Here are the pastors and televangelists that own or use Private Jets that are supposedly owned by their ministry
- Benny Hinn
- Frederick K.C. Price
- Creflo Dollar
- Janice and Paul Crouch
- K.A. Paul
- Joyce Meyer
- Joel Osteen
- Jesse Duplantis
- David O. Oyedepo
- Paula And Randy White
- Mike Murdock
- Pat Robertson
- Kenneth Copeland
- Rod Parsley
Name of a person who had no place to lay his head.
- Jesus Christ (Matthew 8:20)
PJ says
All I know is what the Word says and what my heart says. Until the Body of Messiah is all in wealth, it is not right to lavish upon oneself. If we are wealthy, we should share it. I think G-d WILL judge it all someday and many will be shocked at His view on it. As for my little ministry…it gives to many and we get very few donations. What G-d can do with just a little is amazing and I find that the greater miracle. I am very excited for those in the body who have wealth. I am even more excited for those in the body who have great testimonies. And what excites my heart most of all is that people continue to come into the Kingdom of Yeshua.
If only the body would start to work as ONE body……
S.F. says
Rick Warren gives away 90% of his money. And his book made more than any of theirs ever did.
Adrian E Byrd-pastor says
yes I am a pastor of the Holy Trinity church of Philadelphia INC.and I would like to know how I could become a millionaire and own my own jet and limo a mantion
Lynne says
The way the other preachers get it is to go on christian tv , where there are millions watching . Elect you a board that will let you take as big as salery as you want and start teaching that God wants you rich and if the the people will give to you they will become rich too and wait for it to roll in .
sharon says
Get a tv ministry..they are all rich
Andrea says
The bible says that the gospel must be preached all over the world. How do you think these preachers are going to get there? Especially if The Lord is sending them. We will always have men and woman who abuse this God given privilege. We all will have to stand before the Lord one day and give an account for every word spoken out of our mouths. We don’t want to stand in judgement of some one who I don’t really know. I’ve made that mistake many times in honesty. I’ve been locked out of my email ??
Lynne says
They should use the donations that people send in totaly for the gospel and give themselves enough money for an average lifestyle and if they want to live a lavish lifestyle they should go out and get a job too, because most of them don’t really preach that many times a month and they have a paid staff that takes care of everything else . I don’t think preachers should be poor , but if they desire to live lavishly they shouldn’t do it on Gods money they should get a job .
Nan says
Quite a few pastors write books and claim the sales of these books to be their personal income. Only problem is they comingle the book sales with donations in order to avoid paying taxes, and because they do not want their congregation to know how much they are making (in the millions). Transparency is missing from most of these word of Faith preachers so it makes one wonder what else they are hiding. I think the “name it and claim it” types seem to be the most Sin filled preachers who are only in it for the money and may even be demon possessed.
Lynne says
I agree , if they write a book about themselves and their journey in life , it’s ok to keep the profits from the book , but if they are writing revelations they say God is giving them , the profits should go into the ministry , because Jesus would never get rich from revelations from God .
ben dafe says
well said Lynne.Most preachers are no longer for God but for mammon
Patrice says
Of course the gospel must be preached all over the world, and having an airplane could be a useful tool. BUT, huge mansions and more than one home, expensive cars, jewelry, expensive suits, haircuts, etc., frankly should not be part of the package especially when a pastor is preaching to a poor people in a third world country barely eking a living, living in shanties and some prosperity preacher comes and preaches that God wants them to be rich and prosper??? Ridiculous. The Joyce Myers, Creflo Dollar, Jessis Duplantis, Paula White, etc. I could fill two pages with phony prosperity false prophet preachers who will find a God who will say, depart from me I never knew you”
Marc says
Jesus preached giving away everything you have and donate the proceeds to the poor.
He preached living for Him,and not living for material matters.
People like Joel Olsteen and the rest of the so-called ‘prosperity gospel’ preachers will tell you that everyone will love you and you will enjoy all the earthly creature comforts, just by giving to their church.
I take issue with that because Jesus Himself said the exact opposite. He said His followers will be hated, oppressed, and persecuted ‘for His Namesake’
Kathy Pierce says
Exactly. The Bible I study and read each day wants us to be humble servants. There is nothing humble about any of these so called preachers. Humble is a baby lying in a manger. Humble is Mary accepting the will for her life in having our savior. Humble is watching her son die upon the cross. Humble is all the disciples leaving everything behind to follow Jesus.
These so called preachers are not a good example of humbleness. I do believe when they meet our maker, they will not be too happy with their living arrangements for eternity. And, that is forever. They are living their glory now, but not for long.
Also prayer is so important in life —
“If you pray well, you live well, If you live well, you die well, If you die well, all is well”.
I’m afraid all is not well with these very rich preachers that live in mansions, have fancy cars and their own jets.
I have a lot to fix before I see Jesus but thankfully I don’t have as much baggage as them.
anthony montgomery says
Preach it Patrice! Some preachers are called by God and some are just paid! Amen
ben dafe says
i beg to disagree with you.Technology has made everything easier that you do not need to travel to anywhere to preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus christ.We now have the internet,social media etc if churches could have website and encourage their congregation to pay/sow seed online then the gospel could be preached without flying to ends of the world.The money for Jets could be used to help the poor.widows,orphans etc
anthony montgomery says
Ben I work for a major airline a preacher could fly somewhere first class every week and it would still be. Healer than a preacher buying a jet!!! Laying two pilots and maintenance and fuel would be millions more than the preacher flying delta first class every week also lili it’s make over 159k each a year trust me I know! Amen
Caw says
Amen I totally agree. Many of these ministries do not purchase but the jets are given to them. Now Kenneth Copeland is wealthy from oil business.
Steve says
I saw Kenneth Copeland interviewed by Inside Edition on tv and his facial expressions so creepy looked as if a demon was manifesting in anger that some journalist lady would dare question his need to fly on mega million private jets.But what really confuses and perplexes me is I see other preachers such as Joseph Z (who I just learned is asking his supporters to finance his own jet too) and Hank Kunneman who I really believe hear from God and receive prophetic revelation but they seemingly also associate with and support other gospel ministers who seem like they are flakes mainly Copeland & Jesse Duplantis!
James says
Name one of these counterfeit messengers of satan that care on bit about foreign evangelism.
Like the number one blasphemer Jesse Duplantis who
Is satan’s jester, who preaches the gospel of Jesse.
Anthony Cloud says
THEY CAN WALK! Jesus walked everywhere He went, so why are these pimps more important than the Creator of the Universe? Never defend a televangelist or a career politician; it shows poor character and a weak constitution.
Lynne says
I’m not calling out any names . we arnt supposed the judge the hearts of them , just their fruit . We make judgements everyday , whether to trust someone in business , or our plumber , baby sitters . Who to hire , who to be friends with , but when it comes to respect of Gods things and money , we suddenly think we should let anyone do or say whatever they want . We don’t respect Gods business like we do our business .
PJ says
I don’t judge anyone but myself. :) What I do know is that I must do right by what God gives me. Some have much and some have little and I don’t begrudge those that have much. I believe all of God’s servants should have much. Blessings
Lynne says
I don’t begrudge anyone that has much as long as they don’t have MUCH on Gods money. only someone also that has the same love for money could agree with them . One preacher has 750 million that they Got with donations . I’ve heard preachers in other countries say the properity preachers came in and and preached that message to unlearned people . The people gave all that they had and after they left the poor people didn’t have enough money to eat or keep the churches going that was already there . They said they would fight to keep them from coming back to their country .
Lynne says
I think everyone can have much as long as they don’t takevthe money away from what people give to the gospel to do it with . Why do they have to use Gods money to live their lifestyle .
Lynne says
Please don’t think I leave comments on here just to have a say . I do it because I would feel guilty and would have to check my heart toward God out if I didn’t . If some charity took its donations and the head of it took the donations and padded their bank account and bought mansions with it , I would be livid and all of you would be too . I think it’s like a slap in Gods face for us to be more concerned with what a charity does with its money , but couldn’t care less what happens to Gods money that was given for minisrty , so check your heart and see if you would be more livid about someone stealing the humane society for animals donations, than you would stealing money for Gods work . If you are then you need to get saved .and stop saying we are judgeing because we love God and his work .
Marc says
These ‘preachers’ only care about profiting off the Word of God, and not your spirituality well-being
Keith Still says
Stop being a hater and get a life if you knew what faith was about you would know how to live a life with abundance Jesus said I come that you may have life and have it more abundantly stop being critical of these preachers we know they are good and evil and everything God do not need you to do his part stay out of God’s business and get in faith and maybe you can experience The Good Life your self Thy Kingdom Come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven There Is No Lack in heaven study your Bible and you may learn something to God be the glory for all the good things that He bless his people with!!!
Marina Irwin says
How has it been decided that abundance has anything to do with finances. I do not believe that our Lord was talking about money in this passage. You sound a little defensive. Jesus told the rich young man to sell everything and come and follow him.
Lynne says
there are hundreds of other scriptures that say the opposite, that greedy people refuse to quote .
Stanley Pendleton says
At church right now. The pastor want’s everyone to give $1000 for an airplane and building fund. So everything can be paid-off in 60 days. My question is. Who benefits from the airplane and the building? Will I get to ride in the airplane, will part of the building be deeded to me once the pastor passes? The only beneficiaries will be HIS CHILDREN!! He is leaving on a missions trip on Mondayto Africa. I seen the Africa trips and i have yet to see someone in need of. The pictures show a lavish Churchand huge crowds.
D.M. Vath says
Jesus had a few things to say about money. What He said was different to who he said it to. Context is everything.
I dont think being poor is a testimony of Gods blessing.
If you put your trust in God He will save your soul and save you from the devices of the devil. You will experience the wisdom and the abundant life He offers immediately.
I believe if you are in worst part of Africa, God can make you prosper.
Abraham gave Lot the first choice in the promised land. Abraham was not a fool. God blessed him. Punch prosper in your Bible concordance… See God prosper His people!
Raymond Nassar says
D.M.Vath. It is difficult to respond respectfully to people who are so void of understanding, as you appear to be. In your world, ABUNDANT LIFE” is the fullness of all that rots to rust and worms, I do not personally believe this has anything toi do with LIFE ABUNDANTLY. You see, I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God, where gold is what we PISS ON. And it is the word of Jesus Himself to consider the cost of being a disciple of the Christ, and Jesus though He could have had in iHis possession all the riches of THIS world and its systems, what? He chose not to because He was weak in faith? an idiot? a fraud? You get cute with YOURSELF thinking you are on to something and you say “PUNCH” prosper… heartfelt word to you, PUNCH YOURSELF AWAKE out of the stupor you have allowed yourself to be induced into. You are equating the richness of the presence of the ALMIGHTY GOD with the BULLCRAP of THIS WORLD??????????? I have been doing this work of the Lord for many years, and trust me here, I have every gift of talent for presentation, for power in front of ANYONE having been an award winning stage actor and a guitarist and singer, trust this, I could be raking in the money, and when the Lord has me do that I WILL, but for you to even THINK that you have a RIGHT to VOMIT OUT GOD’s word in this fashion means that youi are SPITTING on all those that I MINISTER TO and all of those human beings that are held in this bondage to this degree that THOSE PASTORS WITH PLANES RUN AND HIDE FROM ME AND THE ONES I WATCH OVER. Furthermore the enemy wastes no time on them, because he knows they are of NO CONSEQUENCE in fighting the devil.I do not have the time right now to tell you of all the attacks to stop the work I do but if you want to IF you are capable of learning something you can find me on facebook at my name, Raymond Nassar. sincerely, I am the Preacher with Priors
Hunter Oxentine says
I do agree with you in the sense of what you said, about living as Christ and dying to the world and not living rich off of the gospel, dear brother, and I am sure and trust in the Lord that you are truly talented and anointed by our Lord… However, it is my deepest wish that you would boast in the Lord, rather than yourself. As Paul said, “If I must boast, I will boast in the Lord…” For all of your talents and wonderful blessings, boasting in yourself comes at the risk of instilling pride in yourself and pride precedes the fall, as it is the original sin of the dark one… I say this with much humility, knowing that your works for the Kingdom far surpass my own, I do not place myself over you. Continue the work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My love and prayers are with you. May the One who keeps Israel keep you also!
Marina Irwin says
I never heard boasting in what he said about himself just straight up this is who I am and what I have done.His credentials.
Marina Irwin says
Praise the Lord brother!!! May the Lord God Almighty bless all you endeavors in His name for all time to come. With christian love, Marina
Colored Writers says
It is amazing to see people defend these pastors. These flying vehicles have nothing to do with spreading the word of God. It is all about living the luxurious life. Many if not all of them are fraudulent.
Sharon Stromley says
One of the saddest things I see here? Resentment
And division. Y’all are fighting over how people
run their ministries, judging them based on money?
For shame. God can and will take care of ministries.
How they spend money, the gospel they preach.
The world will never accept us. Some would not be
unhappy if we dressed in rags and who, do you think
would follow that today. Your responsibility is to walk
in love, demonstrate Jesus to the world AND STOP
judging. Jesus told His disciples the world would
know us by our love. Don’t see a lot of that here, do
you? He wants to come back for a powerful Church,
not one bickering, fighting. So, this evangelist has a
jet. What is that to you? This evangelist drives a nice
car. What is that to you? Witness! Be light in a dark
world. Be faithful to y o u r call. Then, He can return
for a Church without spot or wrinkle. Even so,
Lord Jesus, come quickly!
Jared Brian says
Funny thing is…Jesus lashed out more over his encounter with those getting rich off God’s people and religious leaders than he did with his encounter with satan. But go on…keep singing kum-ba-ya
$1000 for his book?
Cyril Zenda says
In addition to taking away our sins, Jesus Christ came into the world to set an example for those who were to be His true followers (1 John 2:6). We are told in John 21:25 that during His short ministry, Christ did so much that if everything was to be written down, the world was not going to have enough space for the resultant books. Yet the same Jesus carried out His ministry almost entirely walking on foot (save for the boat rides across the seas and the famous donkey ride). Being a Christian means being a follower of Christ… so whose example do these gospreneuers follow?
Acts 2:38 says
Jesus said the love of the money is the root of all evil. Jesus over-turned the money-making tables at the temple, He was very angry. If a Pastor has, or uses a personal jet, or owns many mansions – Red Flag! avoid that Ministry. Leave it even if others you know attend. Do not be involved in teachings from Prosperity Gospel, Progressive Christianity. Progressive Christianity or Emergent basically offers a very Sinful false Christianity, totally opposite of Bible, this should be very obvious it’s wrong but some are being fooled. The biggest battle is the battle for your soul & enemy uses different baits. Why would the demons change strategy when it’s so effective? Bible warns there will be many false teachers & lovers of money. Church shouldn’t be entertainment time, it’s Praising the Lord time. Some Pastors are only motivational speakers & give no Bible teaching, some don’t even open a Bible. Red Flag from a False Preacher “You can have your best life now” – NO, our best life will actually be in Heaven! Beware of wolves fleecing the sheep, we were warned, read your Bible, it’s mandatory. In the New Testament were Jesus & His disciples rich? No, the exact opposite, hard-working and humble. Love of money can easily cause greed & pride, thinking I can handle it, but our sin nature is deadly. Print a Bible reading Plan from Internet & read your Bible daily & an on-line Bible Study. Many in churches are not saved, but think they are. For years this was me. Don’t look at others relationship with God, read your Bible, & talk to God directly, humbly. Make sure you’re not a False Convert/Sunday-only Christian, it’s not enough, you’ll be left behind when True Church Rapture takes place & we’re warned the Tribulation afterwards will be absolute chaos & if you die shortly you will not be going to Heaven (read Revelation 3:15-22). We also cannot be in willful sin (Hebrews 10:26-31) turn away from your sins and turn to God. As we get our heart right with God we start to “sin less”. If we love anyone or anything more than we love Jesus, we are NOT saved. This is similar to Idolatry. He gave you your family and everything good. If you are embarrassed about Jesus to others, He will be embarrassed about you to His Father. Give Him your loyalty and your heart. Repent if you’ve been getting a buzz/drunk or sleeping with boyfriend/girlfriend, these are examples of willful sin. Deeply apologize to God and stop doing it. Pray about it & God will help you. Jesus is looking at our heart, a deeper daily, repentant relationship is needed. Use this time wisely. Please pray & seek Jesus daily & cry out to Him to help you. A true Ministry is Living, & their UTube channel shows a great way to witness, understanding how we’ve broken God’s Moral Law (10 Commandments) & making 3 of the Commandments personal to the person & how we’re Guilty on Judgement Day as God is also a Holy Judge. Then explain to the person the Gospel (1st Corinthians 15:1-4) which is God’s grace & love message. Often, we give God’s love message first, or “raise your hand if you want to give your heart to Jesus”, this shows no Repentance, so the person goes back to their sin thinking “I tried Christianity it didn’t work for me”, they are not saved. A massive error, churches need to tell people the state they are in & how God sees sin, then the Gospel message. Repentance is NOT a work, it is a command for us, showing a contrite heart towards God. Let’s witness as next step, buy Gospel Tracts from Living Waters theirs have proper message. Ask Holy Spirit to show you true Pastors, use much discernment. Go deep with Jesus seeking His Presence daily, let Holy Spirit guide you. Be Rapture ready, don’t be left behind during the Great Tribulation. Time is getting shorter. God bless!
PL L Sorensen says
The reason Jesus overturned the tables, etc. in the Temple was because he saw the same thing He had witnessed in the Garden of Eden. The souls of men were being bought and sold with trickery and deceit through evil commerce. The Temple had become a place of evil in that it took the half-shekel and made it a tool of trade forcing currency trading that allowed the Jewish leadership to charge as much as they wanted for the currency to keep G-d’s law. It was a sham, much like the current money system. These foreign currency rates were made up out of thin air and forced people to sell everything they owned in some cases. These evil men were transacting business over the souls of men in G-d’s Temple. The regular guy was held hostage to the system. I think the same thing prevails in Christianity unfortunately. I am a Jewish Believer but I didn’t become that way from anyone from the Church. G-d opened my eyes to the truth of Messiah Yeshua. But every time I see men advertising their books, tapes and such it reminds me of the same. Then there’s the famous “spring water” which does miracles. I drink Spring water every single day called Ozarka. And I pray over it too. I think so many are being so deceived and I find it frightening. I am not against anyone having wealth. Frankly I do not care if a Pastor has a jet or not. What I care about is the person who is giving all he/she has to try to fund that dream for someone else. If you want true blessing, just give to the needy and poor. Shalom :)
Don Davies says
It would be really wise to choose a spiritual leader wisely! I only trust a certain black preacher on TV and that is Keion Henderson, . He has done so much for us in the community and it shows his genuine care for us under his leadership!
Suzy says
Funny how God never promises to bless us with poverty? You are off the road. I’m blessed to be a blessing, your employed by mr stinge himself Satan.
Thomas says
Since the 80s and the PTL club and the MEGA churches, the spending habits of the leadership has gone off of the rails. The leadership builds fancy buildings, corrupts the congregations into approving the corrrupt leadership, squeezing the people to give money to go into personal debt, and when hard times come the corrupt pastors give them a twenty, and abandon they to the local food bank, food stamps, thrift store, heating bill assistance, SS, welfare, rental assistance, so the government is their real god. Where did the command about “bringing the tithe into the storehouse so that there would be food on my table” go? Fancy carpeting, lighting, sound systems, chairs, buildings, television cameras, big screens, and all of this junk is raptured? It is not really about individuals but about getting bigger, money, bigger, money, etc.
Marianna Geoffrey says
If you like listening to motivational sermons check Pastor Henderson a black preachers on tv. He is the founder of, CEO, and Senior Pastor of The Lighthouse Church & Ministries. He inspired many people of all genres and backgrounds to face life’s challenging stages with tools, courage, and purpose including me.
Wayne says
I believe any preacher who lives in luxury is not led by the true Holy Spirit of God. Jesus and His apostles were not dirt poor, but they did not live in luxury either. What about all the starving people? Jesus gave to the poor. See Jn. 13:29.