone. It is the tithe of FOOD. The HOLY biblical tithe was very narrowly defined and limited by God Himself. True biblical tithes were always: (1) only food, (2) only from the farms and herds, (3) of only Israelites, (4) who only lived inside God’s Holy Land, the national boundary of Israel, (5) only under Old Covenant terms and (6) the increase could only be gathered from what God produced.Therefore, (1) non-food items could not be tithed; (2) clean wild game animals and fish could not be tithed; (3) non-Israelites could not tithe; (4) food from outside God’s holy land of Israel could not be tithed; (5) legitimate tithing did not occur when there was no Levitical priesthood; and (6) tithes did not come from what man’s hands created, produced or caught by hunting and fishing.
Please get some understanding. Give from your heart.
Cheerful giver! If Pastors want to believe God will come through for you, they can do the same, Amen?
God bless you.
Ken says
Find a new church where you are not manipulated, but don’t complain about it on a website posting.
Ken says
Wow, you really keep running into all the bad pastors using up all the tithes they get for their own gains. And now you ran into a Pastor that used his gains to finance a cosmetics company, that’s amazing too.
I really do hope and pray that you find a church that you are at peace with, and I hope you will be able to let go of your frustration with all of these pastor’s asking for tithes.
nuevonacida says
I do not need to “careful” as you say dear. I know what I am talking about.
You say, Jesus doesn’t NEED YOUR MONEY!! Listen to what you are saying. Jesus doesn’t need anybody’s money, but your Pastor does. Wake up Meg! If you want to get technical, in the old testaments the Holy ones, Levites were forbidden to own property. Ahem…. Mansions, 4 to 5 cars, hummers, rolls, etc. etc. trips to Europe here and there, You didn’t see Jesus doing anything of those things! You say,
You give back money to the church and that shows your appreciation for God and the sacrifice of his son. Wrong! I give because I want to give. I show my appreciation for Jesus by walking in obedience, showing love to all, not just the wealthy or those who sit on the front row.
you say, can’t sacrifice a mear two dollars a week on the lord instead of starbucks then obviously you have a heart issue. FIGURE IT OUT PLEASE BEFORE YOU POST THINGS THAT ARE CONFUSING AND MISLEADING! Child of God, I am not confused. I know my bible and what it says. You sound so scripted, sorry. I don’t go to starbucks. What concerns me is people are being told to tithe instead of paying their mortgage, utilities, car payment. They are told to believe God for the money. If you lose your house, is your Pastor going to offer his own? Pay your back mortgage payment? How about your utilities? If they go off because you tithed is he going to turn them back on for you; not to include a deposit you have to pay now because they turned it all off. How about your car. No dear, you’re going to be told to take the bus or walk. You’re going to be told you didn’t believe enough that is why the money didn’t come. Hogwash. You better check to see if your money or giving is really going to the church of lavish lifestyle living. It’s not jealousy, it’s duplicity. Deception. False teaching. God warns us in His word about the last days and false prophets.
So many people make their pastors out to be idols. Everything they say is gospel right or wrong. Scripture or not. They are so charming people don’t care. People come to worship their pastors. God says thou shall only worship the Lord thy God. It is no wonder people aren’t seeing the blessing. They have cursed themselves by worshipping their pastors.
Was I careful enough? God bless you.
Levie says
meg is right, careful of what you’re saying..
nuevonacida says
Read your bible. She’s wrong.
Jared Brian says
Meg and Levie,
i don’t recall the part where i said, “do not give”. I am here to spread the truth, and if the truth comes across as misleading then continue to criticize me.
– jared
nuevonacida says
Hang in there! They persecuted Jesus to! Like Father, like son!
LifeLong Believer says
I have to say that all of these aggressive and biting responses show me where the ‘heart issue’ really is. And it doesn’t even have anything to do with what’s being discussed here.
Vicki says
You are REALLY reaching to get out of your responsibility to God!
LifeLong Believer says
AGREED! My spirit is rebelling against these arguments. There’s a lot of underlying ulterior motives, justifications, and just plain trying to get out of it by whatever means of backup possible.
Jared Brian says
No Vicky! REALLY reaching is twisting and changing the tithe’s purpose without any command to do so.
You’ve changed:
When you give the tithe (Deuteronomy 26:12- The tithe was only given at certain times of the year)
Who you give it to (Nehemiah 10:38- the tithe could only go towards the Levites the poor, or festivals; not towards buildings or pastors)
Where you store it (Nehemiah 10:38 – The tithe could only go into storehouses/silos, not churches)
What you give as a tithe (Deuteronomy 14:22- The tithe only consisted of food and animals)
How it was used for parties and festivals. (Deuteronomy 14:23)
What tithing includes (Leviticus 27:32-33Tithing never contained the first fruits)
How the tithe is used (The tithe was never used for building construction or maintenance.)
Am I reaching? I don’t think so! You can’t find any of the changes we made about tithing anywhere in scripture.
– jared b
shine4Jesus says
i agree with tithe,do you know where your money goes really to the pocket of the misleaders,do you actually know where the money goes,it is very important to understand the scriptures about tithes.thank you for this information,me and my friend were talking about that we are tryting to really understand that.
loni says
I have to correct you.
1. Mal 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house,…”. The storehouse in this day is the church. Meat spiritual food provided in the house (church) of God. The tithe “should” be given to keep the house running (lights, heat, etc.) so God’s word may continue to go forth without hinderance.
2. 2 Cor 16:2 “Upon the firstday of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.” At the end of the week each man was to tally his earnings and calculate how much God had prospered him. Every week could have been different, so on the 1st day they were instructed to “lay them side” until it was time to present them, which very well could’ve been during those certain times of year. But now we have the opportunity to present them on the spot as God prospers us. We don’t have to wait.
3. Lev 27:30 ” And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD’S: it is holy unto the LORD.” vs 32. “And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.” This acknowledge that God was owner of the land and it is He that provided the increase.
4. Firstfruits do apply. Deut 18:3-5 “And this shall be the priest’s due from the people, from them that offer a sacrifice, whether it be ox or sheep; and they shall give unto the priest the shoulder, and the two cheeks, and the maw. The firstfruit also of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the first of the fleece of thy sheep, shalt thou give him. For the LORD thy God hath chosen him out of all thy tribes, to stand to minister in the name of the LORD, him and his sons for ever.” You are a priest according to 1 Pet 2:9
5. Deut 14:22-23 “Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings (FIRSTFRUITS) of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.”
The tithe went to the Levites because the were the one who went before God for the people. Now the people can go to God for themselves
smiley says
Who are the Levites today? And if people can go to God for themselves, then why is there someone to collect tithes and offerings?
I believe the scripture you gave in 1Cor is not taken out of context. There is more to that scripture as to why Paul told them to GIVE. First, it was according to how God prospered them not the 10% that is so popular. Then, the collection was for an appointed time and it was for the SAINTS of God. Please read 1Cor 16:1-3. The GIFT was to be carried to the saints in Jerusalem that needed help. Not to make sure that lights are on in the church building.
God Bless.
nuevonacida says
Jared, you’re absolutely right.
John C says
I feel you should be spirit lead in the offering that you give.
Have you ever found yourself in church and did not feel the holly spirit moving?
Besides some of your own evangelistic outreach, did you ever feel that your church was not meeting up to it’s responsibility in reaching out to your community in reaching lost soul’s?
Do you ever find it easy to tithe because the spirit is moving you to do so then other times you feel your money is not going towards what God intended?
I’m really being pulled on this subject because when the spirit is leading me I have no problem giving my money, in fact this past year our church could not pay the fuel bill, I felt led to give 2,000 towards it.
I really feel it is a matter of your heart and spirit, we must listen closely to what the spirit is telling you.
Well anyways there is my 2%. :)
shine4Jesus says
yes we do feel that way that is why it is important to really follow the spirit what he saying about that,thanks for posting
loni says
Sorry I agree on being lead by the Spirit on the offering you give, but not the tithe. Tithing is a command. Look at it like this, you go out to dinner you must pay the bill, that’s the tithe. It’s your option to leaave a tip, that’s the offering. Depending on the kind of service you receive, determines the tip you leave. So, depending on how the Spirit moves you, depends on your offering.
nuevonacida says
No one is saying not to give. Tithing is obsolete. Think about this. Each time they ask for money for any outreach. Aren’t the outreaches done by volunteers? Evangelism, prison ministry, nursing ministry. So where does the money go? If God doesn’t need it — who “spends” it?
Food pantry, food is brought by the church members and they GIVE to help out others. Churches have different missions groups if they have any. Who do you know that is actually out in the mission field?
People have to read the bible for themselves. Learn it, know it. Develop your own personal relationship with Jesus. Hear the voice of God yourself. God gives us all deposits of wisdom. It’s up to us if we use it or not.
Ronda says
It sounds like you have had a really bad experience. But from my experience God has blessed me for continually giving 10% and giving love offerings when the Spirit leads me. I feel that since it works for me to follow Abraham and Jacobs commitment to give 10% continually I’m going to keep doing it. God has blessed me and has blessed a lot of people I know. Poverty is in the eye of the beholder. I would have to recommend to others because God really blesses continuous giving. 10% is a good place to start. I am concerned with not enough of the money given in churches is going to outreach ministry and God is going to open it up and open some eyes if we continue to pray about it.
joel says
Hi Ronda,
Its good to see your faith in Christ and the love you have for those who are serving our Lord and saviour. I just want to encourage you to continiue to bless the Lords work with your giving and financial support where God wants you to give your money. Ronda your faith in Christ activates the blessings of Christ in your life not anything else.Its your faith God honours not anything you give or do. Please understand this whoever tells you its your tithe is lying to you, I know you are familiar with the woman with the issue of blood Jesus healed her because of her faith not of tithing or anything she gave to the Lord. Your faith in Christ activates the blessing that God have for every christian not any old covenant law.
Tithing is a Law please let no one deceive you or lie to you about it .Read Deuteronomy 14:22-29 .You and I can not change those Laws God gave Moses for the children of Israel. The Mosaic law enslaved the Jews thats what the bible teaches. Find out what Paul used to do before he met Jesus on the road to Damascus then you will understand what Paul said in Galatian 3:10-12. He used to kill christians because of the Mosiac law and do not let anyone lie to you about how the Jews kept the law.
Your faith is the key to the revelation of Christ in your life not the old covenant because gentiles do not qualify to enter it, check what Numbers 18:1-3 says.
May Gods Peace and Grace rest on you abundantly
Ken says
Our church has people that go out on missions, so yes I know people that go out on missions….
If no one tithed at our church the doors would close. If the church had to wait until the spirit led people to give money in no doubt it would be too late, because human nature would not be on time to pay the bills. Due to steady and regular tithes at my church the doors remains open and because they remain open each week new people at weekend services give their life to Jesus and receive eternal life.
You non-tithers must think the money to pay the bills comes from some kind of tooth fairy like delivery method. Tithes ensure that monthly electric bills, rent, money to pay for gasoline to mow the grass, lawn mowers, toilet paper and soap in the bathrooms, vacuum cleaners and janitorial supplies, internet access fees, phone expenses, chairs and tables in the kid’s ministry, arts and crafts for the kid’s ministry, bibles for the people who accepted Jesus as their savior, information packets for people new to church, cost of paper and printing for the weekly service brochure about the service and upcoming events, microphones and speakers, extra chairs for overflow capacity during Christmas and Easter services, coffee pots, the refrigerator, and the stove in the lady’s kitchen, the cooking equipment for men’s prayer breakfasts, and money on hand for emergency repairs is covered because the tithes are coming in on a regular basis. All of this supports the body of Christ, and our body grows in size because these things are available and are needed to support the body.
1st Corinthians 12:12-20 – 12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one spirit into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free – and we were all given the one spirit to drink. 14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body”, it would not for that reason cease to be a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body”, it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted the to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
And my point being, if no one tithed (like, the whole body were ears) then the whole body would suffer. Why do you want to make everyone an ear? Christ wants the whole body.
If you don’t want to tithe and give money to see others come to Christ, so be it, that is your decision, but why do you have to create a negative energy against people giving money to their church? How come Christians with your belief system on tithing just doesn’t keep it to themselves? How does spreading this belief empower and improve the entire body?
This website is amazingly divisive.
Shelle says
Granted some churches and pastors may abuse the tithe, but what about the churches who do rely on the tithe to pay for the bills or community events so they CAN be free for the poor? Who’s gonna pay for that? If you recall the tithe was also to pay the Levites, whom were the priests, who in context to today are pastors. God said that some of the money was to go to them.
Also, I would like to hear your dissecting on Malachi chapter 3 please.
Tithiing says
Well I attend a small church where the pastor does the majority of the tithiing. Sometimes the pastor is the only one that tithes. I know this because I am responsible for collecting the offerings at the end of service. Our pastor does not receive a salary nor has asked for it. The money is used to pay bills at the church, help less fortunate, and also used to help the youth of our church with back to school expenses. I am not saying that there are not crooked pastors because I went to a church where there was one, but not all pastors abuse the offerings. Some actually use it for the church and the church members.
nuevonacida says
I agree.
nuevonacida says
Malachi is Old Covenant and is never quoted in the New Covenant to validate tithing (Lev 27:34; Neh 10:28-29; Mal 3:7; 4:4).
In Malachi 3:10-11 tithes are still only food 1000 years after Leviticus 27.
The blessings and curses of tithing are identical to and inseparable from those of the entire Mosaic Law. The rain in Deuteronomy 28:12, 23-24 and Leviticus 26:1-4 is only obtained by obedience to all 600+ commandments. Galatians 3:10 (quoting Deu 27:26) “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.” Trying to earn God’s blessings through tithing only brought curses for failure to keep all of the law. See also Galatians 3:19.
PRIEST-THIEVES: Beginning in 1:6 “you” in Malachi always refers to the dishonest priests and not the people (also 2:1-10; 2:13 to 3:1-5): “Even this whole nation of you—priests” (3:9). In 1:13-14 the priests had stolen tithed animals vowed to God. In Nehemiah 13:5-10 priests had stolen the Levites’ portion of the tithe. God’s curses on the priests are ignored by most tithe-teachers (1:14; 2:2 and 3:2-4).
The 24 courses of Levites and priests must be included in a correct interpretation of Malachi 3 and they are not. Normally only 2% of the total Levite and priest work force served at the temple one week at a time. Subtract wives, males under the age of 30 and daughters. Therefore 2% did not require all the tithe. See 1 Chron 23-26; see also 28:13, 21; 2 Chron 8:14; 23:8; 31:2, 15-19; 35:4, 5, 10; Ezra 6:18; Neh 11:19, 30; 12:24; 13:9, 10; Luke 1:5.
While the 3:10 of the Law in Malachi is so important to tithe-teachers they ignore the 3:10 of the Gospel in Galatians and 2nd Corinthians. Perhaps those wanting to enforce the 3:10 Law of Malachi should also enforce the 3:10 Law of Numbers. They share the same context.
Praise God for all the cataracts falling off of the eyes of His people.
John says
Paul explains in 1 Corinthians the Rights of the Apostle – He makes it clear how preachers should look at their line of work and should do it freely. He also states that it is commanded by God that anyone who preaches the Gospel should receive their living from the gospel. Earn their living and wages from preaching the Gospel. In today’s world this is not the fact. Pastors and preaches work full time jobs while making the commitment to God and his work to become part-time. There seems to be a lack of faith on their part that God will provide for their needs if first they seek the Kingdom of God, and all shall be added onto you. Church members are unfortunately question their giving and wondering what the motives are and where the money is going. The bible states by reading the word of God that we shall gain understanding and discernment. The spirit will guide you in your heart and discern from false prophets. Unfortunately when preachers work in the world satin has the opportunity to violate their anointing and impacts their family’s, members,community and growth of the church. Obviously these comments do not pertain to all preachers because there are preachers out there that still make it there job only and make their living from it. It my opinion that church members would rally around their preachers if the fruits of faith, commitment, devotion and were a part of their everyday life. Man can not serve 2 masters….
Thanks John
Ashli says
I really appreciate you digging into the Bible to find the real answers, not just the answers men tell you we already have.
The thing I’ve realised most since I’ve grown up and tried to find my own path with Jesus is that Christians are more than willing to tell you their traditional/socially accepted way of viewing the Bible and its truths. However, no one encourages you to look into the Bible for the answers and ONLY the Bible. The Christian church accuses Catholics of separating the church hierarchy from the masses by continuing to employ the use of Latin Bibles.
I say the Christian church is doing one worse – set by the standard that the more you know the more you are accountable for. The true views on wisdom, real leadership, humility, drinking & vices, faith, sin, unbelievers, etc. expressed in the Bible are rarely taught by churches (for the most part) in a way people A. can understand or B. can back up thoroughly with scripture.
I work at a church and it is a job requirement (not to mention if you ever want a raise) to tithe 10% of everything to the church. They check all employees records every month and before reviewing someone for a ministry position they will verify your tithe records.
If you tell me your church doesn’t do this, you are deceiving yourself.
Now I’m not so much of a revolutionist to say we all need to stop tithing and paying taxes. These systems are already instituted – I suppose respect is due. The modern day church relies on tithes much the same way the government relies on taxes. Irresponsibility is always present in any man-organised, people-funded organisation but on the same token, in order to do any good in actively ministering to the electronically twisted generation we’re in, the money must be present.
There are quite a few things my church is doing and teaching that I don’t agree with. Not because I’m on a high horse or I think I know it all, but because I know firsthand that the church relishes in tradition much more than anyone could ever bring themselves to admit. I must tithe here, I guess that’s proper submission. I don’t want to stand up for a principle that will only cause discord in the end.
Which brings me to my point.
The truth must be known, no matter what we choose to do with it.
The only thing we can really achieve by clinging to our own ideas and not giving any real weight or thoughts to opinions contrary to your own is self-deception. All you who disagree, please, before you start the next post to disagree with me or with John, examine your point of view in light of the Bible. Match it up. Really search for both sides of the story. Pray for wisdom, discernment and good judgement. No one can benefit in the lasting, joyful ways God intended if we only defend one point of view or one way of looking at something without really and earnestly searching the Bible for something.
If you have your own doubts about what you are told in church, if you feel like something is going on that is being justified as scriptural but you know it can’t really be, if you feel like a subject is being taught incompletely (maybe not blatantly wrong) and you don’t know if you should just believe and continue on or you should do something; DO SOMETHING. Look it up in the Bible. It has the answers. Not men. Really.
Don’t be too good or too wise! Why destroy yourself? On the other hand, don’t be too wicked either –
don’t be a fool! Why should you die before your time? So try and walk a middle course –
but those who fear God will succeed either way.
Ecclesiastes 7:16-18
So don’t take pride in following a particular leader. Everything belongs to you.
Paul and Apollos and Peter; the whole world and life and death; the present and the future.
Everything belongs to you, and you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
1 Corinthians 3:21-23
Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! And whatever else you do, get good judgement.
Proverbs 4:7
As God’s messenger, I give each of you this warning: Be honest your estimate of yourselves,
measuring your value by how much faith God has given you.
Romans 12:3
“Experience is never to be the basis for theology; rather, sound theology should be the basis for our experience.”
– Pastor Greg Laurie
“We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard.”
Acts 4:20 –
The more words you speak, the less they mean. So why overdo it?
Ecclesiastes 6:11
“Never trade what you don’t know for what you do know.”
-Pastor Chuck Smith
No one can know what anyone else is really thinking except that person alone, and no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit.
And God has actually given us His Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.
I Corinthians 2:11-12
For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God’s power.
I Corinthians 4:20
It’s true that we can’t win God’s approval by what we eat. We don’t miss out on anything if we don’t eat it, and we don’t gain anything if we do.
But you must be careful of this freedom of yours. Don’t cause a brother or sister with a weaker conscience to stumble.
I Corinthians 8:8-9
All verses were from the first edition NLT version.
Just remember that everything belongs to you. The truths of the Bible belong to you. Please really try and find them. Then you’ll really find joy and peace. He promises you that.
Thanks John,
Love Ashli
Marty says
Reason #10: There are more important things than tithing.
Jesus said to the tithing Pharisee, “For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith (NKJV).” ~ Matthew 23:23
You see? There are more important things than tithing.
1. Justice
2. Mercy
3. Faith
Do you have those attributes? Have you mastered them yet? If not, maybe you should work on those and take control over them before you even start worrying about the tithe.
Elder Joshua J. Holdstock says
Oh dear Brother Marty.
Are you suggesting that if a man has not mastered priciples like faith or understood the balance between Justice and Mercy that he should ignore God’s other commandments until mastery has been attained? Do you think that is what is meant in this verse?
Of course there are more important things than tithing but I hope you don’t think that equates to God repealing the Law of the Tithe. Ah, who am I kidding, of course you use this as a justification to not preach the Law of the Tithe.
When I read this I see something completely different than you. I hear an apostle of the Lord chastening the clergy for following the “letter of the law” not the “spirit of the law” They are “going through the motions” sorta speak. God gives NO law that is not spiritual at it’s root. The Pharisee’s were not tuned into the spiritual purpose of the tithe, hence the rebuke. If he were trying to tell the world that tithing was a defunct law why did he not just say. “Ye understand not that Christ hath fulfilled the law and now only requires a broken heart and contrite spirit.”?
Sam says
Elder Joshua, If you are a Mormon what are you doing here? You use the book of mormon not the bible, Go sell your rubbish somewhere else.How can you argue about the bible you do not even use in your church. Joseph smith is your prophet go follow his lies and deception.
Dr. Frank Chase Jr says
Elder, I want to alert you that the windows of heaven you are referencing has nothing to to with the interpreatation of money blessing. The blessing in Malachi is Rain from the sky. Once you study the hebrew of the text in question, you’ll find that the verse windows of heaven is talking about the the sky and rain for Isreal crops and herds. A tithe is always food not money. Once you study the tithe from the original Hebrew, you will resign from tithing as did and become a true New Covenant giver. See why
Ashli says
Hey Marty.
I understand what you’re saying, but you’re using that verse out of context.
Matthew 23:23 and 25 (NLT)
“How terrible will it be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest part of your income, but you are ignorant of the important things of the law-justice, mercy and faith. You should tithe, yes, but you should not leave undone the more important things…” and in verse 25, “You are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy-full of greed and self-indulgence!..”
Yes, this IS saying that there are more important things than tithing. But it is a direct passage to the TEACHERS who are overemphasizing tithing 10% to the temple, which is what a lot of churches in our day preach in regards to their own churches. It shows a lack of trust for the Lord to truly multiply their faith, and their congregations money, to demand or manipulate anyone into tithing. Tithing (which literally means ‘tenth’) is a precept given to the Jews, along with circumcision, dietary laws and cleansing rites. There are a few verses in the new testament but nothing that commands gentile Christians (That’s us) to tithe the same way that we are commanded to love our neighbor, obey our father and mother and other such inward principles. Jesus certainly didn’t stress the tithing issue while he was here. He did stress the dangers of religion and people setting standards for other people. Giving is a Christian principle that we are encouraged to do as much as we can in all aspects of our lives. Even giving to the church and supporting pastors is mentioned and encouraged; being generous. There really just is no law or accountable standard for 10% of anything – your paycheck every week, 10% of your tax return, 10% of your birthday money, 10% of the change you find on the floor, 10% of your cashed savings bond…if you begin to live by a man-enforced and emphasized law then you are required to adhere to that law in every circumstance – this is what the Jews had to do. This is why Jesus laid down a new law. Tithing was not just money either, right? It was all the fruits and veggies from your garden, sheep and cattle, grain, even sometimes sons or land.
We just have to understand what the Bible is trying to tell us and keep our minds always open to new ideas about what God may be trying to tell you.
“The generous prosper and are satisfied; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25
“Only simpletons believe everything they are told! The prudent carefully considers their steps.” Proverbs 14:15
“If you reject criticism you will only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.”
You don’t have to agree with me, just please consider the possibility of it.
“Ears to hear and eyes to see-both are gifts from the Lord.” Proverbs 20:12
“Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God. So don’t condemn each other anymore. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not put an obstacle in another persons path.” Romans 14:12-13
Also, Paul presents the true way to preach about supporting pastors, tithing and giving in 1 Corinthians 9:11-27
No matter what we believe, this is the principle at the end of the day, “Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition…But whether or not their motives are pure, the fact remains that the message about Christ is being preached, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice.” 1 Philippians 1:17-18
“Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic? Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one heart and purpose. Don’t be selfish; don’t live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others better than yourself.”
These are what we should spend our time on as Christians…that, and praying for wisdom and understanding…
we are always supposed to be open to whatever God is telling us, he doesn’t have a ‘formula’ for good Christianity, it’s a walk. It’s different everyday. It’s not about having our own opinions, it’s being aware of the world around us and how we can best represent Christ to unbelievers.
Anyway, that’s what I feel God is showing me.
Ashli says
Oh, I forgot that last scripture reference. It’s Philippians 2:1-3
Ashli says
Oh, man. You might be getting annoyed with me now. Okay, I went and studied Malachi Chapter 3. In Malachi 3:8-12 Malachi urged the people to stop holding back their tithes, to stop cheating God. According to God’s laws given to Moses (Leviticus 27:30-24; Deuteronomy 14:22), the Levites were supposed to receive some of the people’s tithe because they could not possess their own land (Numbers 18:20-21)During Malachi’s day, the people were not giving tithes, so the Levites had to work to support themselves. Because of this, they neglected their God-given responsibilities to care for the Temple and for the service of worship. Though we are no longer under the law today, we should recognize that everything we have is from God. Instead of robbing God of his own possessions, we should be pleased to use what we have to further his Kingdom – in whatever that way may be.
nuevonacida says
AShli we are not robbing God if we do not tithe! God layed out His 10 commandments. Tithing was not included. Tithing (money) concept comes from man. I think giving is a good thing, if one can afford it! If it’s between paying your light bill, your mortgage, buying groceries and giving 10% of that money towards a tithe, it is wrong thinking. The church is not going to restore plus deposit your utility that was turned off. They are not going to pay your mortgate when you get turned out or foreclosed on. They will refer you to food pantries, not buy you groceries. Please! They are not thinking of you when they eat out at restaurants every night, travel vacation in Europe, send their kids to IVY league Christian Colleges with out of state tuition at 150,000 a pop per kid, own 3 hummers, an airplaine… and so on and so on. There are a handful of ministers who do not abuse the tithe. Praise the Lord for men who still have character!
The apostles did not build up treasures here on earth for themselves in order to preach the gospel to the world! So…why do modern day ministers have to build these exhorbant churches, christian schools and lives like kings when everyone else is suffering? Reminds me of Marie Antoinette when her kingdom revolted; she supposedly said, she didn’t care if they were starving. Let them eat cake.
The congregation supports the lifestyle of any ministry. Without the congregation’s “GIVING” there would be no ministry. Jesus did not need to live a glam life, have a massive church building, and if anyone deserved any type of honor whatsoever, it was Jesus. The men today make themselves out to be Gods, demanding honor because they are preaching the word of God. God refers to these types of people in the book of Revelations. He calls them false prophets and their teachings, false teaching. We have to remember, Satan knows what is in the bible. He knows scripture, afterall he is a fallen angel.
We must be so ever so cautious in these days. The bottom line is that Jesus is coming soon. We need to be ready. We all know if we are ready or not. He warns us against false prophets in the last days.
There are many charismatic, handsome men, charming men preaching the gospel today. Some may be sincere, but some are not. Ministry is their way of making money without having to work a real job, like the rest of us. There is a con born every minute.
We are suppose to be witnessing and bringing souls into the kingdom of God before we are raptured up. We witness because we care about not wanting the unsaved to go to hell and spend an eternity without Jesus. It’s not about building monolithic churches, closing ourselves off from the world. We’re suppose to be out in the world. As far as giving to outreaches, wake up people! Outreaches are volunteer ministries! They don’t need to take up offerings for these ministries, no one gets paid! Unless you know for a fact people who are actually in another country, don’t be fooled!
We all have certain bills to pay every month, mortgage, utilities, food. Some churches take in more than $100,000 every Sunday. Excuse me! Who has more than $100,000 debt every month? Where does the excess go? Wisdom. God answers our prayers when we are in need financially. One cannot be foolish with what God gives them.
Pastors and Ministers today, are given a King’s status and that is wrong. We make our Pastors idols and that is against the 10 commandments of God. We treat them with a Godly reverance, in awe, honor and shower them with money and that is wrong. We tend to look the other way and make excuses for their extravagance; an extravagance that even Jesus the Christ did not partake in.
If you want to tithe, tithe. But know the facts. Know that the only God is God and not treat a Pastor like he is God.
God bless
Marty says
I do not believe that I am using that verse out of context. You are putting emphasis on the tithe, I am not. I am merely emphasizing exactly what Jesus was emphasizing. The problem is that’s what the Phraisees were guilty of and so are you.
I see that you even agreed with me in you second paragraph; so did you continue to do emphasize the tithe for the rest of your post?…even down to Malachi; which God’s rebuke directed towards those crooked preists, not us…the modern church!
The reason Jesus said, “You should tithe, yes, but you should not leave undone the more important things…” is NOT because it was “a direct passage to the TEACHERS who are overemphasizing tithing 10% to the temple.” It was because the Pharisees were under the Mosaic Law!
You must know that the Law was not written or even given to Gentile nations. It was for Israel only. Gentiles were not obligated to tithe to the Jewish Levite priests.
Do you know why Jesus certainly didn’t stress the tithing issue while he was here? It’s because He didn’t tithe! Paul never tithed, neither did any of the apostles! Why? because ONLY farmers, people who owned crops, gardens and cattle owners tithed; and they only tithed when they had an increase! They never tithed on the decrease of their goods. The tithe was never money and it was ALWAYS food and it was always eaten in front of the Levites! People who had jobs such as fishermen, carpenters and masons were not obligated to bring 10% of their tools, wood or fish to the Storehouse or Temple.
We are not commanded to tithe, nor are we expected to tithe. Jesus commanded that we love God with all our each other heart, mind, soul, strength; love our neighbor as ourselves and each other. It is love that is what fulfulls the Law, not tithing!
However, we are to be givers. Generous givers, NOT because we have to give or are commanded to. That’s religion and not Holy Spirit led. We are to give to the poor and those who are in need of help.
Not once in the NT did any apostle or preacher say that we were obligated to give 10% of our income to any church! There is no biblical Scriptures for that. You can’t bring the Law into the church, it doesn’t work!
Tithing doesn’t work; it’s too hard on the poor and too easy for the rich!
I give when I am led to give by the Holy Spirit with purpose and for those who are in need. I don’t do it out loud or call attention to myself. Jesus said we should give charity to the poor, in private.
Ashli, I will never tithe ever again. Why? because we have a new priest; a preist that reigns forever in the order of Melchizidek.
“So if the priesthood of Levi, on which the law was based, could have achieved the perfection God intended, why did God need to establish a different priesthood, with a priest in the order of Melchizedek instead of the order of Levi and Aaron?”
“And if the priesthood is changed, the law must also be changed to permit it. For the priest we are talking about belongs to a different tribe, whose members have never served at the altar as priests. What I mean is, our Lord came from the tribe of Judah, and Moses never mentioned priests coming from that tribe.” ~ Hbrews 7:11-14
So, do you see? Tithing does not prove anything to God. Tithing cannot make you right with God. Tithing cannot save you. Tithing cannot make you righteous. Tithing more or on-time or every week doesn’t prove anything to God; all it says that is that you are religious! It means you will give religiously every week down to tiniest frikin’ mint leaf but you cannot even master the more important things like justice, mercy and faith!
Ashli, no offense; but I believe you don’t know anything about the tithe other than what your preacher has told you. Do some Old Tesament research on the tithe and you’ll find the truth.
Stop tithing! Give with love, generously to the poor and the needy!
nuevonacida says
Well said!
Dr. Wilcox says
I think the writer is correct in his assessment. We really must rightly divide the Word of God. Proof-texting scripture is not a valid way to study scripture. I am a giver. I am beyond tithing. My pastor asked me about this one day. I told him why I am a giver. I then said, if you want me to tithe, then I will have to give less. Do not limit God!!! Also, you must relate the text to the people of that time. Then you must see how it applies to you. Also, some things are not for us to follow, but to take away valuable lessons from. We are not Jews of Mosaic law. I am saved, sanctified and filled with God Holy Spirit. Also, good sent me to a great seminary to go deeper. Before you criticize, please study. Get your Hebrew and Greek word study Bible and study line by line to get the true meaning. Reading just want do, you have to study. Lord Help your people!!!!!
Ashli says
Hey…I was actually advocating NOT tithing.
I just wanted to list a bunch of verses to be taken in whatever context it looks like they should be taken in.
Giving as the Lord leads us (what is impressed on our heart; paying someone’s bills, buying groceries, supporting a ministry or help network, your family, whatever) is the only way I see, Biblically, that we should handle our money and honor God.
I had a very, very bad experience at a money-hungry church that would mention the utmost importance of tithing and free volunteer cleaning every Sunday and Thursday night. It got really old and my faith did too.
I was completely fed up with the religion, the hate and the hypocracy so my husband and I left. I was the worship leader and graphic designer there. I just took up and left. I knew God was calling me to do this.
It’s been 2 months since I’ve stepped foot in man’s so called ‘church’ and let me tell you, when you really let go and trust God with all your heart it makes a huge difference. My husband and I believe that the Bible is not a religious text, what a fallacy! But rather a mystical book that encompasses every wonder, concept and wisdom imaginable.
Everything you think, isn’t. Everything you think isn’t, really can be. We don’t know anything as an absolute, God does though. We simply can’t make statements like ‘If you’re gay you may or may not go to heaven’ or ‘Tithe 10% minimum and God will bless you, any less, and you’re in rebellion’ or ‘You took magic mushrooms and said God showed you something! No, God would not approve of mind-bending sorcery like that!’
These are all wrong. Tithing being so pushed and relyed on in these last days is just one more symptom of the world’s ignorance and selfishness. No one cares for reaching the soul inside, relating in a normal, comfortable way. You have lost my generation. They hate church. They hate God. They hate religion. They hate the governement. They hate everything that is good and honest.
The only way to reach the people that we still can is to abandon all the preconceived notions of what godliness is and start hearing from God. Stop lying to your selves. We simply have to put our selves aside, more than any other time in history.
War has been declared by the enemy and today’s Christian nation (which is supposed to be God’s army) are a bunch of snivelling, namby-pamby, fake-kindness, self-decieving, judgemental group of pure worldliness. We have to wake up. We just have to.
ron says
I hope you are not referring to our government as good and honest.
Andrew says
Tithing is included in the New Testament. Jesus told the Pharisees that they should operate in justice, love and mercy without neglecting the tithe. – Matthew 23
Suzie says
Jesus was speaking to Jews still under the Old Covenant law because he had not yet died on the Cross and said Paid in full.
Get out the book of Galatians with a good commentary on the subject and learn what Grace
(unearned favor) really is along with all it means when Jesus said Paid in full, it is finished from the Cross
Col. 2: 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross”
Galatians 5:4
“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace”
JAMES 2:10
or whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
Hebrews 8:6 said Christ offers a better covenant under better promises
We are under the New Covenant & Dispensation of Grace not 613 Jewish laws, customs or feast. Thank God or you would be guilty of breaking the law by not keeping the SABBATH FRIDAY NIGHT TILL SAT. NIGHT OR FOR NOT BEING CIRCUMCISED OR EATING PORK OR FOR ANY OF THE OTHER OLD COVENANT LAWS!
Aussie says
Hi, Mathew 23:23 clearly states that tithing is included in the Mosiac law.Jesus is a Jew,for him to tell His disciples not to tithe is a sin against the law of Moses.He spoke of tithing before his death in Galvary.
One thing you need to understand ,when Jesus said that TITHING IS IN THE LAW OF MOSES,no one on earth can change that.Jesus is the Word of God turned in to flesh.
Jesus cancelled the old covenant God made with the Jews only so that everyone (gentiles)can receieve salvation and have a relationship with God through the blood of Jesus.
Gentiles DO NOT QUALIFY to go near the old covenant God had with the Hebrews in the old testament.The bible teaches that JEWS ONLY were GODS people.
Mose went to Eygpt to save the Hebrews only.Please stop deceiving yourselves thinking that in (Malachi 3:10) God was speaking to Gentiles.God was speaking to the high priest and levites who stole from him.Gentiles had no covenant with God in the old testament.
Why I said that God was speaking to High priest and the Levites because of the book of Numbers 18:1-3.Malachi 2:8.
All those who think that God was refering to GENTILES or CHRISTIANS in the old testament are sadly being deceived.
When Jesus died,the veil in the the temple was torn.The old Levitical priesthood was changed because the curse of the law was removed by Jesus sacrifice forever.
Dont forget,God commanded Arron and the high priest to put the veil to separate the most holy place in the temple in the old testament.God himself tore the veil when Jesus died in Galvary because no man including a high priest can remove or tear the veil for certain they would have died.
Hav a Good Day
Confused says
Wow – you’ve trod on a sacred cow here. It takes a brave person who dares touch the idea that tithing is an OT principal and not a requirement of the NT church. I appreciate your points, and I feel you are simply stating Bible facts as they are written. It is a terrible thing to challenge the New Testament law of tithing. My husband and I are generous “givers”, which is the only thing that gives me the strenth to challenge it myself. Otherwise we would be accused of being stingy an not loving God. I have no issue with giving, but I do not feel I am under the law of tithing. It so does not apply to me, a new testament non-agrarian Christian gentile. I was not raised as a Christian, and it’s taken me years to try to understand the relationship between the old and new testaments. It is always made more difficult by other Christians who have no idea why they do what they do, but are sure they are right. Thanks for your willingness to state what you believe on such a sensitive topic.